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Part of me wishes this practice of wife spanking waslimited to just one denomination so it could be easierto expose, but it is clear from the above examples that we cannot. I Hate that Thing: The Loop Its important to note that Lauren was spanked as a child through adulthood. Guided Wife A blog on my desire to be virtuous and submissive Im an adult who is in control of her own life. ever. And your friend, of course, if she is able to. I know have a tremendous amount of respect for my husband. Oh, come on, JA; Daisy of course speaks for all of us, which is why Daisy debates many of us, I believe myself included. Christian Domestic Discipline - 09-23-2011, 11:08 PM. We left and started the long drive to my parents house and after about an hour I started again. Its not right. (Both know of the relationship my husband and I have, as we have talked with them about the joys of a CDD relationship.). I wanted to get far away from my vile self worshipping misogynistic Christian father, I never wanted to have sex again or be subject to a man again. At first Ben was not consistent, and didnt spank me nearly hard enough. Now no one complains to the Pastor at Bible school anymore I can tell you. Well, thats their altar. I submit that, no matter what, 100pinkapples is our sister, and that Lone Voice is not to be received as a brother. So, if youre the family bully and thats the way its always been, does your wife really consent to being bullied? As that is what it really boils down to. Youve also been influenced by perverse secular culture. When women were welcomed, for the most part, into the workforce and had independent means of support, the divorce rate skyrocketed. Even if I were to make a pledge, my father would have nothing to do with it. Eph 5:22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. Yes, Im guilty of being obscure at times. Thats why Hollywood had/has such a high divorce rate two stars who were independently wealthy married and then when the marriage went south, the wife knew she could divorce without losing her livelihood. Did you get support from friends and family after leaving him? I have a lot of respect for your father, and husband. The clip is just over one minute long: After reading Laurens letter and sharing back and forth e-mails, I had so many questions. Christian Domestic Discipline One wife got spanked because she was slow in getting dinner on the table when her husband came home from work. If you are currently living (or have lived) the Christian Domestic Discipline lifestyle and you would like to share how it has helped your marriage or relationship, please email your story and mention that you wish to share your experiences with other people. There you will get a bit more info why I believe this is biblical. Youre quoting a rule or law which only applied under the Old Covenant, for the Jews. They threatened to spank me if I didnt back down and I have no doubt it wasnt an idle threat. Domestic Discipline This perception betrays the fact that you are hating what you do not even understand. BDSM is not recommended for all Christians, but safe and responsible BDSM has the potential to enhance intimacy and strengthen marriages. Its not just me that talks about your husband having authority, Julie Anne. Sorry, have not read anything here yet! Finally, Daisy be more Christ-like; keep your nose out of my bedroom. Pat Robertson is another known figure in Christiandom who has said some shocking statements about how husbands should treat wives. Those verses are being filtered by you through a patriarchy lens; they do not teach or support male authority over women, nor do they limit all women of all times, cultures, and churches from leading and teaching. Beautiful Surrender: 13 Godly Christian Wives Here are some tidbits of the arrest report: [redacted] told me Jamin has a couple of different hunting rifles, a couple of shot guns, a Glock pistol and another silver pistol. What kinds of reactions can he expect from his wife as he introduces this into his marriage and how should he respond to his wifes reactions? Later my dad told me that he was glad I have a husband who keeps me in line and that I had better behave if I dont want him to repeat it. Finally, I would suggest that the fix you are suggesting are the reasons domestic discipline has been making a come back lately and is here to stay. But I think there are probably other women in conservative or controlling Christian households where the husband thinks it is OK to spank his wife like just another child in the house. Click on the image at the top or you can click here to go to subscribe and listen to this series as well as hundreds of other biblical gender roles related podcasts. But over it all was always this sense of control and he was the man. My wedding vows included a vow to obey and he would often remind me that God commanded wives to submit and obey their husbands as they were supposed to do towards Christ. Thanks to a suggestion and my loving HOHs (head of households) permission it was a test spank. Its not just me that talks about your husband having authority, Julie Anne. Christian Domestic Discipline Christian Domestic Discipline, wife spanking, Christian Patriarchy Movement, Spanking of Adult Children, Denominational Practices and teachings Two summers ago, I received a phone call from a pastor who shared his growing concern about wife-spanking in his family of churches. 15 reasons why Christian domestic discipline is a terrible, anti-Christian idea | Biblical Personhood,, That is abuse in marriage. And so many selfish, heartless, sexually sadistic Areal Castro centric Christian men are telling women they cant refuse their husbands sex. So, a wife divorcing her husband unless she was independently wealthy was quite possibly a death sentence. to conduct what is know as Risk Assessment and from there, in conjuction with the victim, develop a personalised safety plan. I didnt see it as abuse. He was so different than the other Christians I had met, many of whom tormented my Jewish best friend and my completely secular family. . We need to consider the importance of thecorrelation ofspanking of children through adulthoodand also the transfer of headshipfrom father to new husband when a young lady gets married. As believers, we arent allowed to dictate to people outside the faith how they should live their lives, or deal with their suffering. Beautiful Surrender: 13 Godly Christian Wives I applaud you for wanting to help her. And like you, I really enjoy being described as a feministit means a ton of different things, but generally its not something I get accused of, either. I can see from your posts that you have major issues with men, but please dont filter the Bible through your own experiences. Send in your testimonials! Previously I have shown Domestic Discipline to be both a Biblical concept as well as a historical practice amongst husbands for thousands of years on my Instagram page @biblicalsexandiscipline and on my blog as well as podcasts series on Oh, stop the press! If you find a bad doctor you dont rubbish the whole of medicine. Im wondering what their thoughts were on it? I met Ben, my husband, at a work function, and when I found out he was a Christian agreed to go out with him. There is no longer a power struggle between two people who both want to be in charge. It is a confession of our dependence on one another and an acceptance of our natural roles.Do you submit to the wishes of your boss? And please dont discount the experiences of those whove suffered under religious patrio-centrism or just plain chauvinism. No fool in his right mind would buy this as a legitimate way to have a relationship, Alsdurf says. This makes it all more more important for the victim and her supporters to be persistent in calling for help, and politely pressing for the workers and the justice system to do what they can do. If you actually are a woman, how sad that you are participating in your own second-class status and actually defending it. Do you have a problem with that? How does a husband exert authority over a woman? I am in my early 30s and this past 4th of July I was there and we had a bit of an argument. Women would rather be loved than respected. Cooler heads prevail and your words are so helpful, not just for A Lone Voice, but to anyone else who may stumble across this old thread. I disagree with you, but like Rock, I do not think that you are sick. Would Jesus (bad word) the church against the churches will? However, since it would not be good to, myself, come across as as condescending, I will not do that. A Lone Voice just proves him/herself to be another dime-a-dozen abuser. We were told that it was biblicalto spank our teenagers, even ones who were overlegal adulthood. You are telling 100pinkapples that she needs to take a Christian response to her abusers and to her own pain, and to see a pastor for counselling. In Laurens situation, she described her husband as calm and never in anger, yet he referred to her in demeaning terms, little girl, as a father would say to a child. science is wrong on domestic violence because you said so? Christianity is about inspiring free hearts, not forcing them with laws. Beyond praying for their victims, and calling the police in instances where we have knowledge of actual abuse, there is nothing we can do or say that will make a difference. Im not a Jew living in Israel in 5,000 B.C. Its not just me that talks about your husband having authority, Julie Anne. But I have come to believe that there was a form of CDD/DD in the days of the bible. 1 Peter 3:7. You should address your own problems before aspiring to protect people against themselves. Go back to the word (Luke 4:1-13) and see for yourself. Its perverse secular culture which advocates and promoted S&M kinky bedroom games not the Bible. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. We did not get spanked very much nor did Mom because we knew better than disobey dad. Please remember blog rules. Wolf goes on to demandnot suggest, but demandthat you forgive. Do any of you no-doubt scrupulously well-balanced people with whom all wisdom will die understand that there are all sorts of emotional triggers that turn people on, and that some women love being spanked and find it erotic? Lone, there are a few Biblical objections to role playing, S& M, and the like. God made us women to serve and obey our husbands because he knows they needed help mates. I had my hands up and she walks into me. Jamin was not told about the allegations made against him by [redacted] to me. This is really strange, as it seems the husband turned a non-consensual sex fetish into his personal gratification and not his wifes, while hurting her mentally and physically through some crazy fabricated punishment, Lets treat adults like adult and lets avoid the temptation of playing the role of God.. Uh oh. . I imagine the biggest thing other women might be experiencing is that embarrassment, demoralizing, and feeling very disempowered. Oh brother, that was too obvious. Not sure whether you can hear me in the doghouse (or if youre even hanging around anymore), but Id like to offer some insight as to why you might have ended up there. It might not be terribly feminist to say so, but other women like feeling powerless during conjugal relations. Christian Domestic Discipline Say for example, they are asked to bring another into the relationship/marriage bed, or commit a crime, because I have heard that from women. There are in fact right wingers and conservative Christians who take the Bible literally yet who also reject the gender complementarian position (which is what you are advocating). If they divorced or left their husbands, they had no means of financial support. Junia was a female apostle who taught men. You get all edgy. Hes made the right call. The woman you are concerned about is indeed at very high risk. Out of our wounds flow compassion, understanding, & grace. Not to mention I find it tremendously sexy and attractive. Reading this comment section is like reading a handbook of how liberal thinkers (and do not assume that I am a conservative), go about turning people who think differently than them into mentally sick people. Wacky science isnt fooling anyone, even if people are not always able to verbalize it, they feel within themselves that something is wrong and this autism makes them explode at some point. TIL hitting your spouse is the key to making relationships work.

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