Her death causes great pain and guilt to Qianlong Emperor up to the day he dies. Angry with her situation and pressured financially by her family, she decided to become a part of the Imperial Harem and was heavily favored by Qianlong Emperor for her skills and talents.. Due to her ability to manipulate people to do her bidding, she became the main cause of the relationship between Ruyi and Qianlong Emperor to become irreparable. A concubine from Yongzheng Emperor's reign who was banished to the Cold Palace. Qianlong Emperor designs and dedicated a pavilion to her, spending the rest of his life sitting inside of it and forever haunted by her memory as he grew older. Her only son, Prince Yongqi, was ultimately adopted by Ruyi and seen as Qianlong Emperor's favorite son until the former's death. We only know her surname was Wei, her name was made up for the show. After Empress Xiaojing's suicide, it was resported that Xiuxia also committed suicide afterwards. When asked to paint Ruyi and Qianlong Emperor for the first time as Empress and Emperor respectively, he suggested the two hold hands for their portrait. As a result, he occasionally interacts with members of the Imperial Court who come to request commissions or watch him work. She was chosen by Consort Jia due to her connections with the royal family and as a means to strengthen Prince Yongcheng's succession to the throne. Dubbed in Vietnamese. And make a few changes to prevent anymore more women from suffering and remove the harem system for good. She occasionally visits Ruyi after her marriage and helps her attend to a few things during her stay despite having her own children to tend to. She is used by Consort Ling to threaten imperial guard Zhao Jiuxiao into harming Prince Yongxuan. A concubine of then-Fourth Prince and eventually promoted to Imperial Noble Consort Chun. Consort Rong remained loyal to Ruyi for helping her become infertile at the cost of Ruyi's reputation and became Qianlong Emperor's voice of reason, criticizing him when he acts against Ruyi's wishes. We are waiting to see how Wallace Huo's portrayal of Emperor Qianlong turns out. After her mother's demotion to Second Attendant, she was sent to be raised by Consort Ying and considers the latter as her biological mother instead. The show teaches working Singaporean women that promotion is well within reach. On the other hand, Ruyi comes from the prominent Ulanara clan, which already has one member as the current Empress. Whatever, it doesnt make you any less of a queen. Qianlong Emperor's most trusted minister. Ruyi met palace guard Ling Yunche when she was first banished to the Cold Palace, and they soon developed a close friendship. For her servitude and sacrifice, Ruyi arranged a marriage between Doctor Jiang Yubin and became his only wife as Madame Jiang. Eventually, Consort Ling takes over Ruyi's position and responsibilities to maintain the Imperial Harem as Imperial Noble Consort but fails due to unwavering support from Ruyi's remaining allies. The show depicts her as a subtly scheming villain but history shows no record of such behaviour. Daughter of an official and Ling Yunche's wife. Nave and kind, she is manipulated often by the women of the Imperial Harem to unknowingly help with their machinations and sometimes works against Ruyi for her own agenda. Noble Consort Yu was first taken advantage of by Prince Hongli on a drunken occasion when she was a maid prior to his ascension. Some of the costumes took months, using Qing dynasty techniques to embroider. She, as well as Concubine Ke and First Attendant Gong were picked to serve Qianlong Emperor while Ruyi and Jia were pregnant. From 27 December 2018, it aired on Talentvision Canada. Although she is witty and intelligence, her forthright personality is often considered disrespectful, especially in a place which values propriety and restraint. An imperial guard and friend of Ling Yunche. Proud and eloquent, she is the surviving child of Empress Fuca. Gentle yet determined, she is a loyal friend and confidante of Ruyi. Spirited and eloquent yet blunt, she is the second member of the Imperial Harem from Mongolia and regarded as a "Southern Beauty" who became very favored by Qianlong Emperor. However, due to her desires to rise in rank and manipulation caused by the women in the Imperial Harem for their own agenda and out of suspicion, Wei is mistreated by them and various servants. She and Shuizhi were dismissed as part of Qianlong Emperor's orders to dispose Ruyi. Initially, Ruyi was sent to attend his bridal selection but was unable to be chosen to become his difujin. Hong Kong actress Charmaine Sheh wears replicas of phoenix Dian-tsui hairpins made with kingfisher feathers for brilliant blue coloration. Despite receiving initial mixed reviews from viewers about the plot and the characters, the series eventually won acclaim for its exquisite props, lavish sets and stellar cast and has a score of 7.5 points on Douban. A greedy and obnoxious woman, she tries to push her daughter into achieving higher for her personal gains. It was reported that Rongpei committed suicide after Ruyi's death. Appearances matter to him, as he intentionally hide the true reality of the Imperial Court to the outside world, and puts on a show to pretend he genuinely cares for the Imperial Family and Imperial Harem. You disregarded decorum, and caused damage to the harem with enticement. Ruyi and Qianlong Emperor's relationship went into further decline. She is eventually promoted to Step Empress but her relationship between her and Qianlong Emperor eventually deteriorated as time passed. Upon learning his true feeling for her and after the death of her son, she becomes mentally unstable and burned herself alive. The accusation led to Suoxin to be tortured but Consort Jia to be demoted once her plans were exposed. The ending sequence states that no woman from Ula-Nara ever entered the Imperial Harem again after Ruyi's death. Airs every day at 19:00. The First Prince of Qianlong Emperor and Imperial Noble Consort Zhemin's only son. Ruyi saw Jingse for the first time but ignored her. Consort Ling arranged her and various other courtesans to occupy Qianlong Emperor for several nights, leading to Ruyi's final argument with him when she confronted him about his interactions with the women. In addition, Consort Ling gave birth to six children for Qianlong in ten years. She is childhood friends with Eunuch Li Yu, who had a crush on her, and Doctor Jiang Yubin, whom she had a crush on. Consort Ling was the third Empress of Emperor Qianlong. Empress Nara died on 19 August 1766 and the emperor did not designate a new empress. His decision to take Third Prince out of the line of succession and make Qianlong Emperor his successor forced the latter to initially rescind his decision to make Ruyi his difujin. Being an Eunuch was the only way a nobody could find their way into the private courts of the Emperor and his harem. Consort Ling is one of Qianlong Emperor's favorite women. Loyal and empathetic, he initially wanted to work with Consort Ling to better both their lives and hopefully get married together soon after. Suoxin was a part of Ruyi's funeral when she died, burning Joshi paper alongside Lingzhi and San Bao. Gurl, all you need is a big headdress and some shiny finger guards and you can rock Yanxi Palace like Cardi B at fashion week. Royal and noble ranks of the Qing dynasty, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Empress_Xiaoyichun&oldid=1152584656, hiyooungga yongsonggo yongkiyaha hwangheo, This page was last edited on 1 May 2023, at 03:31. As for the real Consort Ling, it was unknown if she was a maid. Cant get enough of harem squabbles, lurid trysts and fake pregnancies? Eunuch of the Internal Affairs Department. While he is talented and politically capable, he is revealed to be insecure and selfish as time passes. Often the mastermind behind Consort Ling's schemes, she remained loyal to her until Consort Ling attempted to rid of her via poison. Empress Fuca and Imperial Noble Consort Hui despised her for receiving favor and caused her to miscarry. Many viewers agree that Ruyi bears many characteristics of a modern female. To date it has debuted in 18 countries and regions, including the United States, Canada, Australia, Japan and Philippines.[74]. Concubine Shen was sent to The Cold Palace as a commoner and committed suicide shortly after being tortured under Ruyi's orders. Dubbed with Vietnamese. You have probably already heard about the elaborate costumes and sets, bitchy drama and complicated Chinese vocabulary that brings up all your PTSD from Chinese class, from this hit drama series. Consort Rong's first love and late fianc. In Story of Yanxi Palace, Consort Ling is from a lower class family. On 9 February 1796, the Qianlong Emperor abdicated and became a retired emperor. As he grows older, his weaknesses cause him to fall victim to Consort Ling's influence and becomes a shadow of a man Ruyi used to love. He is the father of Ruyi. The Consort Ling/Yingluo is the same Consort Ling who drinks poison at the end of Ruyi The Consort Jia who is with Gao is the same Consort Jia that gets the earrings from Ruyi after she becomes Empress. Under Consort Ling's orders, she masterminded a scathing rumor about Ruyi and Ling Yunche having an affair. Looks like your parents know best. The Second Prince of Qianlong Emperor and Empress Fuca's oldest son. Being the favourite of the Emperor for many years, surprisingly, her early life and cause of death were not recorded in detail. And if Disney is making a hollywood spinoff, take my money already. However, Qianlong Emperor shows deep respect for his mother as a means of displaying filialty and they get along with each other overall. Ruyi prepared the death to ensure that Concubine Mei is reunited with her son in the afterlife. With both dramas set in the Qing Dynasty during Emperor Qianlong's reign, it's not surprisingfor fansto compare the two. Palace maid Palace maid of Consort Chun Palace Maid of the Royal Garden Palace Maid of Consort Jia Palace Maid of the Yangxin Palace Second Class Female Attendant Wei () First Class Female Attendant Wei () Noble Lady Ling () Concubine Ling () Consort Ling () Second Class Female Attendant Wei Concubine Ling Consort Ling Noble Consort Ling () Imperial Noble Consort Ling () Imperial Noble Consort Lingyi (, posthumous). After falling out of favor, she allies herself with Consort Ling but refuses to cause harm. Consort Ling's actions against the Imperial Family are exposed by Ruyi and Qianlong Emperor punishes Consort Ling by demoting. 8.5/10 from 2 users. Due to his ego, he is often humbled by his father when he tries to outshine his brothers. (2018) The road to becoming an empress is paved with treachery. Ambitious, cunning, and calculating, he was initially favored due to being the first son born after Qianlong Emperor's ascension. [60] The drama won acclaim for its exquisite props, lavish sets, and stellar cast. Initially seen as a foreigner who is attentive and favored by Qianlong Emperor for having sons, she is revealed to be manipulative, shrewd, and the mastermind behind Imperial Noble Consort Hui and Empress Fuca's demise. Ruyi described Consort Wan as a "rare, good person" and forgave her for her actions before Consort Wan vowed to make amends. A former maid who entered the palace when Ruyi is promoted to Imperial Noble Consort and became part of the Imperial Harem. Burger Making A Comeback, These Jelly Lipsticks Have Heart-Shaped Bullets & Cute Floral Packaging In Soothing Tones. Lady Qingying is banished from the Imperial Court upon Empress Xiaojing's house arrest. After becoming Empress, Ruyi still must survive the many conspiracies against her. Consort Ling, a former maid turned concubine and look-a-like of Ruyi began rising in power and continues to scheme against Ruyi and several other members of the Imperial Harem. After rescuing Ruyi and being accused for having an affair with her afterwards, Qianlong Emperor forced him to become a Eunuch as a humiliating punishment. Ruyi reveals this to Jia, who died of a broken heart as a result. Before her death, she warns Qianlong Emperor of Ruyi and curses whoever tries to pursue her status as Empress to die tragically. Realizing that Ruyi never wanted to be involved in the Imperial Harem in the first place and suffered greatly because of him, he orders all records of Ruyi to be destroyed and her death to be written as merely a passing of an untitled clanswoman, which brought controversy throughout China and the Imperial Palace. Xin Zhilei as the scheming Consort Jia in the Chinese historical drama 'Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace'. #5 Qianlong Emperor: Yanxi Palace (Left) VS Ruyi (Right). Yongzheng Emperor died six years after Ruyi's marriage to Qianlong Emperor. Thank God we have governmental scholarships today. Prince Yongcheng Prince L of the First Rank. A few years later Ruyi is released from the Cold Palace and regains her title as a consort and once again enters the imperial harem. A maid from the Clothes Washing Division who succeeded Suoxin as Ruyi's Senior Maid. Empress Ulanara also celebrated her birthday en route. Princess Jingsi Princess Heyi of the First Rank. Read 16. [4] It later went on national broadcast and aired simultaneously on Jiangsu Television and Dragon Television from 25 December 2018.[5]. Noble Lady Yi committed suicide soon after. But we all deserve to dream about marrying someone above our SES (socio-economic status). She disclosed this with Qianlong Emperor that she intentionally failed that bridal selection. A Grand Master monk from Nanyu Holy Place that came to visit shortly after Ruyi became Imperial Noble Consort. Historical Domain Character: A fictionalised version of Noble Consort Yu. The slow pacing in the first half of the drama was pointed out, with critics believing that the screenwriters neglected to write with compact story-telling to flesh out the characters. Elegant and dignified, she presents herself as a respected and virtuous Empress. The Eighth Prince of Qianlong Emperor and Consort Jia's second son. Yongyan was enthroned as the Jiaqing Emperor. Yanxi palace, living for it! She was 16 years his junior. On 17 June 1766, she gave birth to the 17th son, Yonglin. She is sometimes referred to as Hailan by Ruyi. He is sentenced to death and his marriage was nulled by Qianlong Emperor's orders. Ruyi blamed herself for his death and was almost caught secretly burned Joshi paper in remembrance of him. [58], The series has also received criticism over the age of the leading performers, with viewers saying they made unconvincing teenagers, and criticized the series' producers for not using younger actors to portray the lovestruck teens. When Fuca Langhua/the empress dies from illness, Ruyi becomes the new Empress and Hongli's official wife. As a result, he was initially considered to be next in line to the throne. [62] Four days later, on January 29, the Chinese government cancelled the program and similar programs such as Story of Yanxi Palace. Attractive and venerated by the public, Consort Jia orchestrated a rumor that he and Ruyi were having an affair by planting false evidence. When his mother returned to live with the Imperial Family, he came along with her. Her posthumous title of Imperial Noble Consort Shujia; her name is a homophone for "loser" (). To save face, her family revealed that she was actually adopted, explaining why Crown Prince is unable to love her. Despite having a good relationship with the Step Empress, Consort Ling manipulated her desire to gain favor and her penmanship skills to further separate Qianlong Emperor from Ruyi and lose custody of Prince Yongji. An ambitious and calculative person, though not as hardworking as his imperial brothers, he is goaded by Imperial Noble Consort Chun to compete for the position of the Crown Prince against his adopted older brother. Blue Is Heroic: She tends to wear blue clothing and is a steadfast friend to Ruyi. The series is directed by Wang Jun,[46] produced by Huang Lan,[47] and written by the author of the original novel Liu Lianzi. [59], However, there were also praises for the drama. A maid of Ruyi, later sent to serve Noble Consort Yu. Wei Ying Luo (right), our quick witted, bold and just protagonist in Yanxi Palace entered the palace as a seamstress to find out the truth behind her sister's death and eventually becomes theEmperor'swoman known as Consort Ling. Yanxi Palace Fashion, Style And Beauty Guide To Feel Like An Empress Everyday. In daily dress, with the young Jiaqing Emperor. Our beloved Empress Fuca Rongyin (played by the oh-so-beautiful Qin Lan in Yanxi Palace) becomesa scheming character in Ruyi who's always collaborating with Noble Consort Huixian to frame Ruyi. She is eventually sent to The Punishment Bureau for torture and dies afterwards. Grand Princess Jingse Princess Hejing of the First Rank. He was tasked to send Ruyi out of the Imperial Court but allowed her to linger behind in order to see her aunt before she leaves. Giuseppe's interaction provide a brief view into Western culture to Ruyi when they first spoke. Dont want to miss the hottest topics and content you might like? Ulanara as portrayed in Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace (2018)(Screenshot/fair use) . This princess is in the league of Mulan, Elsa and Merida. Looks like princesses only have happy endings in Disney movies. He ends up succeeding the Qianlong Emperor. Eventually, Consort Ling takes over Ruyi's position and responsibilities to maintain the Imperial Harem as Imperial Noble Consort but fails due to unwavering support from Ruyi's remaining allies. After nearly drowning, Empress Fuca confesses to Qianlong Emperor and dies after cursing whoever tries to take her position as Empress to die miserably and warns him of Ruyi's true nature. As Qianlong Emperor's half-younger brother and initially another member in the line of succession, he chose to let his other brother ascend to the throne instead. In Ruyi, her character is always full of herself and always plotting against Ruyi. In ancient China, many families castrated their sons, hoping to propel them into the Forbidden City. Cameo by the original author, most of Liulianzi's scenes were deleted from the final cut. This page was last edited on 15 April 2023, at 12:44. Before Ruyi's death, Dowager Empress arranged him to live with her for his safety. The right picture shows the authentic pieces from the Palace Museum. Her death caused Consort Jia to spiral further down into mental decline and ultimately her downfall. The former Head Eunuch of Yangxin Hall and a personal attendant of Qianlong Emperor. Princess Jingyuan Princess Hejing of the First Rank. It's actually really refreshing to see the actors immerse themselves in their characters and bring real acting to the TV instead of leeching on their pretty face. He was Consort Ling's first love and eventually Miaoqian's husband. ", "Asian Academy Creative Awards 2019 winners", "Fox Networks Boards Chinese Series 'Ruyi's Love in the Palace', "Fox Networks Group Asia acquires exclusive rights to Ruyi's Love in the Palace", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ruyi%27s_Royal_Love_in_the_Palace&oldid=1149950067, Television series set in the Qing dynasty, CS1 Chinese (Hong Kong)-language sources (zh-hk), CS1 Chinese (China)-language sources (zh-cn), Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Chinese-language text, Articles containing simplified Chinese-language text, Articles containing traditional Chinese-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Eventually, Consort Jia loses favor from Qianglong Emperor and she is demoted after her plans were revealed. Driven by spite against those who had wronged her and financially pressured by her family, Consort Ling grows in favor due to constantly feeding into Qianlong Emperor's wants over his needs and reputation. ; Named by the Adaptation: Noble Consort Yu's personal name wasn't recorded. A famous courtesan favored by Qianlong Emperor during his trip. Lecherous and ambitious, he helps Consort Ling achieve her goals to rise in rank within the Imperial Harem. After the Yu Mausoleum grave robbery occurred in 1928, it was revealed that her remains were well-preserved during inspection. Disillusioned and aged, she meets Ruyi and attempts to assassinate the visiting Dowager Empress;she is later executed for her attempt. Unfortunately, the Ulanara family's . A Mongolian concubine promoted to be Noble Consort Ying. On 3 February 1760, Consort Ling was elevated to "Noble Consort Ling". Her "noisy" made her relationship with the emperor more stable. Check out prequel Zhenhuanzhuan, known as Empresses In The Palace on Netflix and Ruyizhuan, another recent production. Personal maid of Imperial Noble Consort Chen. When Empress Fuca fell into the water, she chose to not rescue her and she is also suspected of being involved in the death of Prince Yonglian. Ruyi (Zhou Xun) is a consort who quickly learns to navigate the treacherous politics of the royal court and move up the ranks. Qianlong Emperor puts her under house arrest and lets Consort Ling oversee the Imperial Harem as the new de-facto Empress. Although Consort Ling's background is not high, she is loved by Qianlong. Due to her past relationship with Qianlong Emperor, she is despised by the women in the Imperial Harem and suffered trials and tribulations as a result. However, she rejects Qianlong's courtship, as she was betrothed to her late lover Han Qi prior to being sent to the Imperial Harem as a tribute, but was encouraged to live on and serve Qianlong Emperror for the sake of her tribe. Despite her end, her youngest son was named heir and became Jiaqing Emperor. Ruyi was briefly inconsolable after her daughter's death. Born with a weak heart after the death of Consort Shu, she was startled by Consort Jia's dog via Consort Ling's machination, causing her to become comatose and pass away shortly after. [64][65], On 10 June 2016, Fox Networks Group Asia (FNG) acquired global rights outside mainland China to the series. Many felt underwhelmed by the unaggressive heroine, who was not able to face off the villain consorts even in the second half of the drama, thus making her character design flawed and unconvincing. He is killed under orders of Noble Consort Yu as a means to appease Qianlong Emperor and stop the rumors from further hurting Ruyi. Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace (2018) - Full Cast & Crew - MyDramaList Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace (2018) Details Episode Guide Cast & Crew Reviews Recommendations Photos Edit this Page Director Wang Jun Cheng Yuan Hai Screenwriter Wu Xue Lan Main Role Zhou Xun Ulanara Ruyi Main Role Wallace Huo Emperor Qianlong Main Role Janine Chang The drama's producer Yu Zheng wanted to make a gamble by featuring lesser-known actors andletting their talents speak for themselves and he did it. As a result, Empress Xiaojin was arrested and the Ula-Nara clan's reputation was compromised. Original Language. Receive news, promotions and more from Zula. But we all deserve to dream about marrying someone above our SES (socio-economic status). Empress Xiaoyichun (23 October 1727 - 28 February 1775), of the Manchu Bordered Yellow Banner Weigiya clan, was a consort of the Qianlong Emperor. A royal Jesuit painter from Italy serving the Imperial Court referred to as Sir Lang Shining. Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace Episode 2. However, she is eventually discarded by Empress Fuca after falling into delirium caused by Empress Dowager and learns the truth about her infertility. The Third Prince of Qianlong Emperor and Imperial Noble Consort Chun's oldest son. Many of the jewelry are based on replicas from the Palace Museum in Beijing. As for the real Consort Ling, it was unknown if she was a maid. Download GirlStyle APP now for more female lifestyle content! The epic drama is based on Qing Dynasty historical figures: mainly Emperor Qianlong and his three wives. Initially chosen to be part of a marriage alliance to Septeng Baljur, Dowager Empress made Ruyi convince Qianlong Emperor to use his oldest daughter Princess Jingse instead. Honored Consort Ling and Consort Rong. He dies due to recurring bone cellulitis caused by Consort Ling's actions and his death was blamed on Ruyi. Just dont cast Scarlett Johansson as her. The series ends with a now-old Qianlong Emperor cutting a piece of his hair and intertwining it with the lock of hair Ruyi cut in front of him years ago and dying peacefully. A yueqin player, Concubine Mei was the first of many spies sent by Dowager Empress as a means of controlling the Imperial Harem herself. Imperial Noble Consort Qinggong (12 August 1724 - 21 August 1774), of the Han Chinese Bordered Yellow Banner Lu clan, was a consort of the Qianlong Emperor. The Fourth Prince of Qianlong Emperor and Consort Jia's oldest son. Like Concubine Ke, she remains loyal to Ruyi and has a great dislike for Consort Ling and Consort Jia. It is revealed that then-Consort Xi now Dowager Empress disclosed this information as a means of making Qianlong Emperor succeed the Yongzheng Emperor instead. The fourth son of the Yongzheng Emperor and Dowager Empress's adoptive son. Although her family was not a very prominent one, Lady Lu rose to Noble Consort in her lifetime. He was the one who gave the order from Qianlong Emperor to erase records of Ruyi. You can see how different her story is when portrayed as the lead or villain. He grows up to be ambitious and yearns to succeed his father. She was a Han Chinese Booi Aha of the Bordered Yellow Banner by birth. Because of this, Qianlong Emperor became the new successor. She was eventually used as a scapegoat by Qianlong Emperor to weaken Empress Dowager's control. Like her older sister, Princess Jingyun was separated from Consort Ling at a young age and raised by Concubine Ke. After being rescued by Doctor Jiang Yubin and learning that she was betrayed, she willingly testified against Consort Ling to Qianlong Emperor. Father of Qianlong Emperor and the previous Emperor at the beginning of the series. A Mongolian concubine promoted to be Concubine Ke. Ruyi is demoted and sent to the Cold Palace for years, struggling to survive and discovering the truth about her infertility. Empress Xiaojing Empress Xiaojingxian (posthumously). Debates about the identity of the lady are still ongoing and it has been suggested that she might be Imperial Noble Consort Qinggong, one of the Qianlong Emperor's childless concubines who raised Yongyan. Picked from the Emperors harem, she was promoted to Empress after the mourning rites for Empress Xiaoxianchun ended. Because Moqin was a Palace maid who. On 13 November 1760, she gave birth to the emperor's 15th son, Yongyan, and on 13 January 1763 to his 16th son, who would die prematurely on 6 May 1765. He pined for her decades after her death and wrote thousands of poems, many dedicated to his one and only true love. Ultimately, a confrontation between the, causes Ruyi to cut her hair as a means of symbolically ending their marriage and rescinding her status as Empress, and the act was seen as a major insult against him and Dowager Empress Xi. While she is referred to as her titles, she is often called Ruyi in private by Dowager Empress and Qianlong Emperor. In order to ensure that she continues to thrive in the Imperial Court, she places concubines that are subservient to her by Qianlong Emperor's side and manipulates some consorts like Ruyi to influence him. Originally known as Lady Qingying, the niece of Empress Xiaojing, she is childhood friends with Prince Hongli and initially chosen to be his primary consort. She passed away at age 37, probably from sickness. #1 Step Empress: Ulanara Ruyi (Ruyi) VS Hoifanara Shushen (Yanxi Palace). As a painter, he is known to paint portraits for Qianlong Emperor and his consorts. Nursemaid and mother of Prince Yongqi's concubine. Photos by: Dramaforgents, DramaWiki However, when Yongzheng Emperor exposes Empress Xiaojing for making Prince Hongshi a usurper against him, Prince Hongli is forced to rescind his decision, taking Lady Fuca Langhua as his primary consort instead. Despite initially being favored, the loss of her child and decline in health led her to lose favor and believe Empress Fuca was responsible for her child's death. Her marriage was null by Qianlong Emperor after exposing her husband's true nature. She and Lingzhi were the last two maids to be able to serve Ruyi during her house arrest. [61], On January 25, 2019 the Beijing Daily, an official government newspaper, criticized the program for failing to promote socialist values.

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