Lawlor, M.J., Louca, A. capacity at the worst time of the season, unless supplementary feeding is available at times of roughage scarcity. (Ed. Nomadism/Exclusive pastoral system: in addition to the modified semi-intensive management of the cattle by herders, [12] other pastoral management systems commonly practised by cattle herders in the country include the exclusive, transhumant and agro pastoral systems. (iv) Walls can be made of bricks, mud or wood. slaughtered before there is any need for castration. Economides, S. 1984. Under these conditions feed intake of sheep 1969. physical form of concentrate diets affects efficiency which is lower on a mash diet than on pelletted or whole Balliere Tindall, London. Papachristoforou, C, Roushias, 1 What are the advantages and disadvantages of semi intensive farming? Sci.,44: 927931. These management systems are basically influenced by cheap means of feeding the stock all year round. ROUND WORM OF PIGS161. 59, Agr. low growth in meat and milk production. intensive systems of production the performance of Rev. intermediate. overstocking or when the time of lambing is 19541979. their mature weight. reduced during the period from 2 weeks to 3 months IN : Nutrition and Systems of goat feeding, Symposium 1st Floor, Ebenezer House, Kawempe, Kampala, Uganda. Edinburgh. J. Agric; Sci., Camb., +0: 375379. This may not be unconnected with the relatively cheaper cost of beef in relation to mutton or goat meat. Goat farming is a very profitable business as the feed cost in semi-intensive goat farming is very low because they thrive on weeds and herbs. housing(iv) Ensures fair distribution of manure (waste) which is used for fertilizer(v) It is difficult to implement a planned breeding programme(vi) There is little effort to control pests(vii) Animals fall victim to thieves and predators(viii) It is difficult to control disease outbreak(ix) Lots of efforts needed in controlling the animals(x) Productivity of animal is low i.e. Twin suckling ewes The common herd size for Damascus goats is 200-300 goats. Milk for calves and humans from dams on supplements averaged 128 and 179 litres/cow/year. The materials chosen must be very absorbent. 1972; Lawlor et al., 1974; Louca et al.,1975; Sheep and goat extensive production systems are conducted in many different parts of the world, and they often use essentially marginal areas unsuitable for crop production, characterized by low productivity per animal and per surface area. growth rate. It must have laying boxes for laying flocks. Any unit containing diseased birds should be lifted immediately and carried to an isolated area away from the units being tucked in the same area. A post-mortem study of another major abattoir based in Lagos, Nigeria, between 2004 and 2007 showed that the slaughtered cattle portends a health risk to beef consumers as about 1.91% of the slaughtered cattle had lesions of diseases comprising tuberculosis, fascioliasis, internal myasis, dermatophilosis and cystercosis [38,30]. adequate pasture and supplementation arises only when there is Implementing the intensive sheep farming system via excel spreadsheet. condition. It is a more economical use of land in comparison to the free-range system. Klopfenstein, T. 1978. Livestock research development: development of the Nigerias livestock industry will not magically occur, but through conscientious efforts in livestock research. It is desirable to provide at least two runs for alternating use to avoid build up of disease and parasites. roughage production and supplementary feeding, Buck (Billy) Adult male goatDoe (Nanny) Adult female goatKid A young or baby goatWether A castrated male goatKidding Act of giving birth (parturition) in goatChevon Meat of goat. varies widely both in quantity and quality. slaughter weight of lambs and kids depends on the desired carcass quality and Home > Grass and Forage Science 37:8993. Agric. A that from the castrates. infusion directly into the abomasum (Economides, Combination of the orthodox and ethno-veterinary care could thus save the animals of impaired health and enhance productivity. 1982. Economides, S. 1980. For small flocks of 50 birds, 25 square meters should be allowed for each bird; for flocks of over 50 birds, 13 square meters per bird is efficient. NO ONE WAY IS BEST! within a country under certain conditions. Morand-Fehr, P. & Sauvant, Evaluation of targeted drenching using Famacha method in Creole goat: Reduction of anthelmintic use, and effects on kid production and pasture contamination. P. Morand-Fehr, The fold unit is systematically moved over an area of grassland. Pests and diseases control: in terms of control of livestock diseases, the livestock farmers hardly take up veterinary treatment of the affected animal(s), especially the small ruminant farmers, as they considered the veterinary treatment as too expensive to bear (Fabusoro, Lawal-Adebowale & Akinloye, 2007; Oluwafemi, 2009). fibre and the utilization of poor roughages than sheep Feeders and waterers are attached along the side of each unit in such a way that they can be fed from outside. the period between one reproductive cycle and the next, has a Semi-intensive goat production is a compromise between widespread and intense goat farming that is used in some flocks with restricted pasture. It is a general practice to divide the run area into 2 sections using wire netting in order to restrict the birds in one-half of the available grassland while the other part is resting. Hadjipanayiotou, M. 1982. This is based on the fact that, as the animals are allowed to freely roam the neighbourhood they readily contact infectious diseases or pests from other infected animals they mixed with in the course of fending for themselves, and may as well sustain injuries which in turn may eventually impair their health status and probably lead to their deaths (Lawal-Adebowale & Alarima, 2011). Camb., 7,75: It is more suitable for commercial egg production than free range. Goat Production and Disease, Goat Production. grazing poor quality roughage and vitamin A when animals subsist on dry Hand or machine milking after (viii) Each housing unit used in goat rearing should be provided with a hay-rack or manger for feeding hay or silage. of Sheep. lamb gain of 1:1 and for kids 1.1to 1.3. It is This helps avoid deuteriation of the land and infestation with droppings. In order to overcome these gruesome effects of pests and diseases on the ruminants, it becomes essential for the livestock farmers to either prevent or control the incidence of the diseases. The present level of productivity of goats and sheep in developing countries is Gihad, E.A., El-Badawy, T.M. The commonly adopted extensive and semi-intensive management systems for the farm animals may however make it difficult for the livestock farmers to consciously and conscientiously prevent the incidence of pest and disease infestation on their animals. year the time between weaning and mating should enable ewes to replenish Goats are thirsty animals and must drink around 4 liters of water daily. This will help overcoming the shortage of chevon or goat meat in the state. I.E. Blanchart, D. & Sauvant, D. 1974. This system saves labour, increases production, maintains records, and reduces mortality It however requires high capital expenditure in terms of housing, medication and feeding.Housing Goat houses are intended to offer protection against bad weather, predators and to provide an ideal environment for the development of the animals. Review., 47: 3848. 80100%. Low levels of energy during late pregnancy lead to pregnancy toxaemia Systems of Rearing Cattle, There three systems of rearing cattle. carrying twins would have an energy requirement of about 2.5 Elsevier Scientific these improved areas animals may be brought at mating, during late pregnancy With this, efficient data and information on farm animals health status, productivity, feeding regime and feed conversion could be readily monitored. mainly on crop residues and conserved roughage). In essence, the livestock research institutes need to ensure proper and up-to-date characterisation of breeds of ruminants occurring pests and diseases in livestock, and the lethal effects of ill-health causative agents on the animals. Res. the values for semi-intensive management system were found at 52.15 0.80, 57.050.47 and 58.430.63 mg/dl in summer, rainy and winter season, respectively (Fig.2).The higher level of glucose in semi-intensive management system may be due to the goats under extensive system might have utilized levels Stocking rate J. However, these full requirements Exchange rate at N160 to US$1 as at March 2012. Gaili, E.S.E., Ghanem, Y.S.& Mukhtar, A.M.S. Tech. farming system, and is typical of the arid and semi-arid regions of the world. Huston, J.E.1978. animals is improved and higher inputs used with the This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Can banks make loans out of their required reserves? 1618, October, 1984. Agric. Louca, A. An intensive goat system does not require expensive infrastructure, according to Mariaan Grobler, but sound management is crucial Mariaan Grobler loves her goats. forage as possible and satisfy the largest part of increased with either early weaning or restricted suckling. 213218. Under such This means that a 50 kg ewe The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. The fold unit must be removed at the beginning of the day so that the birds are not scared when they begin their daily activities. 1980. You must log in to post a comment.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'fabioclass_com-leader-3','ezslot_9',656,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-fabioclass_com-leader-3-0'); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. requirements. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. (Economides & Louca, 1981). The veterinary traditional medicine practices may still be of value in the animal health care, but should be subjected to scientific investigation for efficacy. Social scientists inclusion in livestock research development is crucial as this disciplines helps to ascertain the psychology of the ruminant keepers and their economic status to adopt and adapt generated livestock innovation. Most of the available ruminants in the country are however of indigenous breeds. improvement of the existing land for increasing production or by supplementary feeding. Meat production from sheep and goats as the main product and wool, fibre There Specifically, the diseases include rinderpest, foot-and-mouth disease, and contagious bovine pleuropneumonia to be the common diseases of cattle in Nigeria. Unlike beef and mutton, goat meat are generally considered and consumed as delicacy. : In this system, the goats are confined within, the stall in a building with limited access to grazing. in intensive systems may rely on large quantities of crop residues or on small levels did not influence the performance of Damascus goats They have to be supplemented when fed Its based on principles of collaboration, unobstructed discovery, and, most importantly, scientific progression. It is a house and a run combined in which the birds live all the time. lactating ewes and goats is 50 to 100% higher than dry animals (Peart, 1982). However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. Intensive (grazing on improved pastures, zero grazing, was 8, 13.5and 18.5for identified: Extensive (migratory, free range, pasture or range grazing). is needed to replenish calcium losses (Economides, Production characteristics of surveyed cattle in the Kaduna plain of Nigeria, entails an average of 45.9 head, out of which 64.4% were females; 60months (5years) as first age of calving, 25months (about 2years) of calving intervals and calving percentage of 48%. The F1 Friesian x Bunaji cow (50%) gives 1684 kg, the 3/4 (75%) gives 1850 kg and the 7/8 gives 2051 kg of milk in a lactation of about 260 days. How do you I stop my TV from turning off at a time dish? Nests should also be well littered especially in wet conditions to minimize the soiling of the eggs by the birds muddy feet. The principal disadvantage is the need for high quality litter. by the farmers either because some of the data obtained in developed temperate countries are not appropriate for the The stocking rate is calculated on the total area of the grassland enclosed by the run. The extent of grazing is influenced by the area available and other considerations such as labour and time. Based on the need for adequate feeding, it is believed that about 85% of cost of livestock production is feeding, and given the poverty status of most livestock farmers and poor marketing system of farm animals, hardly could they take up supplementary feeding. growth of vegetation in winter and so flocks B. In some cases, goats are unsuited at day times. of Osmanabadi goats under semi-intensive system. IN: Proc. pregnancy and early lactation. Z.O. Forage on the on the other hand hardly become available during the dry season for consumption of the ruminant; and coupled with the declining grazing land as a result of the ever increasing land cultivation for arable crop production, alternative feed sources for the animals becomes essential. can be given warm or cold (Penning et al., 1973) and should contain 2025% One of the changing conditions that made the southern/humid region of the country habitable for cattle rearing was the drastic reduction in the incidence of tsetse fly (Glossina spp) infestation- a vector of the cattle disease known as trypanosomoses or sleeping sickness, in the region. (inadequate feed supply and low quality roughage) resulting in low energy intake. The effect of supplementing a poor roughage diet Good milk replacers have conversion rates of milk solids into On another note, ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection of the ruminants, particularly cattle, meant for slaughtering across the major abattoirs in the country further underline the poor state of ruminant, especially cattle, management in the country. During the first 15 weeks of pregnancy energy requirements increase by 15%, providing J. Nutr. Goat's milk and meat has a huge domestic demand and goat is one of the choicest meat and milk source. One unit of lamb liveweight gain results from 5 units of sheep milk consumed (Economides, 1984; Robinson et al.,1969), 3 What are the disadvantages of semi-intensive? TAPE WORM160. This prevents diseases from the farm since birds are inspected easily from outside and sick ones are isolated. According to Dipeolu (2010), most of the diagnosed livestock diseases in the country were identified to be bacteria, viral, fungi and parasitic-caused diseases. Due to its high demand and good economic prospects, commercial goat farming under intensive or semi-intensive system has been gaining momentum for the past few years. Nat. In essence, directional movement of herds by the transhumance has much to do with where the precipitation supports the presence of forage (higher-rainfall zones) and the available opportunity to cultivate crops, though not necessarily for marketing but to meet their households food needs. The male herders however return at the start of the wet season to help with crop cultivation and where necessary, household income is supplemented with the sales of surplus male sheep or cattle. Anim. The extensive management system is however largely applied for the WAD sheep and goats than for other breeds such as Balami, Uda and Yakansa breeds of sheep; and Sokoto Red goats in southwest Nigeria. There is a very slow But with the changing climatic trends in the country, the sub-humid zone and its characteristics rainfall distribution range of 1000 1500mm, vegetative cover and moderately dry periods, now enclaves about 45% of the cattle in the country. I.E.Coop). Goat is a hollow horned small ruminant also belonging to the family Bovidea of the genus capra. It does not involve expensive equipment which can be constructed by the average man at a low cost and without difficulties. above 40 kg (Miller, 1968; Andrews and Orskov, 1970) while If dropping boards are used, they should be scrapped clean each morning and droppings removed to a place outside the poultry run. grazing near inhabited areas and other supplementary feed). Foetal energy requirements in the final stage The larger proportion of the ruminant livestock in Nigeria lies in the hands of herders who keep them under extensive and semi-intensive management systems, whereby the animals only rely on natural pasture and crop residue for survival. However, the milk ITOVIC, Paris. . It is more common in medium potential zones where the population is not too high. Tuscon Arizona, U.S.A. Peart, J.N.1967. Feeders and waterers are situated in the run or around the house. eliminated and feed conversion Agric. And given the role of the livestock in sustenance sustenance of rural livelihoods and employment generation, farm traction and transportation, it becomes essential for serious attention to be given the livestock sector for productive and sustainable development in the country. IN: Journee Profitable livestock marketing system: among all other agricultural enterprise production, livestock management remains a delicate and expensive venture; it however has the potentials of profitable returns. Prod. 1983. The Taurines on other hand include Keteku, Ndama and Kuri [11, 12]. In this system, goats are confined to smaller areas and given a more balanced diet that includes hay and grain . & Eyal, E. 1970. ECTO PARASITES163. (Hadjipanayiotou et al., 1975), ammoniation (Sundstol et al.,1978), with protected protein and/or glucose, Basic diet = poor quality oat chaff, urea, sugar, minerals and vitamins, Fig. Due to its good economic prospects, goat rearing under intensive and semi-intensive system for commercial production has been gaining momentum for the past couple of years. doubt that considerable increase in The requirements for digestible crude Assam Livestock and Poultry Corporation Ltd. National Project on Bovine Breeding (NPBB), Livestock Health and Disease Control (LH&DC), Statement of Immovable & Movable Property Return, Jamuna Valley Dugdha Utpadak Samabai Samity, Nagaon. Drugs vaccines should be administered at appropriate time to prevent the outbreak of these diseases. 32: Work Flevohof. the level of nutrition in the immediate pre-mating and of great importance. pp 90104. 1977. J. Anim. and economic considerations (H.F.R.O.,1979). same breed (Economides, 1984). Sheep: Nigeria has a population of about 8 to13.2million sheep out of which about 3.4million are found the southern/humid region and the larger proportion of the animal in the northern region of the country. roughage resource and it's nutritive value can be improved with nitrogen supplementation pp 122132. J. Agric. depends on the age at mating. Assessment of seasonal pattern of tick load on Bunaji cattle under the traditional management by [31] revealed the dominant tick species as Amblyomma variegatum; Boophilus decoloratus, Rhipicephalus (simus) senegalensis, R. tricuspis and Hyalomma spp. Tech. Abstr., 30: 6787. INTENSIVE SHEEP PRODUCTION CONFINEMENT DRY LOT ZERO GRAZING SUSAN SCHOENIAN Sheep & Goat Specialist University of Maryland Extension - sheep and There are many different ways to raise, manage, feed, and market sheep. Crop The same poor management system accounted for poor performance of the exotic breeds imported into the country in the 70 (Blench, 1999). Veterinary Parasitology. This leads to economies of scale and directly contributes towards meeting the ever-growing demand for food supplies. Such disorders are Res. It is known that ambient conditions may directly affect the behavior of birds reared in the semi-intensive system. which may support 37 to 45 goats per acre. 2010 Maurice Mahieu. 16051630. In most cases, it is desirable to provide at least two runs for alternating use to avoid the build-up of diseases and parasites. 16: 4957. In addition, the agropastoralists often act as brokers in establishing cattle tracks and negotiation of camping of herds on farms, whereby crop residues can be exchanged for valuable manure, and as well for rearing of work animals, all of which add value to overall agricultural production. Common routine measures that can adopted for goat health care and sanitation include:(i) The goat pens and stalls should washed and cleaned daily. and management practices but there are limits set by genotype. FAO, ECE Committee on IN : Sheep and urea was substituted for soyabean as the protein source for lambs carcass gain, feed intake and feed efficiency were embryos to term as viable lambs (Gunn, 1967). protein range from 2.3 2.8g /kg 0.75 for sheep and goats for maintenance, Disease such as pneumonia, especially PPR, as the major causes of deaths in of ruminants; diarrhoea is mostly caused by parasitic gastroenteritis and PPR; and abortions and neonatal deaths are associated with starvation. beneficial effect of suckling did not extend beyond the time of weaning. environmental conditions is higher with sheep and goats of high genetic potential. In the mountanious Although, there are varying estimations of cattle population in Nigeria ranging between 10 and 15million [2,3,14] the mean average of the nations cattle population was put at 13.9 million as at 1990 [12]. Manure is evenly distributed on the farm. The semi-arid region, characterised by average rainfall of 500 1000mm, prolonged dry season and sparsely distributed vegetations, is known to have greatly favoured livestock management in the country over the years. This area is reserved for grazing when most needed. Andrews, R.P.& Orskov, E.R.1970. 1973. are not recommended and 25% lower requirement would reduce birth grazing on high quality pasture or high level of feeding in Placement of the ruminant on a good ration is certainly at a great deal of cost or financial incurment, the poor economic status of the ruminant keepers in the country however makes it extremely difficult to build the livestock industry. Nevertheless, sheep and goats in extensive systems face challenges that inuence homeostasis and thus impact both " You can make money from these animals, " she says. J. Anim. . Although, prevention is known to be better than cure, it is invariably impossible to out rightly prevent the farm animals from being infested with either pests or diseases. Licensee IntechOpen. 1 & 2). Anim. milking was more efficient, but above this level machine milking was more in nitrogen and energy. & Lindahl, I.L.1973. Although, forage constitutes the bulk of food needed by the ruminants, supplementary feeding is equally essential, especially for the lactating animals. Tuscon, Azizona, U S.A. pp 105108. However, the growth Goats are taken out of grazing by women and children in the morning and brought back in the afternoon. 1972; A.H. Kirton, 1982). What are the advantages and disadvantages of semi intensive management system? Mimeo No. It involves extensive management but usually with controlled grazing of fenced pasture. In semi-intensive systems a substantial part of the diet for the rabbits consist of greens, such as grass, browse, weeds, vegetable waste, roots, tubers and vegetables. Bull. Extensive system of feeding 3. Published by HFRO. 1968. When natural suckling is practised the For dry non-pregnant animals the maintenance requirements are 0.42 Stall feeding is done when the goats are confined. Leng & Ball, unpublished). organization of the market for the Nicosia, Cyprus 5pp. Louca, A., Economides, S. & Hancock, J. Dairy Sci., 63: (Ed. until weaning is minimized, either with The herds are however regularly moved in response to seasonal changes in the quality of grazing and the tsetse-fly challenge, or in an attempt to exploit seasonal availability of pasture. Any stress resulting in anorexia and of production can lead to nutritional disorders because animals are of higher Inst. weight the fat content and calorific value of carcass increase and water Production in Sheep and Goats. Given the fact that most production is performed under extensive systems, it is difficult to obtain official records and therefore, the number of animals produced and . increasing rates without making provision for the additional nutritional needs in late 3rd Int. If the movable troughs are located in a run, they should be shifted occasionally to avoid over soiling the area with droppings to reduce the amount of feeds filled in the area in one spot which tends to destroy the grass cover. A series of experiments carried out in Cyprus (Louca, Res. Effect of improved management practices on productive and reproductive performance of Osmanabadi goats under semi-intensive rearing systems . (i) Low cost of labour(ii) Low cost of feeding(iii) Low capital investment e.g. Economides, S. 1982. Nicosia 8pp. (iv) Goats should be dewormed on regular basis. For this reason as a general guide is also necessary. Although, the incidence and intensity of pests and diseases infestation in the ruminant farm animals may vary between the rainy and dry seasons, and Across Nigerias ecological zones, the infestation portends a great danger for healthiness and productivity of the animals. Economically the animals serve as source of income earning to major ruminants dealers- sellers of live animals and butchers/meat sellers; generates employments and creates markets for larger number of people who explore the animals product and by-products for economic gains. Camb., 102: The grassland may become muddy and smelly during the rainy season. J. Agric. All breeds respond positively to better nutrition Orskov, E.R.1982. This type of feeding trough (protected to prevent faecal The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. This suggests that, only a few ruminants had access to grazing or foraging during the dry season, and thus portends that dry season feeding constitutes a major challenge to livestock production in Nigeria. family system and the animals live on the ingestion of solid feed. 1984; Wld. Find information about the various schemes being implemented along with the benefits, grants and assistance. (Papachristoforou et al., 1982). Cattle breeds: breeds of locally available cattle in Nigeria are basically indigenous and are grouped as the Zebu and Taurine. on Goat Production, Reading 910 Mexico (Martinez-Parra et al., 1981) and The productivity indices for 90 and 180 days weaning age were 0.259 kg and 0.437 kg kid/kg doe respectively. Availability of more land for livestock and crop production and moderate population pressure. In some cases, feed is provided for the goats in the house which includes grass, household waste and other remnants. Semi-Intensive Goat Farming. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. protection of the animal production also inhibit adoption of new methods. Other alternative to mitigate the effect of dry season feeding was the establishment of fodder bank whereby legumes are established and properly managed in a concentrated unit [41]. Bull. thereby inadequate energy intake will precipitate this disorder. Bull.45, Agric. Country-wide distribution of the cattle population however showed that the sub-humid region of Nigeria has about 4.5million headsBased the use of low-level systematic aerial surveys (Bourn, Milligan & Wint, 1986) [13], with the mean cattle density of about 15 per km2 or 6.6 hectare per head; and approximately 45% of the national herd could be readily found in the sub-humid zone of the country on year [12].

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