They overthink and get easily overwhelmed, which may quickly lead to trouble in paradise. But if a Gemini reveals the dark traits above, they'll behave quite differently. AstrologerReda Wigleresearches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Aries is also competitive; Cancer doesn't roll that way. Capricorns always think that they are right and can be quite the conceited sign. The Most Toxic Relationship Traits Of A Gemini, Gemini as the "psychopath of the zodiac,". This can cause major relationship problems and leave you feeling confused and unimportant. Gemini in bed. They also like to talk badly about the people in their lives romantically, and this is a huge red flag in a relationship. A Cancer-Gemini relationship can be tough as Gemini loves being out and about with friends, while Cancer would rather stay at home and cuddle. As an air sign, Aquarians tend to be emotionally aloof and prone to developing public personas that obscure their true selves. As we already mentioned, Geminis also have trouble committing to something or someone. With the highly independent Aquarius, Pisces will find themselves questioning whether their partner truly loves them or not. Cancer and Capricorn are the two signs that are three places away, so theyre both incompatible. Dont get me wrong. Some days, all I want is for us to be together again because I miss you so much. So how can you tell if you and your partner are likely to be a toxic duo, according to the stars? "They are not going to get upset if plans change on a whim," Joon says. But, when we delve into three signs away, which would be both Aries and Libra, it's Aries that's more likely to bring toxicity to Cancer's emotional, stop-to-smell-the-flowers take on life. Top Dog over here. When Taurus gets insecure, they may get a little too possessive for Geminis liking. The biggest highlight of this pairing is that Cancer can really help Gemini develop their emotional intelligence and listen to their intuitive feelings, while Gemini can help Cancer explore. They're very goofy and young-minded, meaning they typically approach relationships in an immature way. Scorpios, on the other hand, love having a very deep and emotionally connected partnership. They pride themselves on loyalty and consistency, so when they make a decision, they stick to it, no matter what. What movie villain are you based on your zodiac sign? If you ever wonder why people would hate the Twins, these toxic traits of Gemini that will answer the question. Gemini, on the other hand, is three signs away, which makes them toxic to Pisces, but not as severely as the other two. Its a challenge for them to focus on a single task for 20 minutes. This can deeply affect Leo, whose insecurities will be triggered by the constant criticism. Gemini men tend to get bored easily in relationships, constantly craving something new and exciting. They are like a sports car running around at full speed, leaving their casualties behind. This is generally a good thing. Gemini is a mutable sign and is represented by the Twins. Toxic traits can be hard to spot because they often masquerade as positive qualities. You need to be smart to match their wit. Geminis are often very drawn to partners who like to create drama in their lives as well. The best among them tread lightly with this knowledge, using it to get ahead while being conscious not to trample others on their way to the top. Libras love to be in relationships. When you're in a relationship, you hope to find someone you can rely on to make sound decisions and to be a partner you can trust. A Cancer-Gemini relationship can be tough as Gemini loves being out and about with friends, while Cancer would rather stay at home and cuddle. At Odyssey, we're proud to spotlight our talented team of response writers. With Aquarius, Capricorn will wonder why theyre in a relationship in the first place. But once Aries cools down, they're totally over whatever situation enraged them before: They've blown off their steam, and they're ready to move on. Quick to love bomb and never lacking in charm, Libras often repress their darker feelings for the sake of maintaining their relationships. Aries and Taurus will have a tough time getting along due to the earthy bulls slow-moving nature. Cancer struggles to maintain their own boundaries and often fails to respect the boundaries of others, qualities we see in the persistently problematic behavior of Cancer line crosser and chronic over sharer Wendy Williams. Songs About Being 17Grey's Anatomy QuotesVine Quotes4 Leaf CloverSelf Respect, 1. They can laugh now and burst into tears the next minute. The Gemini female (May 21 - June 20) is commonly known for her split personality - fun and outgoing on one hand but also aloof and detached on the other hand. What gives? Thats why Geminis got a bad rap of being two-faced. When he is in a relationship, he will want to try new things with his partner both in and out of the bedroom. Geminis have twin personalities, and balancing that can leave them an anxious mess. Most of the time Virgo is only looking to help with their cache of observations and suggestions for improvement but hell hath no fury like a toxic Virgo waiting to go off, especially if that Virgo happens to be Charlie Sheen high AF on cocaine and tiger blood with a vendetta against a long list of business associates and ex-wives. One step away! Although Pisces is also very go with the flow, they do want security in their relationship. But there are other, more subtle, signs of a toxic relationship, including: You give more than you're getting, which makes you feel devalued and depleted. Some other sources indicate other dates - from May 21 to June 21. With Sagittarius, Capricorn will constantly find themselves pushing their partner to get serious and do more with their life. There are, of course, exceptions to every rule. We've received your submission. Virgo can be a toxic match for Leo as well, due to their critical nature. Libra will find more toxicity with Cancer, Scorpio, too, is three signs away from Aquarius, parts of the chart interact to create personality. Here are the most toxic trait each sign holds in a relationship. Not only is it a toxic mix but, frankly, they will never understand your need for justice. May we recognize it, may we learn from it and may we move purposefully away from it. Aquarius is much more logical, and has a hard time acknowledging and expressing their feelings. Are you caught up on the latest trends on Odyssey? This toxic trait of Gemini can leave others puzzled, not knowing how to help them. Read more stories about how the stars influence your approach to relationships: I hvae the scoop on which sign your sign should date: Find Aliza on Instagram, Twitter, and her website. To be honest, Geminis have a complete skill set to be a psychopath. For them, its simply playing the roles accordingly. But with Gemini, you're likely to find impulsive behavior that can leave you feeling like your relationship is a ticking time bomb. Being social butterflies, they have access to all kinds of information. "Your Sun sign attributes will play strongly into how you get along with other signs, but the influences of your Moon and Venus can be just as powerful. Coupled Libras must remember that it's always better to confront issues directly; otherwise, tension may mount until a breakup is the only solution. Gemini is an air sign, and as such, they tend to be flighty. "When two signs come together that don't fit, it can be toxic," Jaye, an astrologer with Gifted Astrology, tells Bustle. It's rough. Gemini rules communication and this sign inspires witty wordplays and dynamic dialogue. They like to talk about other people, and they like to know what's happening everyone's lives. Something come on that you're not in the mood for? Geminis tend to be really passionate and are often attracted to partners who are very steadfast and serious. High maintenance is an understatement when it comes to a Capricorn. Why? Is Gemini the most hated sign? She always tries to skip procedures when baking a cake. Fervent humanitarians, they are passionate about equality, justice, and egalitarianism. "I like to shy away from making really generalized statements about zodiac signs because there is so much complexity in the natal astrology chart beyond just the sun sign," says Farrar. If Aries says something that Cancer doesnt like, the crab will shut down until they get an apology. Scorpios live for revenge, while Libras are all about creating peace and harmony. Ever have that old fling that seems to always convince you to come over even when you don't want to? When a Scorpio finally forms a soul connection, though, their lover is locked in, possibly for life. This pairing will make Sagittarius want to flee. But indeed, they are the catalyst. Some signs set impossible standards for their partners (Virgo, Capricorn), and others have a difficult time taking off their rose-colored glasses and getting real (Sagittarius, Pisces). Escape artists at heart Pisceans flee from everything they cannot bear or bear to be held accountable for. With Scorpio, Libra will find themselves feeling unbalanced very often. They like to be able to date around and don't like to feel trapped in a relationship. Rams tend to be more selfish in relationships, while Pisces tend to be very selfless. Here's what the stars say about the ways in which you self-sabotage romantic endeavors. It can be much harder . Mercury Will Go Retrograde in Taurus This Month, Does Manifestation Work? They'll get upset if you're late to dinner and don't have the understanding in their personality to wait on you to come around, which may ultimately be their fault. By signing up, you agree to our User Agreement and Privacy Policy & Cookie Statement. The plan backfired, as it often does when Taurus expects too much for too little, and Charli actually lost a million followers in the aftermath of the video. Allure may earn a portion of sales from products that are purchased through our site as part of our Affiliate Partnerships with Thanks for contacting us. Aquarius and Pisces make a particularly bad match because Pisces is a romantic sign who enjoys being one with their partner. They bury their emotions deep and will not easily show. I am not saying Geminis are all playboys or playgirls. Gemini transits are great for brainstorming and socializing. Simply: Next. Represented by the scales, they're always seeking balance: the salt to their pepper, the yin to their yang, the Boris to their Natasha. In this case, Capricorn's work ethic and ambition are more in line with Aries than Libra, meaning that while there will be a level of toxicity between Capricorn and Aries, Aries is still a better choice than Libra. To become a response writer, email They must exercise compassion, treating their lovers with kindness and respect. Toxic trait: Poor impulse control Passionate and direct, the very things that make Aries an exciting person to be around also make them a source of anxiety for others or worse, a full blown. Geminis are often very drawn to partners who like to create drama in their lives as well. Problems arise when they fail to fact check or self edit, preferring instead to weaponize their words and unleash a torrent of incendiary falsehoods, accusations and unsolicited opinions. Im grateful for all of this. Geminis also like to keep their options open when it comes to dating. They know Lisa has a crush on the newcomer. Odyssey will continue to spotlight top response articles on our homepage every week, and in our brand new newsletter Overheard on Odyssey. Often the life of the party, Geminis are notorious for their inability to say no to a good time (via Allure). Relationships that involve physical or verbal abuse are definitely classified as toxic. Knowing our toxic traits makes it possible for us to be better partners, better friends, and a better person. According to Ribas, a relationship between these two could lead to a butting of heads and bickering over each other's way of life. Why? Its worth noting that just because someone has a toxic trait or two doesnt make him a toxic person. Taureans should keep in mind that while they don't have to sacrifice their admirable fidelity, rigidity can do a number on any relationship. Represented by the lion, these fire signs love to shine (after all, they're governed by the sun). It may be true that a bit of what you fancy does you good but it doesn't follow that a lot of what you fancy will be even better for you. These intense, shadow-dwelling water signs value their emotional privacy, and it's not easy for a Scorpio to let someone into their heart. Communication is the key to making sure Pisces and their lovers don't drift irrevocably apart. Looking at the chart, Aries and Gemini are the ones to avoid, Jaye says. If you can't be with someone who doesn't know how to grow up, don't date a Sagittarius. In college, Im thankful that I still have you guys as my main support system, because I dont know what I would do without you all. Why? Libras can be quite the charmer, and they know exactly how to use that charm to get exactly what you want. "They tend to act without regard for others and feel no guilt or remorse," writes Lantz. You want to know that they have your back and that they have your best interests at heart. When we look at the three signs away situation, when faced with Virgo and Pisces, it's Pisces that's liable to be more toxic to Sagittarius because, although harmless at first glance, Pisces has a lot going on there. Heres What TikTok Gets Wrong, Apo Whang-Od and the Indelible Marks of Filipino Identity, How Each Zodiac Sign Is Most Likely to Cheat in a Relationship, How You Handle a Breakup Based on Your Sun Sign, This Is What You're Like in Bed, According to Your Zodiac Sign. Aquarius, on the other hand, is highly independent and needs a ton of alone time to feel happy in a relationship. In the heat of the moment, these volatile rams may end up saying things they'll regret moments later. Examples of toxic Aries behavior include Russel Crowe throwing a phone at a hotel employee and Marlon Brando most of the time. As a natural caregiver, Cancer may put more effort into taking care of their Leo than vice versa. While that's different for everyone, the main buckets to choose from are the same. Gemini is a known sign for gossiping. Plus, you'll be compensated by HQ at $10/response for your first 10 articles. Simply put, Gemini prefer a busy lifestyle. Geminis are very drama-prone. In addition, they tend to be dual in nature which can mean that their relationships can go back and forth pretty quickly. They mean what they say because they don't believe in lying. Leo, on the other hand, can be a little too selfish for Virgo. We're excited to hear from you! Unless these two can meet in the middle, theres a chance that Pisces will be left feeling unfulfilled in this relationship. They are sensitive overthinkers. And others may end up cleaning their mess. So try removing the headphones and take it all in. I have a Gemini friend, and she is a passionate baker. However, when they start to talk badly about other people, this can be a sign of a toxic relationship. Some days, my heart will hurt over a boy or I'll get too stressed out balancing work and getting good grades. Why? The irony is that they can be moody about their partner and how their partner is feeling. They often vacillate between complete apathy and acting dangerously clingy. Nothing at all! Cancer - Their extreme mood swings. Information reveals nuance, situations change, and in any healthy relationship, a certain amount of flexibility helps partners stay present. You can also explore the offerings in your favorite audio app. But an immature Gemini might break the rules for the sake of it. A toxic trait of Gemini - Gossiping Gemini is the king of gossip. They Lack Inconsistency Geminis have difficulty settling down in one place. If that sounds exhausting, it is. Of course theyre usually good looking and though their flare ups are frequent they rarely last long which means people put up with their bull***t for far longer than they should. Pet Peeves and Taboos, 34 Hilarious Gemini memes that you cant miss out. Have a number of stations available to you on the go with an app like Audacy or pull up your favorite station's website & see how you can listen while going for a walk. Click here to find out how compatible you are with the other zodiac signs. 9 times out of 10, we have to eat her epic-Pinterest-fail cake. Taurus Gemini Relationship (Taurus woman + Gemini man) A Taurus Gemini compatibility could either be fruitful or messy. "They are masters of gaslighting," says psychologist and CSU professor Dr. Ramani Durvasula. Often there is still love present in toxic relationships and this is where things start to get messy. "I don't like putting people in boxes without acknowledging how all parts of the chart interact to create personality or relationship dynamics Often times dynamics bounce among all these aspects of our personality, revealing the nice sides of our personality and our darkness/toxicity at different moments depending on the situation.

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