See which numbers repeatedly show up in YOUR Numerology chart . Maybe you can help me. This archangel leads humankind, searching for fulfillment to God, the most significant source of all joy. Cox writes that Haniel "gives ascent and intellectual force to a path or work motivated by love and wisdom; enables the works of heaven (higher impulses) to be implanted on Earth (lower planes of manifestation, the body)." Develop a deeper sense of connection with 16 Archangels (including Archangel Orion) when you sign up for. I began my call to Hagiel via the sphere of Netzach and its influence of the Archangel Haniel. She also has extensive majestic wings that are silver in color. Sign up today! When this Archangel appears to you in the form of a blue bird or blue jay, it is to provide a reminder to be mindful of your path and that your current thought pattern may contain faulty information. In praying to her during a full moon, you can request anything. You can call on Archangel Sandalphon when you need assistance with the creation of music, greater clarity and understanding with communication, sleep and relaxation issues, anxiety, meditation, and the swift delivery of prayers through this special advocate. Working in tandem with the Akashic Records of all that was, is, and will be for your soul, Archangel Sandalphon reviews your life path when prayers are received to determine the most beneficial ways to answer them. We've emailed you a link to your Angel Session. For the first 30 years of my life, I was afraid of my intuitive side. She understands the female body, and she can help out with any issues. Archangel Haniels aura color is turquoise. She helps uncover the lost secrets of natural healing remedies such as plants, crystals, potions, and powders. All of these beings hear your prayers which are sent through the invisible network at heart of our spirits which connects us with all beings. Archangel Raziel is a Master Magician and Alchemist which means he has a deep, rich and vast grasp and connection with the natural elements of fire, air, water, earth, metal, and ether. When it appears you will feel instantly joyful. Unlock higher levels of consciousness and raise your vibrations today. In animal form, Archangel Jophiel appears as a heron, which is symbolic of soaring to great heights and living life in a unique way by listening within. There are countless numbers of angels who are willing and able to help us achieve our aims and live peaceful and happy lives. I work with Haniel and hear her whisper in my ears 24/7. 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According to her believers, Archangel Haniel often appears in a feminine form more than in a manly physique. If you're having issues with fertility, menstruation or any other feminine health concerns, Haniel can help to rebalance any energetic issues which are contributing to the problem. On your special space, add objects and images that bring the feeling of peace and love. Hopler, Whitney. These depictions emphasize that no matter how dark it is, joy can give light to it. If you want to uncover what has been encoded in your destiny when you were born. You will have access to higher spiritual truth, divine wisdom and your soul will also be healed. This means that the angels can help us and we can help them. If you would like to receive personal angelic guidance, please be sure to check out my angel readings: Please subscribe to the FLOWING WITH ANGELS YOUTUBE CHANNEL for more channeled messages from the Archangels! Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She is in charge of the erotic aspects of the earth. Haniel rules over the moon and the planets Saturn and Venus. Also, it is important to include oils during your sessions. The full moon is a time of release. Encyclopedia of Angels, Spirit Guides and Ascended Masters, The Angel Bible: The Definitive Guide to Angel Wisdom, Birth Angels: Fulfilling Your Life Purpose With the 72 Angels of the Kabbalah. This is the Archangel of unconditional love and self-love. Who is Archangel Haniel? Turquoise is a very important color regarding Archangel Haniel as its the color of her aura. All of her appearances are made alongside Sariel. Haniel directed me to psychic skill enhancement classes where I explored my gifts in a safe environment. We have become detached and unaware, even dismissive of our own natural cycles and rhythms. Haniel encourages us to stop searching for fulfillment outside of ourselves, instead bringing us within, to explore trust, confidence and wonderment in the adventure that is our lives. Your email address will not be published. Haniel specializes in healing women fromthese pains, so make sure you call upon her during your next menstrual cycle. She is the Angel of Intuition. Archangel Haniel is graciously carrying a rose- these depictions expresses beauty and joy. She will assist you in the best way that she could. Let me surround you with my soft blue gleam, like rays of moonlight shining over you. Archangel Haniel is the ambassador of heavens high spheres here on earth. Others still see Haniel as a Divine Masculine energy instead of feminine. In her "Encyclopedia of Angels, Spirit Guides and Ascended Masters," Susan Gregg writes that "in an instant, Haniel can change your mood from one of great hopelessness to one of great joy." Haniel is responsible for the joy that you feel. Amen.. Archangel Haniel is often depicted as wearing a turquoise robe, with large and impressive silver wings. Archangel Haniel is known as the angel of joy. The energy of aquatic birds symbolizes the emotional nature of the soul, as well as the deep peace that can be attained by gliding through life with deep trust in the path you have chosen for yourself. Personal growth is important to Archangel Haniel. ", In "The Angel Bible: The Definitive Guide to Angel Wisdom," Hazel Raven writes that Haniel "brings emotional freedom, confidence, and inner strength" and "ameliorates emotional turmoil by balancing the emotions.". Haniel works to rid the world of negative energies that hinder growth and development in all aspects of life. The energy of the lion, which symbolizes the strength, determination and playfulness brought to us by Archangel Gabriel, helps us with our goals while reminding us to take a rest when needed to restore the mind, body, and spirit to full capacity. Some people know Archangel Haniel by the other spellings of her name. She is the angel of joy, love and sensitivity. Archangel Raguel - Helps bring peace and calm to . Grouped together, they snuggle for warmth and care for one another when storms rage overhead. When you are seeking to make a connection with an archangel you will want to create a sacred space in your home where you can quiet your mind and open your heart. Archangel Azrael: "Angel Of Grief", The Least Known Archangel. Archangels are a higher order of celestial beings who oversee the work of the guardian angels. A Miracle Prayer for Marriage Restoration. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Archangel Haniel works together with people whose sole purpose is to be of service to others. Haniel aids in the development of courage, endurance, commitment, and a positive sense of self with limitless potential. Thank you for elevating my level of consciousness but not only that, thanks for guiding mywords, deeds and behavior and for showing me the energy of joy and happiness with your presence. This archangel is mighty. Archangel Haniel usually has an uplifting effect when we connect with her. As a protector of souls, she will provide us with the virtue and spiritual determination to fulfill our higher purpose. One of her duties is to attend to ladies throughout their menstrual cycles. You need to call upon Haniel when you feel like you want to be graceful in whatever you are going through. You might feel a slight tingle, spikes in the energy around you, or your hands and head will feel warm with a tickle. Archangel Haniel helps in translating Divine messages into clear words and vibrations that human beings can understand. Recordings of Meditations Included! Raphael appears to me as deep royal blue energy (this color is associated with the third-eye chakra located on the forehead between the eyebrows), in human form dressed in white with wings and hands held at chest-level facing outward to bring healing or with a stunning azure blue aura, and in the form of a wolf or deer. These talents and gifts will help us on our life path and our soul mission. This archangel of God can immediately shift one's condition from one of desperate gloom to vast pleasure. She introduced me to a powerful Life Coach who showed me that I wasnt wrong for being different than most, and guided me to embrace who I am and how I tick! The waxing moon, just before the moon goes full, is the perfect time to ask for help with healing. She is the angel of joy. When we're born, a guardian angel is assigned to us. For example, I know Im connecting with Archangel Haniel when I feel a physical energetic buzzing in my third eye and on the crown of my head. She encourages us to honor our true selves and work towards bringing peace into the world. He is ready to help with our struggles and infuse our life with love. Archangel Haniel appears in some religious texts. Or probably you want to increase the flame of your romantic life, whatever is the reason make sure to describe it carefully to Haniel}. For me, Haniel is the Archangel of Intuition. You can open your mind, heart and soul here and focus to get into a level of consciousness. This is where you can open your heart and focus to enter a state of consciousness. I have only just recently learned of the presence of angels in my life, so finding your site is a blessing , Haniel came and made her presence visible and known in an interesting way for myself..I was working late at my new job and had a minute to stand and lean over because the work is pretty strenuous but as Im holding the ladder of the train wellcar Im about to climb I feel this warmth all over my shoulders and I whisper in a low voice haniel and when I said it I started thinking?..hmm I know thats an archangel but Im not sure which one or what..Im happy I found out now. Haniel leads us to take appropriate steps in life that will bring us joy and happiness. The Sephirot Angels possess unique divine qualities of life force energy. Haniel archangel will help you differentiate between your feelings and emotions and those of others. Her passion for her calling is shared through spirit medium readings and angel readings, speaking engagements, and workshops she instructs, as well as through her writing, Reiki, and fine art spiritual paintings. When invoking Archangel Haniel be sure to include items that are turquoise in color. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. It is a feminine energy full of wisdom and hidden strengths. Just like archangel Jophiel, Haniel is also strongly connected to the moon and has a powerful female energy. Haniel's signature way of communicating with people is by giving them a fresh sense of joy within their souls, believers say.

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