During the vigil held outside the death house as Billy Hughes was being executed in Huntsville, Texas on January 24, 2000, death penalty supporters -- and opponents -- were amazed and confounded to see a brass band in full regalia marching up the hill towards them. On June 9, 1988, a jury found Hughes guilty of the charged capital offense. penalty, which I agree with," he said, adding that initially some of the Officials on the scene said it appeared the group was Florida oranges, Texas cactus We kill convicts just for practice! "They're not here all the time?" for the blind and even worked from his cell as a registered legislative This chaplain pointedly said, "the doctor is in the next room, not in the execution chamber. "They were doing synchronized Hughes filed a notice of appeal on February 11, 1998, but the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit on October 5, 1999, also denied permission to appeal. The chaplain replied that at least he is there and sometimes he is the only one there for the person being executed. On September 10, 1997, Hughes filed a petition for writ of habeas corpus and a motion to stay his September 19, 1997, execution in federal district court. "WHILE THE BAND PLAYS ON," by Philip Brasfield. The implications are obvious. If there had been cheerleaders, which there were, you can bet he wasn't surprised. "No, you punish him. Hamilton said he "couldn't speculate" on why the antics were disavowed by the officers shot at him, leading him to fire one shot which struck and Due to family considerations he left Hollywood in the early 1960's despite a promising career. The Bushes and the Buckleys and folks like them ignore the obvious. Billy twice served as editor of the Death Row Journal and contributed numerous cartoons for its pages. Jay Martel wandered through the pro-death-penalty crowd outside the Huntsville prison on the night of January 24 without arousing suspicion. Willie Sr. would later say, "I've never experienced anything so devastating in my life," according to the People. Trooper Jack Reichert got out of the patrol car almost immediately after Frederick did. The troopers followed Hughes's car on Interstate 10 until it exited the highway. putting Texas and George W. Bush under the spotlight on the death penalty The cheerleaders were rocking out with all the intensity of a step club, but the witnesses had just emerged from the watching area, and both those for and against the death penalty turned to show their support. They were already standing, but they sure hollered. being he was. Billy asked us to help him with the menu. In one of his tedious and contentious syndicated columns published a few days after Billy's execution, Mr. Buckley took to task all those who would unfairly "badmouth the death penalty" in general, and anyone in particular, who has the un-American gall and audacity to criticize Gov. "There must be a prescription somewhere that is signed by a doctor. my debt to society, I am due a rebate and a refund, but I love you all, At the time of his death he survived by his large extended friends and family. would claim his innocence was hard to take. Billy will be missed by us all. After the morning visit, Billy was transported from death row at the Ellis Unit to the Walls Unit in Huntsville where the execution would take place. "I would gladly trade the last 24 years if it would bring back Mark Hill was sworn to secrecy when he was contacted by the show, but during his last visit with Hughes before the execution, he says, "I had to confide in Billy what was going on. Hughes then drove to Pensacola, Florida, where he passed a worthless one hundred fifty dollar check. Hughes' second conviction and sentence were automatically appealed to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals. Hughes admitted to the stolen car and credit card, as well as a string of other thefts and robebries, but claimed that the police opened fire on him and he just blindly fired a shot which killed Officer Frederick. Their cheers soon petered out, however, silenced by a kind of dazed consternation close on the heels of the realization that somebody was being duped, as a scantily clad troupe of hired cheerleaders accompanying the band began to chant: "Bush, Bush, he's our man, If he can't kill 'em, no one can!" not because it's right -- but because it's their destiny. Dr. Joseph Jachimczyk, who performed the autopsy on Trooper Mark Frederick, testified that the bullet that killed Frederick struck him on the upper left arm, exited on the inside of the arm, entered his chest on the left, and finally exited from his back upper-right mid-back. In this issue I would like to remember all who have served this organization and given of their time and energy. I wonder what the doctor writes down as the purpose of this prescription." His nsensitivity towards Karla Faye Tucker's petition for clemency "For Many, Supporting Capital Punishment is a Personal Matter," by Allan Turner. A native born in Daytona Beach on February 11, 1975 to William and Kathy Hughes. the most vulgar thing you have ever seen." police officers soon began, with Hughes being found near Sealy about 2 Billy, however, joked with everybody including his keepers. Hughes next headed for Jacksonville, Florida, where he sawed off the barrel of the shotgun as short as possible and concealed it in his trunk. How did Hughes take the news that his death would be surrounded by satirical fanfare? by mge-6 The murder conviction and death sentence were reversed on appeal due to a jury selection error. Every one ofthose countries which have ended their "danse macabre" with capital punishment now experience far less violence and fewer murders than does the U.S. After Hughes pulled onto an interstate exit ramp, Trooper Mark Frederick approached the driver's side of the Ford. Hughes's ex-wife, Beth Rounds, related that Hughes was a violent husband who hit, slapped, punched, and choked her. Internet Sources: New restrictions have made it impossible for the LHP to continue to be governed by prisoners. The clerk then left Hughes's room to notify the motel security guard of the problem. Hughes left Chattanooga for a small town to the northwest, where he burglarized a car and stole a 9 millimeter automatic in a holster, a .45 pistol in a holster, a .300 Magnum rifle with a scope, a .30 caliber carbine, .38 caliber shells, and an empty holster. for various offenses in his home state of Alabama and was wanted for On the evening of April 4, 1976, two Texas state troopers pulled over the 1975 Ford LTD Billy George Hughes was driving on Interstate 10 near Sealy, Texas. Over the next 24 years, Hughes was twice convicted of the crime. Billy stayed for another 19 years until death set him free. penalty opponent and an equally passionate defender of victims' rights Billy was already lying on his back on the table with his right arm outstretched and the needle in it. -- supported by Pope John Paul II, the Rev. For example, this chaplain had been present in over 100 executions. ", 10th murderer executed in U.S. in 2000 Trooper Frederick's aorta and heart were struck, resulting in internal hemorrhaging, shock, and then death. While Billy seemed to be in total control, I was starting to spin out-of-control with a certain "makes me wanta holler" anger and frustration. It enrages her that Hughes has not been among the 100 men put to death thus far in Texas. BILLY HUGHES JR. Died Dec. 20, 2005 Former child actor Billy Hughes died at age 57. I pursued, "Doesn't he violate his Hippocratic oath to do no harm if he indicates to the warden to continue the injection." Hughes stayed in Jacksonville for a few days during which time he cashed a few more stolen checks and inquired into buying some more guns. Texas Public Safety Officer Mark Frederick pulled Hughes car over on Interstate 10 after hearing the dispatch of the stolen credit card and a vehicle description. lobbyist. Hughes' bid for help on Monday. A search of the car revealed the following items: one holster for an automatic handgun on the front seat, one holster for a revolver in the glove compartment, and the following items in the trunk of the car: a fully loaded .30 caliber carbine; a loaded, sawed-off short barrel twelve-gauge shotgun; a .300 Magnum rifle; extra .38 caliber shotgun ammunition; and a Halloween mask. As the antis struggled to maintain their circle vigil, the pros turned into fans at a football game. "All I ask is that I have one day, and I wonder what the doctor writes down as the purpose of this prescription." A contributing editor to The Other Side magazine, Brasfield is an advisor to the Board of the Texas Coalition Against the Death Penalty and Assistant Executive Director of The Lamp of Hope Project.] But the sentiments in favor of capital punishment always seem to run strongest among those whose lives actually have been touched by violent crime. Also, and I'm not sure I can write this thought clearly. Trooper Mark Frederick was later declared dead in the ambulance en route to the Sealy Medical Center. When Officer Frederick approached the car, he was shot dead by the driver, who sped away. he asked, pushing the limits of playing dumb. The car had many bullet holes, and its trunk contained a loaded, sawed-off shotgun and several other weapons. executions, which by their nature are dismal, depressing and decidedly anti-photo-op for aspiring politicians large and small. As soon as Ranger Scholton pointed his gun out the helicopter at Hughes, Hughes dropped his weapon and was taken into custody. being he was. As the helicopter hovered a few feet above the ground, Hughes pointed a gun at the helicopter. penalty opponent and an equally passionate defender of victims' rights I knew Billy Hughes and counted him as a friend. Citizens United for the Rehabilitation of Errants, or CURE organization, Hughes only stayed in Pensacola for a day or two before leaving for Orlando. at that point.". Your search results may include information about the deceased person ( Name and Date of Birth) and Death Details ( Date of Death . would claim his innocence was hard to take. (Charles Sullivan is executive director of CURE (Citizens United for Rehabilitation of Errants), a national prison reform organization. Frederick was struck in the chest. Frederick and his wife, Jane, had a small child, Denise, and were expecting another. "It was truly disgusting," said Clements. Juniors Bush and Buckley are made uncomfortable when the machinery which maintains the minutiae of state sanctioned murder slips a cog and allows the rest of the world a glimpse of the human suffering that touches everyoneassociated in the ritualized revenge that capital murder extracts. "The cheerleaders?" As his mother described it, "He was blown all over the road." mother her health," he continued. ABOLISH Archives (Scripps Howard News Service) police officers soon began, with Hughes being found near Sealy about 2 The database also contains older death records for some parishes, such as deaths that occurred in Jefferson parish before 1911, and deaths that occurred in Orleans parish as early as . I immediately confronted him asking how could he be part of this execution. In his testimony at trial, Hughes related the details of a lengthy crime spree that ended with the capital murder of Trooper Mark Frederick. Pardons are for wimps! The episode is expected to air on Bravo sometime next season. all the memories of you and my family and all the things that have death penalty after the Hughes execution Monday. "I'll be happy not to hear any more lies," she added. [7] Wales Hughes's mother died in May 1869, when he was six years old, he was really sad and stayed at home for 2 months. "What if after examination the doctor detects a heartbeat?" When the clerk confronted Hughes in his room about the stolen card, she noticed a gun on his bed. State attorney at Hughes' 2nd trial, also felt Hughes' claims of innocence Hughes then went to Atlanta, Chattanooga, and Nashville. Frederick, 26, had been a trooper for 5 years when he stopped Hughes' Approaching the Ford behind Frederick, Reichert heard a "muffled shot" and saw Frederick "lurch" to the side. It meant having his picture taken with "free world" friends with a partial glass and screen partition separating me from Billy. His kindness continued to blunt my anger as I asked about how the medicine used in the execution is prescribed. According to police reports, Hughes shot the trooper in the chest as he then, "No!" Teer thanked several people before adding, "I hope and pray that no other escapade had misrepresented themselves and hyped aspects of the event, ProDeathPenalty.com The Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty stood at the right end of the same yellow tape, forming a circle and singing "We Shall Overcome." It doesn't have to be. Texas," said a statement jointly released by groups for and against the He was also a longtime friend of Hughes's, even receiving a posthumous, and postage-due, letter from the inmate expressing his love, admiration and gratitude as he headed for his "final sunset." It was unknown who might have been financing the filming. "I would gladly trade the last 24 years if it would bring back Mark There were "wisecracks" and jokes, even gallows humor. Officials on the scene said it appeared the group was Executed January 24, 2000 by Lethal Injection in Texas 10th murderer executed in U.S. in 2000 608th murderer executed in U.S. since 1976 5th murderer executed in Texas in 2000 204th murderer executed in Texas since 1976 Since 1976 Date of Execution State Method Murderer (Race/Sex/Age at Murder-Execution) Date of Birth 01-26-00 - TEXAS: A massive manhunt involving as many as 500 Although younger than me by a few years, Billy was an "old timer" on death row when I arrived there in 1978. An abandoned car with matching description was found several miles away. Mark, justice has Date of Death: December 20, 2005. They were handing out anti-George W. Bush signs and George W. Bush's George, George, he's our man, If he can't kill 'em, no one can, Who's the best on the killing scene? It is that the persons actually being executed are those who will have the greatest influence on finally banishing the death penalty from our society. 4 min read. Their cheers soon petered out, however, silenced by a kind of dazed consternation close on the heels of the realization that somebody was being duped, as a scantily clad troupe of hired cheerleaders accompanying the band began to chant: "Bush, Bush, he's our man, If he can't kill 'em, no one can!" Billy E. Hughes was born on November 28, 1948 and died on December 20, 2005. Chants are shouted and exchanged. Murderer(Race/Sex/Age at Murder-Execution) Mark Louisiana Death Records. The death penalty brings out the worst sentiments of society and does nothing for victims. As the Ford sped away, Reichert shot several times at the car. While many DPS officers were on hand for the execution, so were several Date ofBirth After failed attempts to ignore the demonstration, shout down the cheerleaders, circle the band and blame Canada for the fiasco, attentions finally turned to Martel, who seemed to be enjoying all the mischief a little too much. can now rest in peace and our nightmares will end knowing that Billy On January 15, 1998, the federal district court denied Hughes's petition for writ of habeas corpus and vacated the previously issued stay of execution. All I ask is that I have one day, and all the memories of you and my family and all the things that have happened. Date ofSentence Michael Moore, best known for "Roger and Me," a documentary film that Billy Hughes #556 was executed January 24th in Huntsville. Truth" denied any deception in filming the event. The show that has invited an HMO to a funeral, put a 24-hour Web cam on Lucianne Goldberg and earned a restraining order from the CEO of the biggest polluter in America this time recruited some like-minded actors/activists from Houston's maverick theater company Infernal Bridegroom Productions and descended on Huntsville. I would gladly trade the last 24 years if it would bring back Mark Frederick--give him back his life, give back my father his life and my mother her health. Billy George Hughes Jr. - one was a group of more than 20 uniformed Texas The court also denied permission to appeal. Re: What Happened??? "Tonight, Billy George Hughes Jr. Generally, they peacefully coexist like this until the witnesses emerge from the execution, indicating that everyone can go home. everything," he said. I left death row in 1981. During his investigation, Agent Owens also learned that Hughes had previously threatened to kill a young child and had frequently beat his wife when she complained of his criminal conduct. I know if I He was also a longtime friend of Hughes's, even receiving a posthumous, and postage-due, letter from the inmate expressing his love, admiration and gratitude as he headed for his "final sunset."

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