colleagues should never snoop or look up information cvsgeelong cats coaching staff 2022

I will always Google and check out your website, your CV if thats online, an article you wrote (why wouldnt you want people to read an article you wrote!? There are cases, statutes, and codes that address some of an employer's responsibilities to maintain the privacy of personal information about employees. That doesnt mean you are, but you shouldnt write that off solely because youre been managing for 20 years. The bottom line is that its on the individual to control what they publish. HIPAA is an acronym for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Same if youre in any kind of media type job. Unlike these Latin word parts, worker is just the noun formed from the Old English-derived verb work, so coworker combines a Latin prefix . We too enjoy food and coffee and going to the gym and all that! But it also sounds like the training courses are the least of the issues here! I know it is not always possible 100% but if you dont want people looking at your MySpace, LiveJournal from when you were 16/20/24 do your best to try and get it taken down. On a subconscious level, we must recognize the company whos name is on the pen we use, and when it comes to buying an item, were more likely to chose them over a competitor. This was particularly annoying because it was on a long, inaccessible piece of property so it wasnt subtle at all and could be a bit creepy. I am really sorry about that tragedy that you suffered, you have my sympathy. It would have never occurred to me to google any of them and these letters are eye-opening. But how good are you at stuffing it all down the memory hole the next day, when youll see them in the hall? So I was effectively searching colleagues all the time because I dont carry everyones extensions/office locations in my head and keeping a local version was very much frowned upon by senior management. The first thing I thought of when I read that, was being a kid and my father pulling over to houses being built (more like a whole development, rather than a single house) to check it out.. Worse, Google would only take them down if you wrote to them from the original email address. It even applies to the IT support division I work in, even though we almost entirely support internal teams. I guess I just have a fundamentally different perspective on the privacy issue. Maybe you dont need a reason to snoop, but by the same token, youre giving me a reason to think youre incredibly inconsiderate to everyone you do deep dives searches on. I have made plenty of posts where someone could easily guess where I work, though, and should probably knock that off ASAP if I want to maintain a level of anonymity. Uh, no, Im just trying to do my job well. If youre in an of industry where its common for people to have their own website related to their work, then its only natural to google them for that reason. I dont know, I think that there can be times when youre a normal level of curious about another person but there isnt a good time/reason to ask them to go into it. So, yeah. A lot of colleges and universities now have policies now that range from the draconian (youre not allowed to accept anything from a vendor, even a .50 cent pen) to more reasonable (if its out on a table, you can take it, but nothing thats a special gift, meals under a certain $ amount). * Trust me, Ive tried. 2. Im going to be very curious what their offer will be, as the recruiter heavily pitched total compensation (base pay + bonus) vs. a stronger base pay. When I wrote the articles, it was with the understanding that it would go to the 10,000 print run. It also makes the company MORE vulnerable, rather than less. I dont need you to look me up and prejudge me before youve gotten to know me. I have had two bosses snoop around social media looking if I have a presence. I dont want to look at that and would hope decent people wouldnt say Thats fair game.. Many times the individual did NOT post it online though. I can honestly say the only time weve ever googled someone is after theyve given us reason to. And that is the kind of curiosity that makes for a nightmare coworker. If youre just looking up a coworkers linkedin profile or website to get a sense of their professional background, I think most people would consider that fine. I dont google personal stuff. You were told. Public records are now searchable when they didnt use to be available. He felt included and loved it. Im saying that you can ask the OPs question without having any interest in snooping on coworkers (or in trying to do something wrong), simply because its an interesting discussion, particularly after reading a post like the one they referenced. should I even consider interviewing somewhere else if Im happy with my job. No see thats creepy. Having zero commute, the ability to meet the cable guy at 2pm, pick my kid up at 5:05 and tidy the house over lunch is all the treats I need. Our govies wont even eat the free popcorn in our office. OP #1: a simple rule of thumb might be, if it would make you uncomfortable to know a coworker was looking at this kind of information on YOU, you shouldnt look a that kind of information on THEM.. #1, Companies do background checks all the time which can reveal far more than anything posted on Facebook, etc. BUT, I dont think people necessarily have a right to be upset if others find things about you that you posted online, because its never 100% private. Sometimes I have seen a coworker, friend, acquaintance a the market and told someone else guess who I saw at the market today John Smith. Without ever mentioning it to anyone who knows them, and might know someone who knows them? Staring at someone at a restaurant for your entire meal is creepy. Malicious compliance! Its just that some people dont care where the line is and will find all kinds of reasons why they were justified in crossing it. Somebody will do it isnt even close to being the same thing as this is morally OK and not creepy. I have been managing this team for three years with zero help, as a brand new person to this company. Let's be honest: If you feel the need to snoop through your significant other's phone, you probably shouldn't be together in the first place. Its always fun to see whos disgusted by the anchovies and whos grossed out by the olives. Its one thing to go to a manager and say I could use more support, specifically with x and y or I know you arent familiar with the technicalities but z is really important to my team, can I explain our current challenges and get your feedback.its another thing to go to HR and say my manager doesnt know anything about what I do and isnt managing us (this could vary a lot by your level in an org and how technical your work). That was supposed to be the big attraction, the great value. I finally understand why companies give away branded pens. People could even try to push for companies like FB/Google to create their own policies. I really like my job overall and I work in a very specialized profession so I dont have many options and dont want to leave. Paid background checks on your coworkers are way past the line. But dont let on that youve done so. We just had to send her the receipt. #5 I think its great to do this! We are in the midst of hiring someone who was supposed to start this week. With those freebies, am I allowed to keep them for my personal use? She didnt write on her blog that shed gotten arrested. What can I do to make myself less upset about this, and what can I say to my boss in the near future in a way that doesnt throw her under the bus? I find it strange when people have no natural curiosity but then I have worked in professions that involve research and seeking knowledge. Exactly. Agree. And that doesnt apply to just 5 seconds after what ever is found out. Once people know it, they *will* respond to it. I would eat so much better if I werent limited to what is most convenient to throw in a bag or assorted eateries around the office. A lot of the time, people send their employees to training as a substitute for effectively managing performance. The first is a little nosy but not outrageously out of line; the second is just plain creepy to do to someone youre not living with or hiring. It bewilders me why some people think its ok to disclose really private professional and personal information sometimes. Or anything that comes up in a google search under their name? And I have to say that if the attitude of , [my director had] nothing constructive, relevant, or informed to say about anything I had done for yet another year, bleeds into the LWs dealings with management shes not doing herself any favours. Before I made my phone number private, I used to get calls all the time for people with the same first & last name as me. I really wish there was a way to save others from this pair of toxic management, and to keep my fantastic team together, and to continue to contribute in the other ways I have been able to, but it looks increasingly like I have no options, here. Because going to the house of someone you barely know when theyve never invited you there is creepy. Simply googling someone isnt an intensive search. Paying for a background check or doing a deep dive in some other way could be. After a second yearly evaluation wherein it was clear she had nothing constructive, relevant, or informed to say about anything I had done for yet another year, I asked for help from HR. . Its hard to have rules of thumb because the people who actually need rules wont think the rules apply to them. In some places its not considered appropriate small talk stater. When I have the blinds open I imagine that someone is looking into my window or at least able to. Similarly, if youre starting a business and file for a sole proprietorship, LLC or other type of corporation, you have to post your name and the name of the business in the local newspaper. Polish up that resume and get out. This resulted in a weird exchange with the hiring manager, thankfully who was understanding, but definitely left a bitter taste about asking prev. Everything else Ive tossed into a drawer and forgotten about, then been annoyed about having later. 5. Mr B works for a large multinational, a couple of times a year they send the at home people a gift card to the pizza chain they use when they bring in stuff for the workers. Most places have an explicit dollar amount. Of course that doesnt help when Fergus hasnt updated his address in the database, or Fergusina forgets to mention shes now Fergusina Ferguson-Gerhardt now. I can understand doing this for a potential date, but not a new coworker.

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