I never saw a time when he was anything but pleasant to be around. The third person with the shotgun was always a theory, but never proven. ZZ. It was David Henry, Romaines son. Interesting. Too bad. scared to death of the dude . they didnt even plan on what they did after. On July 10, 1981, on a hot summer morning in a fed-up town, he. Life forced us to leave the area for a time and we totally lost contact with the family. err sorry my grammars for crap) what he had done might be exactly that way. As the old proverb says; Desperate times call for desperate measures.. I really have no quarrel with what happened to McELroy. Whether in the back of the head, between the eyes or in the heart, dead is dead. Someone who has passed on from this life. Not to mention that Del was of average height. Until then, mums the word. He was not looking forward to going to prison for a couple of years, and his best days as a coon hunter and seducer of girls were long behind him. But we exchanged some small talk, and I left. Although, as I found early on, this was not a community or even a group decision to kill McElroy. It seems more sensational in a Rural Setting. I was 10 years old and saw the whole thing. What do you think, people? how do I know I was one of the people who witnessed the killing , or as some people say , murder . I can not put into words how painful it is to read these untruths on the internet. Small minded backwards,2 pack a day hillbillies like yourself are very easy to deal with so I will break down your 4 points real quick. Well then grow a pair and do something about it. Mr. McClean, no disrespect intended, I understand this is a best seller for you and become a part of your life and your research entitles you to some first hand accuracy, but it seems that you have spent some time on Mr. McElroy and what made him tick and his character makeup. I still look upon the town for all the nice things and nice people who were beyond friendly to me. Im not looking to cause a row, but my quandary is this; What should a person do when the system has failed them? Which now, has me asking a ton of additional questions, thoughts, etc. I am planning a trip back to the area for some hunting next month and I will make the drive through Skidmore just to see how things have changed. I chose to prove that murder is not justified, no matter the circumstances. As I said, my feelings and comments are not for everyone, and obviously you have taken offense to them but sadly you wont be able to do anything about it so too bad. In this age of instant access to information whereby nothing is left to the imagination and anything may be dialed up in the space of a few keystrokes, its interesting how the coroners photos you mentioned are unavailable, seemingly anywhere. vigilante justice, call it what you want.MURDER IS MURDER. Too bad Skidmore closed the only Discipline and Grammar school in town when McElroy bullied the town. This story, and the book, will far outlive me, and anyone else alive today, Ive come to believe. None broke stride, or looked at me, but i am sure they new i was a stranger, in town. I would appreciate if you would please address a couple of questions. My mother-in-law was a McElroy. Im sure his wife at one time loved him, although I understand she divorced him because of his uncontrollable drinking. It not only provided additional information on the people, places and events that lead to the showdown on main street but the also with the aftermath of investigations, reflections and conclusions. I found this topic intriguing because of all of the controversy and opinions surrounding it. Thanks again for your time and have to admit I am fast becoming a Skidmore junkie. I have to wonder also if the town had turned in the killers, if it would have fared better than it has? To all my haters: just be glad I dont live around you because Id be doin a helluva lot more then just parking outside your house! I look forward to getting your new POD paperback. We have gotten NO RELIEF from Law Enforcement whatsoever. This was before I knew my first husband. I met the current owner, who quietly said to not ask the Ultimate Question. Not a single bullet was recovered? Del and his brother Greg also owned the only tavern in town, the D and G, for Del and Greg, and McElroy was famous for driving away customers. we all knew that the police would be coming , no one expected the fbi . I admire the town for keeping their mouths shut, and the people who took up arms and took care of business. Or could they have been tested back in the day? Mine included, reading your untrue account of his life and death does not offer any peace in our mourning. The most well known but never verified incident involved a time supposedly in the seventies when he stretched a guy over the railroad tracks around St. Joe and watched as the train ran over him. Yes it was Clements bullet who killed him. He was the fifteenth of sixteen children born to a poor, migrant tenant farming family. This book will still be important 100 years from now not only for the decendants from this area but for the entire midwest and beyond. It was a crime of opportunity he was having some beers and hearing stories about Rex over the years. I agree that Ken McElroy haunts the town, and always will. They get away with crimes so much they begin to think they are INVINCIBLE. Does this not imply a certain degree of courage? her husband was murdered & she could;nt stick around town looking over her shoulder everytime she stepped outside, wondering if somebody was going to get her too , besides they burned the house down anyway didnt they? This sparked my interest, but did not pursue any additional information until I recently viewed the movie In Broad Daylight. It would take a heavy zoning push to straighten the guy up, and my guess is nobody in own cares to undertake the chore. why did she leave skidmore ? Defense lawyer. If Clement was one of the gunment, he was just protecting his neighbors. just like a true coward. I read it when it was first published. Although the trip is for a weekend of bird hunting, it will be interesting to see how things how changed, and yet remained the same. I hope thats not true, but it wouldnt surprise me if it was. I ended up moving from skidmore after his death , glad he got what was coming to him .sorry bastard , now I hope he is burning in hell . When we went in, it wasnt busy at all. I seriously doubt you are 68 and 320 and all muscle. They understood she had been in essence captured by McElroy as a young girl, but by the end she was riding shotgun for him and pulling weapons on people and threatening to shoot them. There is also a bit of the Stockholm Syndrome, where the captive begins to identify with captor, liked Patty Hearst. In a few weeks we will have a new POD paperback which will contain both In Broad Daylight and The Story Behind In Broad Daylight. The Good Ole Boy rural thug culture killed that whole county pretty much. When the Social Contract is broken, the people must revolt. Rousseau. Way Way before 1981. Del and my grandpa has hauled cattle together. Yea he stole hogs, but no ones perfect. Who was the the second alleged shooter? He may be a lot f things, but hes not a coward in this one instance. I know there were plans to combine school districts, but Im not sure if that;s happened. If it was spontaneous there would have been at least one person who wouldnt have known to keep their mouth shut. Seemed like they made up a few facts as they went along. but the town was wrong to.. i have pictures facts and 2 others that were at the old service station with me the day he was gunned down. A World War II survivor, she continued to work. Cheryl Brown was always the force behind the Punkin Show and the Festival, and I guess she finally had enough. skidmore got away with it once, if another bully came into town could it happen again in skidmore, the answer is yes it can. I would assume, although I dont know, that Sheriff Estes took then when he left office. Ken Rex was a hero to some and was running the area with the back of his hand and had a great run. Yes some little crazy some very good folk. Unfortunately, NBC owns the rights, and they would have to agree to sell them, which they are apparently not likely to do. Skidmore is just one of many victims of small town plight. its funny , when McElroy died it was like a peace & calm wafted through the air that day .everybody heard about it & sighed a sigh of relief & whispered its finally over to themselves. Slowly twords In closing here, I have to say that of all I read, I could easily visualize the McElroy Clan. 1st I am so drawn to this story as my grandparents are from skidmore my grandpa has past and my grandma still lives there. The raging celebrations in all the bars around ..was to me I dont condone killing such as this but fully understand how a town could have finally had ENOUGH. Looked at your bio. (May 1, 1939 June 9, 2014). I wouldnt be surprised if they werent reading from prepared scripts. i read that TRENA CLAIMED 2 have known who 1 of the shooters were WHO WAS IT SHE NAMED ? As for myself, and this lends itself to my statement about the passage of time and how it can cleanse some of the more untoward facts in the drama, Ive always cheered for the bad guy wrestlers. I find it fascinating. I relied on the FBI report on stating on the caliber of the shells. Thank you for the reply. After reading the brief and not so informative posting on Facebook, I then Google Kens name and began reading more about it and finally one of the links brought me to your comment thread here! anyway skidmore is gone , the town is dying & its sad to see. Hi Harry I loved reading the book I have a question I know there was a made for TV movie made, have you been approached on making a newer version of a movie? You care for the sheep but hate the sheepdog. Im so glad I had nothing to do with it. I see the obit photo for the second alleged shooter. Thanks for the great book and your comments. 60 Minutes covers the killing of Ken Rex McElroy. I went to school at NWMSU at the time of Ken Rex. A guy I know used to go to school at NWMSU in Maryville, and a friend of his who was a deputy sheriff told him to stay the hell out of skidmore, because Ken Rex didnt like college kids too well. Thanks for taking the time to share our thoughts. Thank you. How old are you, 12? Del was a weasel. I understand you are a tall man, so relatively he would be shorter than you, but he was not a short man with a chip on his shoulder. if a town can have ptsd then Skidmore has lived it for these many decades. SOMETIMES I WONDER IF OL KEN IS IN HELL IHE MADE LIFE MISERABLE FOR EVERYBODY IN SKIDMORE . enough was enough, McElroy had pushed his last button & lit the fuse that led to his death , he sat their , just like in the movie calmly & looked in his mirror to see the crowd behind him , he knew I believed that it was the end for him & that he was about to die , no way in hell was that crowd letting him leave. Small Large 300 dpi | 30.2 MP skidmore is a town that MURDERED A MAN & got away with it. Obituaries They preceded him in death. My mother-in-law never believed the stories, of course. Love both your books on the subject, Harry. But I cant help but notice that this comment thread is over two years old and still running, on a 25 year old book. I hear more and more stories as time goes on. So I had my coffee, a burger, tipped Pam a $5.00 spot and quietly left. I read your book and think it is great. I believe that Del Clement was the main shooter on impulse. didnt like him at all , had a feeling he thought we were all country bumpkins . Your take on him is a common one, although he has his defenders. will they tell , or will they take it to the grave too. He ended up having six children and many grandchildren. I think David Baird believed that the sheriff had the files when he offered to open them to me. Memorials are suggested to the Maryville Elks Lodge #760, Maryville, MO. I just finished the book Judgement Day and although not as detailed as yours I also enjoyed it. i told this guy ( didnt know his reputation at the time) to back off he gave me an icy cold stare , he did in fact have an imitadation factor about him. She told of one incident in particular where her family was present when his property was being buzzed repeatedly by a low flying plane. the skidmore we got away with murder museuem. But to no surprise people wait till its too late then act out in the wrong way if its wrong. Can I get in touch with you at your email? i just got back to the states this year was in italy taking care of a family member for some time. and yes he kept harassing the clements and you are right. If the action against McElroy was spontaneous, wouldnt Clement expect to be held accountable for his actions? Been in some trouble. I know some of the people involved. This is such an intriguing story. The guy was obviously a bad, mean, thief, rapist , and bully. I dont agree with murder and at the end of the day, it was murder. I was born in St. Joe; lived there until I married in mid 70s. Perhaps you were drunk, too, I live in Independence, MO (after living in LA and Indiana) not far from SkidmoreO have read this book three times it is so goodthe entire story is one of the most intriguing incidents everYou did a GREAT job (And I am a screenwriter, myself (and actor/comedian)I hope you have other true story books, cause I want to read themAre you into screenwriting as well? I commented on how nice the station was, and asked if they worked on cars, as i noticed what looked to be an attached garage. You can find it on YouTube, starring Brian Denehey. I have heard about this case since I was a little girl and remember it on the news but at that time I didnt pay any attention to it. The case was in court but released as the victims could not identify the assailant due to it being dark. I shook hands with him. After all look at the thug #45, Your email address will not be published. Harry said,: Del Clement, in my view, was also a coward. I think McElroy would have loved Denehey portraying him in the movie. While I understand that Harry MacLean and one of the alleged shooters have bad blood between them. It was pretty gruesome. As long as there are bullies (like this scum who was properly dealt with by his peers in broad daylight) then this story should keep being told and this comments section should be open. Has anyone ever actually physically tried to fight mcelroy? lol. My first encounter with the Skidmore story began when I first saw the TV episode of City Confidential some years ago. There were a few. Im not condoning vigilante justice, but shouldnt i have a reasonable expectation of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Ken was the coward & the bully. There has been no prosecution in the death of Ken Rex McElroy. I know how you feel about Skidmore. 1. But the system did not work, and throughout history when that happens, when it gets BAD enough, people will act. I said i wouldnt. And if not, a few dollars to the right lawyer would suffice. One farmer told me: The killers should be given medals for what they did. When I first traveled to Skidmore in 1982, the first name I heard as the shooter was Del Clement. I read the book, the epilogue, and the Making of(thanks Kindle store!). Just after the killing two of the. The driver, whom I knew, with a gut like Ken Rex McElroy told the LAPD. I seen the croud of people on the other side of the street walk. Probably sobut I also think it might have been mitigated to manslaughter or justifiable homicide. Could you explain your opinion? They probably had bad dreams over it and Ken Rex won because he still haunts them and the town of Skidmore. What if these also failed me? Jupiter Entertainment "You could talk to everybody in this case, and they'd give you. Both younger than i.. Was at the D&G In this case, Ken pushed an entire town to their breaking point. It wasnt hard to imagine him jerking the gun from his pickup in a burst of anger and opening up on the large black head on the other side of the rear window of the pickup. The town is not in great shape, with very few businesses remaining open, and some fellow buying lots of properties and storing junk in the yards. He simply declined the offer knowing that the cattle were hot. Didnt want to put it down!! I understand that people may disagree. He leaves Sharon to move in with Alice. I was in Skidmore last Thursday. its almost like you were their . I do not see that you wrote of this in your comments. After Sally had had three kids, Ken kicks her out of the house. I made the mistake once of asking about it a few years ago, needless to say I was told in no uncertain terms to mind my own business. ; a timid or easily intimidated person. i never took no oath to nothing. Yesterday I came across an obituary of Trooper Richard Stratton, may he rest in peace. June 16th, 1934: Ken Rex McElroy is born to Mabel and Tony McElroy, the thirteenth out of fourteen children. The property appears fenced off & unused but adjacent to a larger property containing a current and newish residence. did they like her or not , was she mean too ? Either on his person or in the vehicle? Google earth doesnt recognize a Valley Rd. Kenny boy didnt seem to have a problem threatening anybody old or smaller than him. The too soon death of Del left a large whole in the heart of many. Shot an old man because the old mans wife told Kens daughter that stealing was not nice. I dont think it was planned beyond a few moments before it took place. I have yet to read In Broad Daylight but will be purchasing it very soon. I also believe that the residents of Skidmore simply got tired of the legal system trying and failing to deal with Ken Rex McElroy. I wonderwonder for how long he wished he could be big and strong like Ken Rex coupled with Ken Rex imasculating him he jumped on the opportunity to get even for everything. Two additional questions Harry, I have heard that the post office in Skidmore has been closed and the high school was also closed and tore down. Do you think it might be Delta RoadI was looking on Google earth. Getting Away With Murder State troopers finally arrived in Skidmore, to find that the streets were deserted. Unless I missed something, I do not see anyone being connected with that gun, the one that shot the fatal bullet. He died of electricution when he made contact with a high voltage line while stepping out of the car. Trena McElroy was sitting next to her husband, Ken Rex, in his Chevy Silverado when rifle shots shattered the rear window and exploded her husbands head onto the dashboard. I remember Ken well. It would be interesting to know how this incident changed Skidmore and its people. Good riddance to bastards like Ken! Id imagine Id be sick of it myself. His problems, but who dont? Enjoyed your book, its a fascinating case. To get these girls out of here trouble was getting ready to happen. The vast majority of these rifles were chambered in 30-30; the Winchester 94 is practically synonymous with the 30-30 chambering. I think anyone who has been on the receiving end of a bullys wrath or the injustices of the legal system to deal with criminals can put themselves in the plight of the towns people of Skidmore. I took a deep breath and said he wasnt my uncle and I had never known him. I also read Judgement Day, it was worth reading although you can tell its not as accurate. Me and my 2 sisters decided to check it out as it was less than 2 hours from where we live. 2. More likely, it was an impulsive act. Its hard to live with a secret , a sin like that. skidmore is not a tuff town at all. Just purchased The Story Behind . As for how he died, if you will submit the autopsy report confirming the massive heart attack, I will correct the record. this town is declining at a rapid pace , soon , skidmore will be a ghost town with nothing but mcelroys ghost roaming the streets & empty buildings. Ken was 18 and Oleta was 16. . Maybe in 30 or more years you will know there names but i wont be saying because there is still a lot of Mcelroy decents around these parts. It is so BAD, I CANNOT leave this property unattended. Thanks for taking the time to write. maybee its time for facts and proof to come out now. I know how people get frustrated and i realize how this happened with mcelroy! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. Someday he would get even. Thats how Ken McElroy felt. She owed her new life to the town is an interesting idea and one I hadnt thought of. Not to mention the event, which I will remind you he was never found guilty of, occurred a lifetime ago. But, I also believe so much evidence was either contaminated by bystanders or simply was taken away. When you keep pushing people around, eventually they get fed up. How fitting. Ken McElroy did this to Alice, and probably Trena too. Its extremely difficult nowadays to operate any kind of small business in such sparsely populated areas like these having to rely on the locals to keep it afloat whether its a local bar, gas station, or corner grocery. The people that shot Ken Rex were cowards. You are all over the place. I wont name them directly. I think he probably knew it was the end for him, and I think he might have welcome it, at some level. And his ex wife Sharon is also a very kind woman. Things got repeated and repeated until he became almost larger than life. Also, Im kind of curious about how this event affected other people and america. Yes it was 2 men they were relations to eachother but the one who shot him was visiting at the time.He is dead now of prostate cancer about 10 years or more. I would really love to find out what happened to all of his children, and women, as well as if you or the authorities have any new leads to speak of. Mr. Dowlings body has been cremated under the direction of the Bram-Danfelt Funeral Home, Maryville. I was a witness , not a shooter . on the SKIDMORE TOPIS PAGE someone put a post on their something about a photograph a man had taken that morning , he was at the gas station caddy corner & saw something going down , pulled out a camera & snapped off a few shots & threw camera back in car . Did you ever hear this story? Furthermore, I just purchased the E version of Harrys book and within its first section, he mentions that specific road and how the former coon hunting area of Ken Rex is down that road a total of 3 miles. You wouldnt find one, it didnt exist. When the law refused to deal with him and people feared for their lives they did what they thought they had to do to survive. McElroy should have been taken care of by law enforcement officers and the courts. So the debris pile falls at the 2 mile point. I do not see that you wrote of this in your comments. just wondering how the locals felt about her also. Was it the standard blub the names were changed to protect the innocent or another reason for not using the real names/places in your movie? Sorry, Ive never heard that name. As we To the residents of the small town, he was the town . Trena sad she saw him clear as day, what more do you need? (Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images) PURCHASE A LICENSE Standard editorial rights Custom rights How can I use this image? The law had utterly failed to protect Skidmore or the surrounding communities. It shows a mentality very close to Dels. Sorry pal, Im one of those 6 180 pound guys you claim youd palm. Hi, Im doing a school project on the murder of Ken Rex McElroy. I guess thats understandable. what a fascinating story. He was a boaster and a bully, but he carried through on just enough of his threats to scare the hell out of people. What accounts for the discrepancy? Last I checked: Real men dont have to use guns to intimidate. If I had a dime, no make that a nickel, for every time someone said they were going to kick my ass I would be richer then I am now from all the robbin and stealin lol. Waving a shotgun around and shooting old unarmed men doesnt make him look so brave to me. I do not see it that way. I live about an hour away from this area still. Watch the new and 7th season of BuzzFeed Unsolved: True Crime! it was truly scary , I seen McElroy back in early 81 . He was most certainly not. Your characterization of the man who seems to have shot him as a coward is interesting. Stole what did not belong to him. Btw, she had to move,didnt have a choice. That sounds like a threat at the end of your comment. I raised it as a topic of discussion, since they shot McElroy in the back. I just came across a brief posting about him on Facebook and true crime always fascinates me. I would love to find someone in the area who would describe this drunken short man routine you speak of. yeah thats exactely how it happened , it wasnt planned . He ( the shooter) brought peace & saved the lives of many. A misanthrope that even treated his dogs, that he apparently loved, badly. Yes I know at this point most involved are dead or very old and forgot it. Bringing in meat and dairy products from U.K. countries. I never verified any of these facts, but I really didnt spend a lot of time trying either. And for a WHOLE town to stay silent since 1981 is astonishing..I lived in St. Louis at the time and remember all the media stories on it. I also was attempting to use Google Earth to observe the former Ken Rex house. Memorial services are planned for July and will be announced. As Juarez left the court room, the news item specifically mentioned he was smiling. Im curious why you felt No One Saw A Thing was junk. Im sure the shooting came up after a few beers, it would be a hard thing to live with. I put it together mainly because the book was out of print other than on Kindleand I felt that a real book should always be available. and im not affraid to say yes del was the main shooter. He was the Skidmore bully. If anything, our legal system became his enabler. During our many trips this subject came up and she gave an entirely different perspective on the story. I remember when this happened. Ive only heard about this case, its 2019, and I want to know more. I was 13 when my father myself and my two sisters. d) He soon became bored and moved on to another underage girl. Nothing will ever come to light. the dirty little coward who shot Mr. Howard) as opposed to the denotation; a person who lacks courage in facing danger, difficulty, opposition, pain, etc. Walked out the door. Fascinating stuff! If you have, would you recommend it and/or share your thoughts? My feeling is that he did, but he could not show fear. Harry. I remember Alice and thinking she is not much older then me yet she is with this guy and Treena is having his baby, and yet she was just a child A family members say so alone is definitely not persuasive. Is it possible you will be doing an updated story, anytime soon? Gary farmed west of Maryville most all his life. Let this stand as a testament of human nature and what people are capable of when deep-rooted survival instincts are aroused by fear, oppression, and the feelings of hopelessness. Is it out of respect for the familiy. All ten cops. Jones Memorial Chapel, 703 N.. I would be very interested to find out your source of information. Thought about it last night, did a internet search and here I am. No one saw a thing is a piece of junk. I hope you feel superior. I will stress again that his death was very unexpected. thats why this towns are falling into disrepairnot just Skidmore! Is that where Kens house was? This book is still very important because of this unique situation which involved the people of northwest Missouri. No testing of weapons was performed,as far as I am aware. How would you attempt to relate to him? I know for an absolute FACT that ballistics (as far as a crime scene investigations are concerned) have been around for a very long time. glad to know her life had a happy ending so to speak. How do they know that he was shot with a .22 and a .308 if they didnt run ballistics? He was a pedophile that raped 12 year old girls. Only hard core criminals laugh in court. The town has not changed much, a few places have really gone to hell; I have pics of the junk place that man needs to be strung up. (for one thing, murdering a human being isnt easy for most of us). She left with her kid and Alice and her the night of the shooting. he is suppossedly dying & wants truth to come out . McElroy's third wife, Trena McCloud, met Ken when he began dating her mother while she was 12. I think it is Delta Road. I can assure you Skidmore has moved on. The justice system failed in releasing this revengeful, dangerous man back to his community. I believe that the shooting was wrong , as someone said on here it was murder , but the law failed to do its job & they are also responsible for that mans death .

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