The paperwork for all these activities (consisting primarily of DA Form 2765-1 and DD Form 1348-1) was just massive. The acting CO was 1st Lt. Paul B. Walker, the acting 1st Shirt Staff Sergeant Ernest E. Shelley. It is the unsung heros of those officers and enlisted who on a daily basis insure, that all motorized craft within the air, on the sea, or on the ground, keep these motorized craft and vehicles moving night and day, through all manner of obstacles and conditions. Thus, the 228th Morning Report of 4 Nov 66 only accounts for 15 WIA only. I missed breakfast, wanted to take a shower, but couldnt move. The platoon arrived on 12 November 1966 and project was assigned with a competion date of 1 January 1967, 15 November 1966 The Battalion deployed ten (10) 5 ton dump trucks, two TD24 dozers with scoopers and one scooploader to Company B, 588th Engineer Battalion at Tay Ninh for continued operational support mission. The site should have easy access to transportation nets and signal communications. The 90th Replacement Center was pretty primitive. On June 13, 1944, the Georgia Army National Guard's 118th Field Artillery Battalion landed on Omaha Beach. After the conclusion of Operation Junction City and with April and May of 1967 approaching, there was a brief two to three months of respite in Tay Ninh Base Camp. The 228th was the very first unit outside of 196th Light Infantry Brigade and its subordinate units to arrive in Tay Ninh West base camp. I left Travis AFB {located approximately 60 miles north of Oakland California} on a C-141. December was not much different than other months with the exception of my brief week or so at Katum. Wed barter food for alcohol and cigarettes. What was rapidly moving through my mind, was how in the H are we (the 228th) going to support this operation with the small amount of men and supplies we had on hand. Since the bulk of equipment for Laundry was being used full time in Cu Chi, there was no laundry equipment available to satisfy the needs of Tay Ninh Base Camp, let alone outlying areas. As an enlisted SP4 stationed in Germany, I decided to continue my military experience near the end of my tour by signing on to a grueling 23 week physical and mental endurance training course of Officers Candidate School, which I successfully completed and passed. Presently, andwith an all volunteer service that particular policy has been changed, and those of foreign citizenship can achieve automatic American Citizenship by serving their full term in US Armed Forces Honorably. As another aside, I also wish to discuss a few other matters that are out of sequence, but interesting. Someone had to pay the Bakers of former Company B stationed TDY in Cu Chi. First: Operation Attleboro {instituted by the 196th Light Infantry Brigade} started before the 228th had arrived in Tay Ninh. When the 228th was re-assigned to Tay Ninh Province on 4 October 1966 (arriving 7 October 1966), the two Bakers assigned, remained TDY with the 266th as far as the 228th was concerned. That way we had no reason to go to the EM Club. 15 assigned in the 228th were wounded by said incoming mortar fire. As stated previously in other portions of this History, one always had the sense that Company B, 266th QM BN (DS).The 228th Supply and Service Company (DS) as of 20 July 1966 was utilized as a Company from which other units could pick off personnel and equipment. On this date, Captain Jerry D. White was still Commanding Officer. White, whereby, and up until his arrival, nothing in the area of forward supply operations had taken place. If so, I wouldnt be able to slot him within the 228th TO&E. We handle all classes of supplies. I assumed this was to prevent placement of mines or stop the floating of mines by the VC under the bridge to destroy it. It was not without a genuine sigh of relief, that thereafter and within a very short period of time, I was re-assigned within the Company as OIC of the Graves Registration Platoonanother function of a Direct Support unit of which (at the time) I had virtually no experience or training. He performed his first mission between Nancy and Metz, France with a smoke shell fire. He hadnt had much experience with the demon rum and he freaked out all of a sudden. And 140th Maint. The washer-extractor trailer includes a washer pump and a water heater., Paraphrased: Transportation required to pickup and return laundry to supported units shall be employed where practicable. From what I know now (thanks to this website and communications with the former Company Clerk of the time period) we should have had about 38 people in Class I, and we only had 18 to 20. 17th Field Artillery Regiment 17th Field Artillery Battalion With the start of World War II with the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941, the Regiment went under many changes and trained for many months at Fort Bragg. This number is from memory as Company Clerk of the 228th, and should not be considered more than 85 to 90% accurate. The 228th had 123 enlisted assigned, of which 50 were TDY either in Cu Chi or Bien Hoa, leaving 53 enlisted physically stationed in Long Binh.25 of those 53 were TDY with the 64th Petroleum Battalion, but still physically quartered and stationed in Long Binh. This section and Platoon remained in Cu Chi with the 25th ID from early July 1966 until rotation in mid May through June 1967. Typically, it required elements of the Royal Australian Regiment (RAR) and/or the 173rd Airborne Brigade to open the road and secure these troop movements. As operation Attleboro ended, Operation Cedar Falls began, followed by Operations Gadsden and Junction City. The exact volume of work done by this team is classified, but the value of its work is obvious.Whether its supplying troops on the ground or refueling helicopters in the sky, The Tay Ninh Supply Point stands ready to keep the Chargers brigade on the move. In Class I we continued to do our job. It is my thought, that a review by the Department of the Army, as ordered by General Westmoreland for confirmed MUCs 1966-1970 created consternation and puzzlement as to how to handle the particular Bakery Section TDY in Cu Chi. In reality, there was typically less sometimes well less than 30-days supply actually in-stock in the yards, varying quite a bit depending on the supply class, specific item, and actual consumption.). One was for perishables, which were issued daily. In three shifts per day the Cooks of the 228th fed the entire Brigade, 200 to 300 individuals per shift for several days. Welcome to the 110th Chemical Battalion Store Landing Page. The exact volume of work done by this team is classified, but the value of its work is obvious.Whether its supplying troops on the ground or refueling helicopters in the sky, The Tay Ninh Supply Point stands ready to keep the Chargers brigade on the move. As stated on 20 July 1966 under COSTAR directive, Company B was inactivated, and with the activation of the 228th, the Company no longer had a Bakery section. It seems everyone took a different route back, while Joseph Eady and I were stumbling down the road. There existed a fog within my memory related to just how the Company arrived at Tent City A, Saigon. Whatever rounds the bad guys were using were of poor quality and/or light weight mortars, as the explosions were not very spectacular. Note:This award does not appear on any individual DD214 who had rotated prior to 3 July 1967. 14710 Colleville-sur-Mer, France. We were all finally going home..ABN}. By DEC 66, it occupied 6 GP medium tents plus a yard area for larger items that could (theoretically) tolerate unprotected storage. (2) Even after that, it was not controlled, but rather secured for different short periods. 13) POL, Class III operations are also ignored inTay Ninhand other FSAs. The ice-house was a great place to be assigned. On 20 July 1966 Company B, 266th Quartermaster Battalion (DS) was inactivated. Now Eady was one of those members of the Army who had been given a choice of either going to prison or serving in the Army. There was one field phone and the office itself was a wooden floor with wooden sides and a tin roof. Here were a bunch of guys drafted or regular army from every conceivable background one can think of, forming into a unit with a common purpose and building an esprit de corp. As Ive said previously, I dont know what each platoon did exactly, but I know we did it well. Maj. Note 3:Technically, the 228th Supply and Service Company (DS) had no allocated slots for Corporal in either Class I, Class II & IV, Graves Registration, Bakery or Laundry and Bath Platoons. The nature of Onyx company and their diverse role requires them to work closely with Engineering and Artillery units, whilst also providing support to intelligence units. Recognition for the superior and outstanding accomplishments of this illustrious group of individuals was never rendered to those soldiers during their tour of duty (1 June 1966 1 June 1967). Second:The 25th Supply and Transport Battalion we were attached to were a very decent Battalion of Officers and Enlisted, almost like night and day when compared to what I (we) had been used to for nearly a year at Fort Lewis. B.A.Kuster AB Ranger (re-assigned from TDY 624th Supply and Service Company (Direct Support) of Long Binh (4 October 1966) signed into the 228th as Commanding Officer per orders issued and dated 4 October 1966. All three had to deal with personnel from the Infantry on a daily basis. Supported units included the 196th Light Infantry Brigade, 45th Field Hospital and Medical Evavacuation, 1st Philippine Civic Action Group (1stPHILCAGV), and all other support units located at Tay Ninh. In fact, this platoon of (26) was supporting nearly 18,000 to 28,000 troops under combat conditions, and did so through four battlefield operations; Attleboro I and II, Gadsden, Cedar Falls and Junction City. His instruction was quite clear You folks take care of Supply My folks will take care of Combat and Guarding the Base Compound. The particular inhabitants of each field tent (when lumber was available} performed all carpentry themselves, and without guidance or planssuch that, if one looks closely at photographs of the time, one would note variations of detail from structure to structure when completed. Now, here we were in a semi large beach resort, had not eaten since dinner of the previous day in Long Binh, had travelled by truck, plane, and bus to get to this resort, and they were telling us if we wanted to eat at all, we couldnt, until another two hours. Couldnt wait to get out of Dodge City (Tay Ninh) just like the Donut Dollys. 7 October 1966the 228th Supply and Service Company (Direct Support) with authorized unit strength of 233 {actual unit strength including those serving TDY being 110} were reassigned from Long Binh as of 4 October 1966 to III Corps,War Zone C, Tay Ninh Province approximately 50 to 60 miles to the northwest of Long Binh and approximately 6 miles east of the Cambodian border to setup all manner of supply and logistics support within the Tay Ninh forward base camp of the 196th Light Infantry Brigade (aka: The Chargers and Burning Worm), and to participate as the Command and Control Center representing the 266th Supply and Service Battalion (Direct Support) and 1st Logistics Command, Saigon. As such, one had to crawl into and around on your hands and knees. I cant explain the odor but if I ever smelled it again, Id know I must be in Vietnam. One of their pastimes was taking detonators out of hand grenades, capturing a large lizard or frog, and blowing them up. Of these 55, our POL Platoon was assigned TDY to the 64th Petroleum Battalion then operating in Long Binh, further south of main compound adjacent to Highway 1A, along with the POL Platoons of the 506th and 624th Quartermaster Companies (DS)but all three Platoons remained quartered with their respective Companies. Those of us who had been in Tay Ninh for 5 months were used to such fire when and if it occurred. 1,557 of these records are those of soldiers whose bodies were missing, and not recovered. More specifically, II&IV supplies were everything EXCEPT rations (I), POL (III), construction and fortification materials (Engineer IV), and ammunition and explosives (V). The NCOIC of the yard was a SGT Potts. Petroleum products are aviation and diesel fuel, gasoline, oil, and lubricants.The vital link in supplying ammunition, he said, is trailer trucks. At the time, there was a good deal of excitement and MUC ribbons were being handed out throughout all of Cu Chi Base Camp. Note: The number of Class I personnel increased at every opportunity provided by allotment of assigned personnel by the 266th Battalion in Long Binh, which was quite slow in responding to the immediate and critical needs of personnel in all sections of the 228th. The combination of high humidity along with the high heat is the ideal breeding ground for bacteria growth. In turn, this switchboard was connected to other land-line switchboards in various locations throughout South Vietnam. Stock Control OICs were 1LT Paul Walker (DEC66 FEB67), 2LT Ronald Holcombe (FEB67 ?? Kuster had been Commanding Officer of Company B 266th in Fort Lewis from approximately late March 1966 up to 20 July 1966 in Long Binh, RVN. Thus, all laundry services were soon cut short and contracted out to the locals of Tay Ninh City.

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