Why dont you scurry on to the past, mister? pokok pine boleh memberikan banyak manfaat dan kebaikan dalam meningkatkan kesihatan tubuh secara in short, people and scholars who view it as being haram argue that celebrating birthday is not an Islamic practice. My dad painted the entire church when he turned fifty, he didnt spend a dime on food and drinks and all but still he got a beautiful party at church. Motorized vehicles the Prophets birthday, is no more than a matter of habit, and by no means a religious requirement. Wow this is an old post. It is never an easy road. Whereupon he promised with an oath to give her whatsoever she would ask. In a Hadith recorded by Imam Abu Dawud (Allah have Mercy on him) and others, The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said: Whosoever imitates a nation is amongst them. Yes in Islam everyday is a celebration so I dont see any harm to meet up on birthdays either and do a small celebration, prayer of thanks and give presents as per your means to your loved ones. Any cultural practice that puts you in social and financial pressure cannot be right and should not be continued. I am still learning. Around the world, friends and relatives hold birthday parties, give gifts to the one being honored, and wish Happy birthday! to the one whose birthday is being celebrated. i stopped celebrating bdays lastyear. (1)The summary of it is that birthday celebrations whether it be cutting cakes, lighting candles etc. Muslims believe that the only time to celebrate is when someone has died and they have gone to heaven. With regard to celebrating birthdays, it should be noted that Allah The Exalted and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did not tell us to celebrate this day, and he himself (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did not celebrate it, nor did his companions (may Allaah be pleased with them). the same applies to wedding celebrations, pagan or not pagan, whether not in Quran or in Bible. In Islam, celebrating a birthday is not permissible because it is an imitative practice by non-Muslims. I do not associate it in any way with Shirk. Because we suffer greatly and often, in the flesh, we do not glory in the flesh, or in the day of our fleshly birth. And Allah knows best. Im not muslim born converted 6 years ago but recently I feel hes gone very strict All over the cake he refuses to talk to me, washes his own dishes cooks for himself and my children and dresses them he wont allow me to do anything with them all over a cake!! Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): Or have they partners with Allah (false gods) who have instituted for them a religion which Allah has not allowed? [Al-Shura 42:21], Then We have put you (O Muhammad) on a plain way of (Our) commandment. With Allahs blessing your mother conceived and gave birth to you. For Christians, this present mortal life is not an end in itself. Dont be offended, if you were me youd wonder. Alhamdulillahhirabilaalimeen with that knowledge for the sister Arshia go ahead with your bad self for pulling that dawah up for us. [Abu Dawood], Anas ibn Malik reports, The Messenger of Allah (SAWS) came to Medina, and the folk there had two days in which they would relax and play. Remember this hadeeth? The books of Tradition, called Hadith, provide endless details about the way he did everything imaginable, from performing the ritual prayer to brushing his teeth. THING. Is It Haram To Celebrate Birthdays In Islam? You know the extreme way of practicing a religion. (Clear Now). That he is emulating the behaviour of Shaitan? All good things come from God. Anyone commemorating Prophet Muhammads birth (PBUH) should never tie it to Islamic doctrine. Why do some Muslims have birthday celebrations? If birthdays should be celebrated, why did God leave the date of His own Sons birth out of Holy Scripture? Seeing smiles in everyone faces and feeling the love and happiness beats any negativity. And he restored the chief butler unto his butlership again; and he gave the cup into Pharaohs hand: but he hanged the chief baker: as Joseph had interpreted to them (Genesis 40:20-22). Ive never seen someone who celebrates birthdays trying to adhere to the pagan rules. And the king was sorry: nevertheless for the oaths sake, and them which sat with him at meat, he commanded it to be given her. 3851). As individuals we need to be careful with our words. 3:13-14). He commands His people, Therefore shall ye keep MINE ordinance, that ye commit not any one of these ABOMINABLE CUSTOMS, which were committed before you, and that ye defile not yourselves therein: I am the Lord your God (Leviticus 18:29-30). What are we doing here, steeping ourselves into all the follies, all the silly customs of the world? If the origins of birthday celebrations are connected to a particular faith, then there is no doubt in its impermissibility. I will pray for everyone to gain more knowledge and pray that Allah guides us all to do the right things. He declared, Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, FORGETTING THOSE THINGS WHICH ARE BEHIND (such as birthdays! When they adopt these observances every week or every year, it means that they are making them like the Islamic Eids, which is haraam and is not permitted. If he did something, you should do it. No religion is above the person. Is It Haram To Celebrate New Years Eve Or Day? I bet you a body part that most of the comments coming from the birthday HATERS!. b) If there is no intention of imitating the Kuffar (and also the above mentioned evils are avoided) then the ruling on celebrating birthdays will depend on whether it originated from the religious customs of the non-Muslims and it is part of their faith. In other words, one feels the way of the non-Muslim is superior and desires to be like him. We thank God every day, we pray every day. The Islamic stance do Muslims celebrate birthdays is that they are a foreign custom, and Muslims are not allowed to host birthday parties. The rich then produce an ox, a horse, a camel, and an ass, roasted whole in an oven; but the poor produce smaller cattle. Our hope is for the coming of Christ, and the resurrection! About Do Muslims celebrate birthdays? (It can not be considered to be unique with the Kuffar, for celebrating birthdays has become a widespread phenomenon that is carried out in many different parts of the world). They turn people away from the truths of God and idolize the SELF. Most of these people that are against birthdays are just MISERABLE. Is wishing someone happy birthday haram in Islam? Religious Festivals Muslims have two celebrations each year, 'Eid al-Fitr and 'Eid al-Adha. Why Do Some Scholars Say It Is Not Allowed To Celebrate Birthdays? Here, we are all using the internet as an innovation in the communications and broadcasting medium. If a family member or relative has a birthday, and invites you, you can simply explain the situation, and your own beliefs, in a humble, positive manner. We live our lives everyday doing things that civilization as taught us, The most important thing in this christian race, is to obey the commandments of God, Do his will, take as many people as possible with us as we make heaven. keseluruhan antara dapat merawat buasir, meningkatkan Diabetik retinopati This should be reason enough. Herod was fascinated by the gyrations and movements of the lithe young female dancer, his wifes daughter. If Islam forbids celebrating birthdays, how can you go to those birthday celebrations if your faith forbids it? The Origin of Birthdays, This fact, however, should not be overly surprising. You say follow these things. The apostle Paul also wrote, We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed; always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body. I will just mention two: For guidelines regarding imitating the non-believers, please visit the following link: When asked about the reason for birthday celebrations, most of the people come up with this, , , I want to thank Allah for the life He gave me, thats why I want to throw a party and thank Allah. H, old on, hold on! Just to give you a quick example, the candles which are put on the cake have to be blown in just a single blow. If you really want to thank Allah then do what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam taught us with regards to thanking Allah and do not innovate in this beautiful religion by practicing it according to the way you think is right. Easter is one of the most widely celebrated Christian holidays in the world. Does Wearing a Necktie Represent the Cross. Hmmm, I still wonder. Im so surprise on how many Muslims who are not educated on these PAGAN traditions such as Birthdays, Christmas, Easter, Halloween etc They are all Haram and interfere with Islamic principles. One of the oldest birthday games is Pin-the-Tail-on-the-Donkey. May Allah forgive me if I am wrong and guide us to the right pathAmeen. I think it is very negative and very religious to view Birthdays as a decrease in someones life. Ye shall therefore keep MY statutes and MY judgments which did NOT include birthday celebrations! It is where we end up that really counts! Something logical neccessary. Nothing from God should be seen as a negative thing. Yes that is in the history of Islam when the Prophet (saw) told the people of Madinah that Allah has bless us with two celebrations of our own. 5, Book 37, Hadith 4326. 15:51-52). The manner in which Muslims celebrate birthdays varies widely, based on their beliefs, tradition and cultural influence. The celebration of birthdays have paganistic or animistic roots, therefore labeling them as an innovation in itself would be blatantly incorrect. A pagan Egyptian scientist, Sosigenes, suggested this plan to the pagan Emperor Julius Caesar, who directed that it go into effect throughout the Roman Empire in 45 B.C. It is better if we make it a day ahead or a day after. In Medieval times, in extension of Roman, Egyptian and Persian traditions, only the birthdays of nobility were celebrated. Similarly, just because the companions didn't celebrate birthdays doesn't mean they wanted to ban Muslims to celebrate birthdays at all. I would celebrate life if understand what is within it so remarkable by itself. God knows your heart. All can have this. In fact, strange as it may seem to many, even the exact date of the birth of Jesus Christ is NOWHERE REVEALED in Scripture! Muslims are being duped into believing that if they turn one year older, they must celebrate it. Little do you remember! [Al-Araf 7:3]. Even as there is only one example of birthday celebrations in the Old Testament, so the New Testament also gives us only one such example that of the wicked, apostate king Herod, one of the worst butchers who ever lived. Sunan Abi Dawud 4031;Book 34, Hadith 12. I do not approve of the excess, lawlessness, nakedness, and greed in the world. Its not about the origin or the custom, its an individual decision to decide how to thank God and Celebrate the gift of life on that day. Before understanding the legal ruling with regards to birthday celebrations, it is worth remembering here that imitation of the unbelievers (Kuffar) is something that Islam strictly disapproves of. then that makes you all peadophiles ur beliefs are twisted its just a bloody birthday GEt over it and celebrate LIFE!!!!! The point that real Muslims reject in birthday celebration the sinful and shameless way that some others may commit during the birthday celebration. Pride, remember, was the cause for the downfall of Lucifer, the archangel or cherubim who rebelled against God. No God has ever been mentioned. What About New Testament Times? The mother spent years of sleepless nights caring for the child make her self exhausted purely for love of the child. He said Halal is clear and Haram is clear and then there is these doubts, leave the doubtful. . Last year, we did because it was his FIRST birthday, but we dont want to make a habit out of this. My mom obviously got upset, and said that since my husband and I are working on Sunday (my mom babysits our son) that she is going to throw him a little birthday party. Everyone has a right to take a decision, if they have the mental capacity, and act on it, including birthday celebrations. A Muslimknows that we have our own calendar. The money spent on birthdays could be spent on people starving. Muslims do not celebrate birthdays because they believe that these occasions are only celebrated by people who worship idols or saints instead of Allah. The Greeks, who worshipped many gods and goddesses, also worshipped one called Artemis, the goddess of the moon. THIS is the reason people dont like us. Thank him. Make Islam simple rather than a complicated mess. As Paul wrote in I Corinthians, But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen: and if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain (I Cor. We dont celebrate another year of their life gone, its a day to honor them and show love. However, to make the birthday an important occasion is not recommended or encouraged. (Excerpted, with slight modifications, from: www.islamicity.com). In this case, of course, the unknown is the future, or the new year of life that lies ahead for the birthday child. I think all the major religion in this world want people to use their head and think rationally, You should thank Allah every moment of your life not just birthday and yes if Prophet Muhammad PBUH never celebrated therefore we should not do as they are the best examples, we are from His Ummah and we follow what He says and do, My opinion I think birthday is never practice in Islam its just something that is followed by Kaffir, in Islam If The Prophet Muhammad PBUH Never celebrated therefore we must Not Do, He Prophet PBUH used to fast and be thankful to Allah for everything, but for those who think calling someone on your birthday or anyones birthday, it must be for religious gathering that involves in remembering Allah doing Dhizk, not eating cake lighting candles clapping hands gossiping, we must understand why are we here whats our purpose in this Dunya I had lot of ppl complaining whats wrong with doing birthdays, if nothing be practice by our beloved than we must not do, May Allah give understanding to those who dont understand the knowledge of Islam. Its something we decided ourselves. A Balanced Approach, Having said this, we must remember that our neighbors dont know these things or see things things like we do. If, however, it has no connections with the faith of the non-Muslims, then (and Allah knows best) it seems that it would be permissible to celebrate it (provided the evils mentioned above are avoided). Also please do not talk about not being educated because from what I can see you are very narrow-minded. I know God has a special place for the children who suffer. . It should be plain that true servants of God do not observe their birthdays and make a big deal out of them, or hold parties to celebrate them. Writes Lewis, in Birthdays, Birthday celebrations, even at this early stage, were not strictly reserved for the great rulers. And to simulate the glow of the full moon, the ingenious lot stuck bunches of lit candles on the cakes. However, suppose you believe that celebrating birthdays is permissible. Do Muslims celebrate birthdays? Celebrating Mother's Day is an innovated matter which the Prophet, peace and blessing be upon him, and his companions did not do. The principle of not following the Jews and Christians is really required in matters of their false claims and beliefs in relation to religion. He has blessed me with a child with a disability. Adhere to it and cling tightly to it. I lik chiptole. Is it allowed in Islam? Focusing on the issue of celebrating birthdays, we would like to start by citing the following: In Islam, birthdays are not considered `eid (a festival) like `Eidul-Fitr or `Eidul-Adha, because `eids have conditions and guidelines such as not being allowed to fast during the days of Eid. We should use it keeping in mind that this is only a, Islam permits certain things (that are normally, Now, I dont want to waste yourtime elaborating this point because our friend Google can help you. Attending a simple family dinner on ones birthday, where family members give a present to honor one members birthday, is not the same thing as holding a birthday bash and inviting all the kids in the neighborhood, or a big political event, or a huge public celebration. Very few people know were celebrating birthdays originated from. But the end result the eternal reward ahead of us makes it all worthwhile! To Shape Our Identity. The cakes were round like a full moon. Birthday candles are symbolic of lighted tapers and sacrificial fires the mystic symbols of honor ever since man first set up altars to his gods. So follow that, and follow not the desires of those who know not. besides Him. There is nothing logical about following the religion of a war mongering paedophile. Home Ethics and Moral conducts Festivals and Occasions. This present physical life, therefore, is a proving ground. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2023 The Quran Courses Academy. Isolating you, ignoring you, threatening you, disrespecting you in front of your kids just to prove what point? With its, Read More Is It Haram To Celebrate Easter? Summary: stop living 1400 years back and try to impliment our religon into the MODERN world. We are not to follow those misleading customs which direct attention to oneself in a frivolous display of VANITY and self-centered egotism and pride! In Gods sight, birthday parties and celebrations are not clean, honest, honorable, fun things to do. Most of these folks think it is better to be different to the nonmuslim. Allah the Almighty is very clear about this. These are distorted values manipulated by man. Let me verify birthdays actually come from Ancient Rome where people did not worship any gods they just celebrated the persons birth with presents etc etc. And this is the calendar which we are supposed to follow. I think this is a good way, of teaching her about Allahs generosity, mercy, blessings and the need to give sadaqa. Fathers, do not provoke your children or they may lose heart (Colossians 3:21). Celebrating Eid shapes our identity as Muslims. The prophet didnt use a car, the prophet didnt use a computer or telephone, then muslims must not use it because the prophet didnt use it either. And the apostle Paul declared, We must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God (Acts 14:22). "If you don't celebrate. When it is someones birthday, one year of his/her life has decreased, and not increased. You can also look at the answer to a similar question which was asked by one of our readers. As a Christian I believe God will give his cup of wrath to those who break his LAW. So, which is the correct opinion? If the child insists on having his desires fulfilled at this early age, what is going to happen when he grows older? I am with a neutral opinion of celebrating Birthdays. Non-Muslims celebrate the Prophet Muhammads birthday to entice Egyptians to visit their homes. its hard to resist and keep your head down when your loved ones are in question. And attributed to Sulaymn ibn Dwd in Ecclesiastes 7:1, "A good name is better than a good ointment, and the day of one's death better than the day of one's birth.". I stated that it was unacceptable and i just got upset and was unable to express any further my thoughts. We dont necessarily take them seriously. Celebrating birthdays are much too trivial and are actually an older tradition than any Abrahamic religion. Commoners apparently would only celebrate . In these dangerous and uncertain times, it is the requirement of each Muslim to practice Islam loudly and consistently. This does not come under the heading of customs because it is repeated. The reason why nothing can tear me apart from Christ is because i interact with Him on a personal level. The bible as voluminous as it is doesnt mention all of the challenges that come with civilization. It isnt about being true to ourselves. He said, What are these two days? They said, We used to play on these two days during the times before. The Messenger of Allah said, Allah has given you something better instead of them: Yawm ul-Duha (Eid al-Adha) and Yawm ul-Fitr (Eid al-Fitr). [Abu Dawood], Allah says: To each among you, We have prescribed a law and a clear way. This talk is about imitating the non-believer regarding actions of their faith. Well, to answer this question, we will have to look into Islamic teachings. Egyptians observed birthdays, but only for their rulers. Now as a christian, each and everyone of us has an individual relationship with God where he speaks to us and guide us. But we look to the future, not to the past, and to the Kingdom of God! Thus, calling birthdays `eids is not accepted, for this has no basis To add another eid be it birthdays or anniversary are as to say to Allah we need more eids which is insulting Allah. It descends directly from the Egyptians, who originated the 12 month year, 365 day system. Any people in transition to either or other religions will face these conflicts like Christmas and birthdays. In early civilizations, where the development of a calendar made an organized reckoning of birth dates possible, the horoscopes of ruling monarchs, their successors and rivals had to be cast with care and birthday omens meticulously examined, for the prospects of the mighty would affect the prospects of the entire society. Therefore, it is known from the above that such a celebration is not from the Law that Allah sent Muhammad (peace be upon him) with. You would follow the ways of those who came before you step by step, to such an extent that if they were to enter a lizards hole, you would enter it too. They said, O Messenger of Allah, do you mean the Jews and Christians? He said, Who else? [Bukhari and Muslim], The Prophet (SAWS) also said: Whoever imitates a people is one of them. I thought u have to be thankful to god (Allah, or any other religious figure) for everyday things? Ive seen so much arrogance surrounding this practice that its quite clear. So, when it comes to celebrating birthdays, the question arises is it haram to celebrate birthdays in Islam? And thats how birthday parties began. Lets look at this custom objectively. We wake up in the morning and give thanks to Allah for raising us from slumber, we read prayers 5 times a day and ask for whatever we want that is permissible, we give charity, we want for our brothers what we want for ourselves. The Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) is the guide for us. Hence when the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) came to Madeenah and found that the Ansaar had two festivals which they used to celebrate, he said, Allaah has given you something better than these: Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Fitr. (Narrated by al-Nasaai, 1556; Abu Dawood, 1134; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Silsilat al-Ahaadeeth al-Saheehah, no. Xxx, http://www.ummah.com/forum/showthread.php?t=34721, ask the scholars why we shouldnt celebrate our birthdays. It points out that the only reference to a birthday in the Bible is that of Pharaoh of Egypt. I don't play hockey, but I am not against the idea of playing hockey. Some say it is permissible to celebrate birthdays, while others say it is not allowed in Islam. ITS not about what the message did its also about what he didnt do. Hence why celebrating our birthdays are also a biddah. Today, some Muslims wonder what is wrong with blowing candles, yet they are unaware that this is a pagan practice. So, when Muslims started celebrating birthdays, it was seen as a continuation of pagan practices. Pagan, pagan, which one of us was actually there? The carnal human mind is enmity against God (Romans 8:7). , I am a married man with 3 kids. Mashallah. The Christian Attitude, For the true Christian, this life is a life of trials and tests. @Anonymous Are you comparing yourself to the prophet? You cant wake up and say, Islam needs to be adjusted, because youre already a modified Muslim if thats the case.

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