: , , . He is an actor and composer, known for The Grilling (1981), Coup de Torchon (1981) and Loulou (1980). Ai madje ofroi zrin francez t Flynn Ryder n vitin 2010 "Tangled". Kredit e tij drejtuese prfshijn filmin e vitit 2006, "Tell No One" dhe 2011 "Little White Lies", t dy me filmin Francois Cluzet. 22 1973 --. Fotoja ku shihet Cassel n bark sht br pikrisht n ujrat e Saint-Jean-de-Luz. Punimet e kesaj ekspedite kane kater dite qe, FRANC- Aktori i mirnjohur francez Alen Delon i sht nnshtruar nj operacioni n zemr,i cilifatmirsisht ka rezultuar me sukses. Although all too frequently neglected by fans of silent comedy, Max Linder is in many ways as important a figure as Charles Chaplin, Buster Keaton or Harold Lloyd, not least because he predated (and influenced) them all by several years and was largely responsible for the creation of the classic Charles Vanel was a French actor. Ka qene vertet aktor i madh,mund te kishte pasur dhe me shume sukses,po te kishte luajtur ne kinematografine amerikane.Nuk e di sa e vertete eshte,por kam degjuar qe nuk ka pranuar kurre te mesonte anglisht dhe kjo ka qene pengesa.TCM jep here pas here filma te tij qe jane me fame boterore,sigurisht me titra poshte. Ces foils ambiances#poopoopidoo #postconfinusfoilus #foilsursurfing ? : , , , , . In his life he has worked as pharmacist, manager of a theatre, actor and theatre teacher. . list cu 5 filme, creat pe 12 Noiembrie 2010, list cu 5 filme, creat pe 11 Noiembrie 2010, Richard the Stork and the Mystery of the Great Jewel, Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning, Part One. He was an actor and composer, known for Not on the Lips (2003), El hombre del triciclo (1957) and Jaloux comme un tigre (1964). Jean-Paul Belmondo, aktori francez q fitoi fam ndrkombtare n klasiken revolucionare t Jean-Luc Godard, Vala e The apocryphal biography of Fernand Contandin tells the invention of his artistic name Fernandel by his sister-in-law ("Voici le Fernand d'elles"). Falja sht shruese dhe shum trajner t jets dhe msues fetar konsiderojn se His father, named Carlos Luis de Funes de Galarza, was a former lawyer of Seville, Spain, who became a diamond cutter. Gjermania Lindore, fytyra njerzore e socializmit, Kush ishte Konfuci, mendimtari kinez me m shum ndikim n bot, Disa t vrteta universale pr jetn, prej njerzve t urt, Bni kto gjra pr t hequr qafe mendimet negative, 10 msime pr jetn, q nuk jua mson kush n shkoll, Gjrat q nuk duhet t harrosh, do her q ndjehesh e dekurajuar, 20 fakte psikologjike, q do ju ndryshojn mnyrn si e shihni botn. Lajm i zi pr kinematografin botrore. , . Despite of his rude aspect he knew to be the gentleman of the French cinema in the time between the two World Wars. Zbulimi i kesaj statuje shtgjat punimeve q po kryen ekspedita shqiptaro-franceze, n sektorin G t parkut kombtar arkeologjik, n pjesn veriperndimore t qytetit antik. Therefore, his studies were mediocre.His acting debuts were not too Philippe Lotard was born on August 28, 1940 in Nice, Alpes-Maritimes, France. He has been married to Evelyne Bouix since May 31, 2010. Cluzet ishte ylli i thrillerit "Tell No One" t Guillaume Canet, si dhe filmi "The Intouchables" nga viti 2011. Mbretrimi i Terrorit u prshkallzua m tej pas krimit t saj, meqnse Jakobint forcuan prpjekjet pr shkatrrimin e kundrshtarve. Daniel Auteuil was born on January 24, 1950 in Algiers, Alger, France [now Algeria]. He was previously married to Simone Signoret. . Web560 likes, 7 comments - ABC News Albania (@abcnewsal) on Instagram: "Aktori i famshm francez, Gerard Depardie, ka dhn s fundmi nj intervist pr t prj" ABC News Albania on Instagram: "Aktori i famshm francez, Gerard Depardie, ka dhn s fundmi nj intervist pr t prjavshmen Le Point. He died on November 21, 1963 in A beloved, warmly popular French character player and screenwriter in his heyday, Nol Nol was born Lucien douard Nol on August 9, 1897 in Paris. But soon his mother noticed that he was only interested in acting, although his father was against the idea. . He died on July 17, 2010 in Paris, France. Ndr projektet e tjera n vepra, Depardieu luan karakterin e titullit n filmin e ardhshm "Bach". Often labeled as a tough guy because of his roles, eclectic choices and talent have made of him a star of European cinema. , . 1 (2008) and La mujer salvaje (1989). Leaving Aix for Paris, with Jean-Pierre Marielle was born on April 12, 1932 in Paris, France. Daniel Auteuil sht nj nga aktort m t shquar t Francs. In the early 70s he began his screen career collaborating with such directors as Jean-Luc Godard, Andrzej Zulawski, Claude Lelouch and Maurice Pialat. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. WebNj ekspedit e prbashkt arkeologjike franceze-shqiptare, nn drejtimin e prof. Zhan Lyk ka nisur dy dit m par punn n qytetin antik t Apollonis, me synim studimin e Inspired through his having appeared in a Jean Reno was born Juan Moreno y Herrera-Jimnez in Casablanca, Morocco, to Spanish parents (from Andaluca) who moved to North Africa to seek work. He has been married to Elsa Boublil since June 2008. Shikuar n kt drejtim, jemi t bindur se Franca do t ishte mjaft e He died on January 9, 1975 in Pierre Brasseur was born on December 22, 1905 in Paris, France. Any role, any language, Anglade seems to be able to do anything. T jetosh me padurimin pr t arritur n nj vend tjetr. N vitin 2002, regjisori Michel Blanc i ofroi Ulliel nj pjes t vogl n komedin romantike t vitit 2002, "Summer Things". . far dini pr kineman franceze? Lindi n Paris n tetor t vitit 1932 si djali i nj doktori dhe nj kngtareje operistike. Delon u shtrua n spital n Paris t mrkurn pas problemeve q kishte me zemr&e, Belget Zhan-Pier dhe Lyk Dardene presin Palmen e trete te Arte ne Kane me dramen e tyre "Heshtja e Lornes", qe flet per nje grua te re me origjine nga Shqiperia, e cila prej dy vitesh jeton ne Belgjike. Philippe Torreton was born on October 13, 1965 in Rouen, Seine-Maritime, France. Canet si-a inceput cariera in teatru si televiziune, iar mai apoi a trecut la film. Audrey Justine Tautou s-a nascut pe 9 august 1978 in Franta. He is an actor and writer, known for In the House (2012), Molire (2007) and Beaumarchais the Scoundrel (1996). Zhan Zhak Ruso konsideronte se te gjith njerzit, pr nga natyra, jan t barabart. Nol Roquevert, later to develop into the archetypal bossy retired military officer, was born into a family of actors in Brittany. , , . They have one child. , 1995 . Studied law in Aix-en-Provence. - . sht nj rol q ai mund t ket qen i destinuar pr t marr parasysh se babai i tij ishte nj stilist. Aktori francez Benoit Magimel luajti n filma t shumt, si "The Flower of Evil" dhe "The Girl Cut in Two" t Claude Chabrol. Another in the long line of dramatically handsome foreign imports who made an immediate impact on WWII Hollywood was debonair French actor Jean-Pierre Aumont. He was an actor and director, known for Under the Roofs of Paris (1930), The Threepenny Opera (1931) and Cecile Is Dead (1944). Actorul, nscut pe 27 martie 1980, studia pentru a lucra n industria, Trebuie sa fii logat pentru a putea propune actori la aceasta list. Punimet e ksaj ekspedite kan katr dit q kan filluar n sektori, Nje statuje romake e permasave te medha eshte zbuluar ne Apoloni. Spanjollt kafshojn Interin n finale dhe ngren trofeun e 6-t, Komenti trondits i puntorit t fabriks ndaj diktatorit t fundit t Evrops q solln guxim dhe protesta n Bjellorusi, Historia e dhimbshme e familjes Numani n Berat/ Si u vran nga komunistt burrat e ksaj shtpie dhe amaneti n paketn e cigareve. He is married to Josiane Stolru. Sistemi ka si qllim grumbullimin e informacionit mediatik shqiptar, prpunimin e tij bazuar mbi teknika auto-inteligjente dhe m tej prezantimin tek t gjith prdoruesit. . Audrey Tautou. I lindur n vitin 1974, ky vendas i Parisit ka vepruar q , , . Katr mnyra t sigurta pr t qen m agresive, 1998 US Open: Janzen merr m t mir t Stewart Prsri, Abigail dhe David - Abigail ishte gruaja m e menur e mbretit David, Rasti i Ftoht - Vrasjet e Keddie Kabinetit, CD Reggae t Afriks q do Fan duhet t ket, Atomet dhe Teoria Atomike - Udhzues Studimi, Fakte Rreth Eoraptor, Dinosauri i Par i Bots, ACT shnon pr pranimin n Konferencn e Brezit t Diellit, Si t tregoni nse dika sht fush publike. He also worked with the Yves Montand was born on October 13, 1921 in Monsummano Terme, Tuscany, Italy. Working and building up his trade at the Paris Music Hall in Andr Dussollier was born on February 17, 1946 in Annecy, Haute-Savoie, France. It is hard to argue the compliment of one genius to another.The jowly, cigar-chomping comedian was born in Toulon, France on December 17, 1883 of very humble means, his Patrick Chesnais was born on March 18, 1946 in La Garenne-Colombes, Hauts-de-Seine, France. He was an actor and director, known for El cangrejo-tambor (1977), A Bad Son (1980) and Qu es la vida? Michel Bouquet was born in the 14th arrondissement of Paris on the 6 November 1925. Cilat jan bonot e kalorsve n qeveri? He was an actor and director, known for The Three Musketeers (1973), Mesrine: Public Enemy No. He was previously married to Jacqueline Rene Guellerin Allard. He was previously married to Marie-Anne Chazel. , , , . His father was a United Nations diplomat assigned to Switzerland and, as a result, Chris was educated at private boarding schools in Geneva. He died on July 20, 1966 in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Yvelines, France. Alen Delon, njri nga aktort m t njohur francez, i sht nnshtruar nj operacioni n zemr. His lovely animated face with its great Michel Galabru was born on October 27, 1922 in Safi, French Protectorate of Morocco [now Morocco]. French actor, dramatist and director, Sacha Guitry was born in 1885 in Saint-Petersburg where his father, actor Lucien Guitry, was under contract with the city's French theater. In 1999, he became "Loulou" in Un gars, une fille (1999). Tall, bearded, heavy-set Anglo-French character actor, best known internationally for playing Deputy Commissioner Claude Lebel in The Day of the Jackal (1973) and Bond villain Hugo Drax in Moonraker (1979). Ju jeni n blogun AMARUS t aktori francez zhan. He was variously a boxer, photographer, general handyman and right-wing anarchist, finally becoming a stage Fabrice Luchini was born on November 1, 1951 in Paris, France. Zhan Mare u prkiste atyre aktorve t njohur q filmin e kishin profesion e kurrsesi vetm hobi. He is an actor and writer, known for Titane (2021), The Measure of a Man (2015) and La haine (1995). He died on August 25, 2001 in Paris, France. . I slip away Actor | . WebJean Marais. Lindi n Paris n tetor t vitit 1932 si djali i nj doktori dhe nj kngtareje operistike. He died on January 18, 2021 in Paris, France. Un, ju falnderoj pr vizitn e po ashtu edhe pr respektimin e t drejts s autorit, n shumicn e teksteve dhe fotove t publikuara n t. 2023 BalkanWeb. He has been married to Jennifer since May 19, 1984. He died on February 14, 2006 in One of France's most beloved character stars from the 1950s through and including the 1980s was the Italian-born Lino Ventura. He was previously married to Catherine Rich. He trained as an actor with Ren Simon at the cole Dramatique. He was an actor, known for The Rules of the Game (1939), The Grand Illusion (1937) and Sylvie et le fantme (1946). Grard Depardieu sht nj nga aktort m t shklqyer t Francs. : , , , , . Lajmi sht transmetuar nga mediat ndrkombtare pasi sht konfirmuar nga bashkpuntort e tij t ngusht. Shum thon se Auteuil sht jashtzakonisht i ngjashm me Robert De Niro. Rregullat Kryesore; Faqet Ndihmse; Projektet; Artikuj t mir; Artikuj t prkryer; Shkruaj nj artikull; mimet; Ndryshimet m t fundit WebFoto me autograf dhuruar nga Zhan Mare nj muaj para vdekjes Nga Vasil Qesari Shnim: Ky shkrim (variant i shkurtuar) sht botuar n tetor 1998, nj muaj para vdekjes s He died on Georges Wilson was born on October 16, 1921 in Champigny-sur-Marne, Seine [now Val-de-Marne], France. . Ai iu dha emri Jean. N 2003, Lucas u shfaq n tre filma t paraqitur n Festivalin Ndrkombtar t Filmit n Kan: "Tiresia", "Kush e vrau Bambi ?," dhe "Va, petite!". . 21 1950 -. Copyright 2020, T gjitha t drejtat e rezervuara, Sharlot Kordej, aktori q ndryshoi rrjedhn e Revolucionit Francez, Nga buron dembelizmi dhe pse biologt e cilsojn nj sjellje natyrale t njeriut, Teksas: Jeta brenda kutis s printuar n 3D, ku 4 njerz po prgatiten t shkojn n Mars, Mosha e mesme dhe lirimi nga mania pr ti plqyer t tjerve. The comic genius Jacques Tati was born Taticheff, descended from a noble Russian family. He was an actor and writer, known for The Grand Illusion (1937), The Murderer Lives at Number 21 (1942) and Monsieur Vincent (1947). , , . Aktori francez Gaspard Ulliel lindi n vitin 1984 dhe sht nj tjetr shembull i suksesshm i nj aktori francez i cili filloi shum t ri. WebMultiple Choice Questions Subatomic Particles, Strong Beautiful Woman In Italian, , Strong Beautiful Woman In Italian, 1981 : . , , . Ditn e djeshme, aktori francez Vincent Cassel, 51 dhe modelja 21- vjeare Tina Kunakey kurorzuan dashurin e tyre n nj ceremoni intime n Franc, 800 km larg Parisit. He died on Orson Welles once called beloved French character star Raimu (n Jules Auguste Cesar Muraire) "the greatest actor who ever lived." Q ather, ai sht shfaqur n hite si "Quantum of Solace" dhe "The Grand Budapest Hotel". (1999). - , . Este cunoscuta in lumea intreaga pentru rolul din Amlie, He is an actor and director, known for Family Resemblances (1996), Le pressentiment (2006) and Le Havre (2011). - . Sharlot Kordej, aktori q ndryshoi rrjedhn e Revolucionit Francez 06/06/2019. , . Pse vetvrasjet rriten ndjeshm gjat javs s Hns s plot? WebNdaj njerzve q ju kan tradhtuar, vetm kshtu duhet t silleni: Kshilla e menur e nj aktori francez! He died on February 3, 2010 Jean-Pierre Darroussin was born on December 4, 1953 in Courbevoie, Seine [now Hauts-de-Seine], France. - : , : "" , , , , : , , : - , : - , : , - , , 1000 /: , - " " , : , 2023 : , , 95C 73%: , : 30 - -. I lindur n vitin 1948, Depardieu filloi t vepronte me teatrin "Cafe de la Gare". They have two children. He is an actor and writer, known for A Prophet (2009), War Horse (2011) and Diplomacy (2014). His father was fond of literature. In 1995 he began his first one man show, the same year he met Bruno Salomone, Eric Collado, Emmanuel Joucla and Eric Massot with whom he created the "Nous Nous". Duke luajtur prball Juliette Binoche, ai ishte faturuar si "frngjisht Brad Pitt". " Pierre Blanchar was born on June 30, 1892 in Philippeville, Constantine, France [now Skikda, Algeria]. Early on, Sacha knew he was going to be an artist. Megjithat, nj nga rolet e tij m t mira ishte duke luajtur Yves Saint Laurent n filmin 2014 "Saint Laurent". Louis Jouvet was a living glory of the French theatre where he debuted in 1910. Perhaps best known for work in farcical comedies, the tall, handsome actor has appeared in some of France's more outrageous films over the course of his prolific career. Philippe Noiret was one of French cinema's most familiar faces who appeared in more than 140 films in a career that spanned more than half a century.He was born on October 1, 1930, in Lille, Nord, France, into a middle class family of shopkeepers. Nj shkrimtar dhe regjisor, Depardieu sht shfaqur n m shum se 200 filma dhe seri televizive gjat karriers s tij. N foto/ Aktori francez Jean-Paul Belmondo n rolin e Zhos profesionistit Jean-Paul Belmondo, aktori francez i cili fitoi fam ndrkombtare n klasikun e ri revolucionar t Jean-Luc Godard pa frymmarrje, ka vdekur n moshn 88-vjeare I lindur n vitin 1966 n Paris, Martinez goditi skenn amerikane n vitin 1995 me rolin e tij n "The Horseman on the Roof". sht ndar nga jeta n moshn 88-vjeare aktori i njohur francez Jean-Paul Belmondo. M t lexuarat. He was previously married to Rika Radif and Rose Grane. Francois Cluzet sht nj tjetr aktor i vjetr n Franc me 100 role q datojn n fund t viteve '70. Ai kapi syrin e regjisorit Cdric Klapisch ndrkoh q ishte ulur jasht shkolls s tij t mesme t Parisit. He died on December 22, 2020 Jules Berry was born on February 9, 1883 in Poitiers, Vienne, France. . He turned his talents to singing and acting, and made several short films in France. He is an actor and director, known for The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (2007), Bright Days Ahead (2013) and La lectora (1988). Reno settled in France at 17. Emri i vrtet i yjeve t ardhmen e filmit - Jean Alexis Monkorzhe. He had three older brothers: Georges, Bernard and Serge. In 1997 a, Nicolas Duvauchelle este considerat a fi unul dintre cei mai promitori tineri actori din Europa. 31 vitet diferenc mes tyre nuk kan qen kurr nj problem dhe marrdhnia e tyre duket se shkon pr mrekulli dhe sht forcuar me lindjen e vajzs Amazone, q ka ardhur n jet n prill t 2019. Para 2 vitesh . T gjitha t drejtat e rezervuara. He is an actor and writer, known for The Children of the Marshland (1999), Safe Conduct (2002) and The Names of Love (2010). First in La haine (1995), the young actor, Jean-Alexis Moncorg started his career with 15 years at the theatre and debuted at the "Moulin Rouge" in Paris in 1929. Franois Cluzet was born on September 21, 1955 in Paris, France. . . As an actor he can be adored or hated for exactly the same reasons: he is one of those rare players that directors let improvise his dialogue, which gets on certain viewers' nerves while it Bernard Blier was born on January 11, 1916 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Audiencat amerikane e njohin at gjithashtu, fal roleve n vitin 1998 "Njeriu n maskn e hekurit" dhe "Jeta e Pi". Lucas u bashkua prsri me Mollin pr 2005 pr "Lemming", nj thriller n t cilin luajti prball Charlotte Rampling dhe Charlotte Gainsbourg. Le t hedhim nj vshtrim n emrat m t mdhenj t aktorve francez. The son of a sausage-maker, Michel Simon was conscripted into the Swiss Army at the start of World War I, but was thrown out through a combination of tuberculosis and general insubordination. Cilat ishin kualifikimet pr t'u br antar i Senatit Romak? He was previously married to Annette Martin and Gisle Brunet. , . : , -, , , . Jean Paul Belmondo, aktori francez i cili fitoi fam ndrkombtare n klasikn revolucionare t Jean-Luc Godard, ?New Wave? Ndrkoh, pr do interesim Aktori u b i njohur pr publikun shqiptar me rolin tij n filmin ?Zhos Profesionisti?. Richard Bohringer was born on January 16, 1942 in Moulins, Allier, France. Interpretimi i kukulls gjigande, i cili nisi n Parkun O' Higins n Sa, Autori i Lajmit: red.Misioni i prbashkt arkeologjik shqiptaro-francez n qytetin antik t Apollonis ka fiksuar n nj album fotografik t gjitha strukturat e zbuluara si dhe objektet e gjetura gjat grmimeve n qytetin e diellit. ka ndrruar jet n moshn 88 vjeare. 11 1961 -. He was an actor, known for Diabolique (1955), Sylvie et le fantme (1946) and Taras Bulba (1936). . He was an actor and director, known for L'autre (1991), Ridicule (1996) and That Day (2003). , . Linku i lajmit u kopjua. Jean Yanne was born on July 18, 1933 in Les Lilas, Seine-Saint-Denis, France. Ministria pr Kultur, Rini dhe Sport ka thn se suksese si kto zgjojn ndjenja t fuqishme krenarie, njofton Klan Kosova. Vincent Lindon was born on July 15, 1959 in Boulogne-Billancourt, Hauts-de-Seine, France. 16 1934 . Jakobint, besonin se mjetet pr t shmangur nj luft civile t gjithanshme n Franc, ishin identifikimi dhe ekzekutimi i atyre q i kundrshtonin, gj q oi n t ashtuquajturin Mbretrim t Terrorit. , . Regardless of being called 'a dilettante of music', Jacques Dutronc became a very popular French singer and composer since the mid-60s. Certainly one of France's supreme farceurs in the classic tradition, comedian Pierre Richard was born to an upper crust family with an embarrassing riches of middle names as he was christened Pierre Richard Maurice Charles Leopold Defays. 10 1973 -. . Kordej e vrau Mara, duke e goditur me thik pr vdekje, ndrsa ai ishte n vask duke u lar. . He was an actor, known for The Da Vinci Code (2006), Coup de Torchon (1981) and Tous les matins du monde (1991). He died on August 28, 2005 in Lectoure, Gers, France. He has been married to Isabelle Le Nouvel since September 15, 2012. 1967 . 1979 . Guy Marchand was born on May 22, 1937 in Paris, France. Este cunoscuta in lumea intreaga pentru rolul din Amlie, castigator a 4 Premii Cesar, 2 Premii Bafta si 5, Guillaume Canet s-a nascut pe 10 aprilie 1973 in Boulogne-Billancourt, Franta. Sipas Profesor Zhan Lyk, pas vendosjes n Park, Nj statuj romake e prmasave t mdha eshte zbuluar n Apoloni. He was previously married to Marthe Vinot. His mother, named Leonor Soto Reguera, was of Spanish and Portugese extraction.Young Louis Alain Fabien Maurice Marcel Delon was born in Sceaux, Hauts-de-Seine, France, to dith (Arnold) and Fabien Delon. Grard Depardieu was born in Chteauroux, Indre, France, to Anne Jeanne Josphe (Marillier) and Ren Maxime Lionel Depardieu, who was a metal worker and fireman. Marion Cotillard s-a nascut pe 30 septembrie 1975 la Paris. Though born in Great Neck, Long Island, Christopher Lambert's family left the US when he was only two years old. Ai i takon stilit klasicist dhe sht i njohur me veprat e tij: Tebaida, Fedra, Andoromaka, Ifgjenia, . Appealing actor Romain Duris is the exact example of those who arrived in the movie industry by chance, and to stardom without really desiring it. He was previously married to Olga Miovitch and Edith Fontaine. , . 2007. emocione, pamje e njerz t tjer. 65 vjeari ka nj mesazh pr ata q mendojn se ska virus, Festa e Shenjt e Abaz Aliut, Presidenti Meta uron shqiptart: Me besimin se vitin e ardhshm, Taksa progresive e Rams ka dshtuar, solli kaos, Basha: Politika jon fiskale do i rikthej frymmarrjen vendit dhe ekonomis, M fal q st them dot lamtumir, rrqeth djali i kngtares: Luftove deri n fund, shpresoja t t takoja prsri, Humbi betejn me COVID/ N mnyrn m t pazakont, iku nj njeri jo i zakont, shkolla mesazh preks pr vdekjen e kngtares fierake, VIDEO/ Liga e Sevijas! He has been married to Aude Ambroggi since July 22, 2006. He died on October 24, 1961 in Montgeron, Essonne, France. . He died on Pierre Fresnay was born on April 4, 1897 in Paris, France. A career highlight was his role as truck driver Jo in Albert Prjean was born on October 27, 1894 in Pantin, Seine-Saint-Denis, France. Cili sht biikleta e duhur e fmijs pr fmijn tim? His grandfather, Count Dimitri, had been a general in the Imperial Army and had served as military attach to the Russian Embassy in Paris. He is an actor and writer, known for Mesrine: Public Enemy No. His family was Jewish.After spending some time working in his father's hat factory, he emigrated to America Pierre Arditi was born on December 1, 1944 in Paris, France. , , . He was an actor and writer, known for Everybody He Is Nice, Everybody He Is Beautiful (1972), Weekend (1967) and Brotherhood of the Wolf (2001). , , , . He was an actor and writer, known for So Long, Stooge (1983), You Won't Have Alsace-Lorraine (1977) and Le bon roi Dagobert (1984). Grard Jugnot was born on May 4, 1951 in Paris, France. Debuteaza de mica cu roluri in filmele realizate de tatal sau, Jean-Claude Cotillard, urmeaza cursurile de arta, Audrey Justine Tautou s-a nascut pe 9 august 1978 in Franta. David Smiley, oficeri legjendar britanik q donte t prmbyste komunizmin n Shqipria nuk u kthehet m aktorve t damkosur, Rama nga Librazhdi: 14 m Publikohet prgjimi, si i blinte votat kandidati i PS-s n Rrogozhin. Jean-Paul Belmondo, aktori francez q fitoi fam ndrkombtare n klasiken revolucionare t Jean-Luc Godard, Vala e Re pa frym, ka vdekur n moshn 88. . Ekspedita e drejtuar nga arkeologu francez Zhan L. Infoarkiva sht nj projekt i mirfillt informatik. He was an actor and director, known for Crime and Punishment (1935), The Man from Nowhere (1937) and Christine (1937). Ishte n 2007 kur Ulliel bri debutimin e tij t filmit n anglisht, duke luajtur nj Hannibal Lecter t paharrueshm dhe t ri n "Hannibal Rising". Nusja preferoi t ishte sa m e thjesht veshur me nj fustan bust, grim dhe kaurrela natyrale. French character star Jean Rochefort expressed an interest in acting early in life. He was an actor and writer, known for Le Grand Amour (1969), As Long as You've Got Your Health (1966) and Yoyo (1965). He was previously Mathieu Amalric was born on October 25, 1965 in Neuilly-sur-Seine, Hauts-de-Seine, France. Hippolyte Girardot was born on October 10, 1955 in Boulogne-Billancourt, Hauts-de-Seine, France. Lambert Wilson was born in Paris and studied acting at the Drama Centre in London.A fluent English speaker, he made his feature film debut at the age of twenty-two in Fred Zinnemann's Five Days One Summer (1981) starring opposite Sean Connery. He died on October 14, 2016 in One of the most popular and respected actors to come from the French "New Wave" film movement, Jean-Claude Brialy was born to a military family, which included one brother, in French colonial Algeria on March 30, 1933. They have one child. At the beginning of the thirties he became a typical actor of the comedy genre: popular, common, likable and with a concealed grain of drama. He began studying drama and has credits in French television and theater as well as films. : , , , . De battre mon coeur s'est arrt. Aktori francez, Zhan Huh Anglade, q ndodhej n tren, mbeti i plagosur pasi theu xhamin pr ti rn alarmit. He is an actor, known for The Intouchables (2011), Tell No One (2006) and French Kiss (1995). Laurent Lucas u rrit n fam me rolin e nj babai t ri t torturuar, i cili n thrillerin e frikshm 2000 t Mollit t Dominik, "Me nj mik si Harry". He was an actor, known for Jean de Florette (1986), The Wages of Fear (1953) and Z (1969). Claude Rich was born on February 8, 1929 in Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin, France. "Duhet qe aktoret te zhvishen pak nga e zakonshmja e tyre, qe te jene mire", pohojne ata ne nje b, SANTIAGO-Nj kukull e strmadhe, madje gjigande, e njohur me emrin "Gjigandi i Vogl", u paraqit prpara rreth 60,000 kilianve n Santiago. Aktori i njohur shqiptar Florjan Binaj ka folur si rall her pr rolet q ai imiton.

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