Very Human story. 945 Magazine Street, New Orleans, LA She asked her brother, Fred Ayer, to set up the meeting. Adcocks civilian deputy, Walter Dorn, was a history professor on leave from Ohio State University. The commanding general of U.S. Army Recruiting Command and his wife, Lesley, welcomed the granddaughter . A blood clot in his paralyzed body had worked its way to his heart, stopping it and ending the life of one of Americas greatest battlefield commanders. He died from a form of Parkinson's disease [8] at the age of 80 in 2004 and is survived by his wife, the former Joanne Holbrook, and their five children, Mother Margaret Georgina Patton OSB, George S. Patton V, Robert H. Patton, Helen Patton-Plusczyk, and Benjamin Wilson Patton; six grandchildren; and a great-grandson. Theres no room with the Nationals. For decades since General George S. Patton's untimely death in December 1945 there have arisen all manner of conspiracy theories regarding it. I am afraid that our foolish and utterly stupid policy will certainly cause them to join the Russians and thereby ensure a communistic state throughout Western Europe. A blood clot in his paralyzed body had worked its way to his heart, stopping it and ending the life of one of America's greatest battlefield commanders. His normal cavalry breeches, swagger stick, and pistols had been left behind. Patton could never forgive Ike for removing him from command of the Third Army. At least, I have done my best as God gave me the chance.. Pershing, commanding the 8th Cavalry Regiment at Fort Bliss, Texas, had recently lost his wife and three of his four children in a tragic fire. After nearly two weeks in the hospital, Patton died on this day in 1945. Much has been made in the historical record of the capture of the Ludendorff Bridge over the Rhine River at Remagen, Germany in early March of 1945. Following the service, the coffin, accompanied by Beatrice who was supported by Pattons old friend General Geoffrey Keyes, was taken to Heidelberg station along a route lined by some 6,000 U.S. soldiers. After a ceremony at the church, pallbearers placed Pattons casket back onto the half-track for the trip to the train station. The official cause of death was pulmonary edema and congestive heart failure. The day after his return Patton and his wife flew to Denver and then on to Los Angeles and Pasadena. A destroyed and bankrupted Europe would not have supported war against Stalin. Would like to buy the book above, since my father Peter Beck surrendered to George Patton, the Russians on his heels. and George. It was in Camp 8 near Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 60 miles south of Munich, on September 8, 1945, that an incident occurred which was to have severe implications for Pattons future career. Patton opened a drawer, pulled out a pistol, slammed it down on his desk, and raged, Goddamnit! America and warfare were never the same. His admiration for Germans was indeed troubling.. Patton was a field commander in the finest sense. She was the wife of Brig. Yet, all his laurels could not protect the General from a simple car accident eight months into the peace. Patton handed over command of his beloved Third Army to another cavalryman, General Lucian Truscott, on October 7, 1945. On December 22, an Army ambulance brought Pattons body to Villa Renier, where it would lie in state to be visited by friends, soldiers, and the general public. By his very nature and background, Patton was unsuited to his role as military governor. She was dead within days. Patton enjoyed military history in particular, especially books about the American Civil War, a conflict in which his grandfather and great-uncle had been killed while fighting for the Confederacy. Of course, she declared, he should be buried here. On the 69th anniversary of General Patton's death, . Who in hell let him in? Simply put: Patton had broken his neck. I dont know if you ever visit Luxemburg or did see part of Germany and retraced his voyage, but I wish I could because I always loved your Grandma tremendously and cant read or see a film or documentary without crying Been reading a book about Patton and ran across this. On the evening of December 8, Gay suggested to Patton that they should spend the following day pheasant shooting in an area known to be rich in game about 100 miles southwest of the headquarters. His distrust of the Russians and their communist ideals was ignored by the politicians of the time, much to the detriment of eastern Europe. Dont disagree with the sentiment Robert, but rearming the Germans would have caused a revolt in the US and would have amounted to political suicide for Truman if he let it happen. Patton desperately wanted to complete an encirclement of the Germans, but his commander, Gen. Omar Bradley, feared that such an attack would leave Pattons flanks weak and exposed to counterattack. He had lost none of his quick wit or audacity. Wikipedia admits it, with footnotes. Patton and Gay left Bad Nauheim at about 0900 hours on December 9 in Pattons 1939 Model 75 Cadillac driven by Pfc. Too bad it should have been the future President who really did do as much as Patton but got the credit. Patton began his military career . He served in the Korean War and the Vietnam War. He entered the Virginia Military Institute in 1903 but transferred to theU.S. Military Academy at West Point after just one year. Biographer Martin Blumenson has suggested that his frequent head injuries may have contributed to the erratic behaviour attributed to him in his later years. His bitterness is very evident: General Clay [Ikes deputy] and General McNarney have never commanded anything, including their own self-respect. Finally, the general was moved to the front of the entire cemetery, where, today, patio stones protect the ground and a white chain-link barrier preserves the grass around Patton. In 1943, he used daring assault and defense tactics to lead the 7th U.S. army to victory at the invasion of Sicily. There he will have an honored place. We, as a nation and an Ally, were fortunate to have him on our side. Cavalry reconnaissance vehicles led the way, followed by an Army ambulance and staff cars holding dignitaries. IN DECEMBER 1945 General George S. Patton was executed by his Communist foes. German 10th army escaped to the defensive line and prolonged the war in Italy. In the gray skies above, an aircraft circled, attempting to bring Lieutenant General Walton Walker, one of Pattons former corps commanders, to the funeral, but low cloud cover prevented it from landing. Twelve days before his death, on December 9, 1945, Patton was sitting in the back of his limousine when his driver, PFC Horace Woodring, sped too fast over a railroad crossing in Manheim, Germany, and plowed into the passenger-side of a left-turning Army truck headed into a depot. Some of the politics then was similar to what we see now in the general ranks. They are a scurvy race and simply savages. Patton died from his injuries on Dec. 21, 1945. As has been said before in various iterations; you go to war with what you have, not what you wish you had. Cartoonist Bill Mauldin describes the moment: "Beside him, lying in a big chair was Willie, the bull terrier. The intersection where Patton had his car accident. [4] george patton was the living, walking, talking definition of antifa & he had no use or patience for cowards like captain bone spurs. She was the same age as Patton's daughters, and in her youth spent most of her holidays with the extended Patton family. If you fail to do this, then I would like to say to you that we have had a victory over the Germans and have disarmed them, but have lost the war.. During the early part of that month he decided to visit some of the prison camps in his area holding hardened Nazis and former members of the Waffen SS. He had a degenerative form of dementia. A group of rabbis, still dressed in their concentration camp uniforms, offer prayers at General Pattons grave. At 5:55 p.m. on December 21, 1945, General George S. Patton, Jr. passed away in his sleep. During his first speech that morning he had told his audience that the fact that a soldier was killed in action often made him a fool rather than a hero. The reports were true. Upon arrival in Luxembourg, a light rain fell as the casket was brought to the cemetery on December 24, the day before Christmas. He told them, while his wife was out of the room, that he believed his luck had run out. From then on it was as wholeheartedly for him as the Third Army staff had been. But Patton was not really interested in an Army without weapons or a combat mission and consisting mainly of historians and an administrative staff. At 1630 hours it began its journey to Luxembourg where it arrived at 0400 hours on the 24th. A good leader, as Patton knew, tells his or her subordinates what is expected, or what the overall goal is. Thanks for posting the article-overall, good information. Forces European Theater (USFET). Presidential Ties Historians doubt Patton's claims that he was involved with his wife's niece. Close to death from his wounds, Patton had a vision of his death as a Viking raider where a vision appeared to him on the battlefield, offering to take him to the Viking afterlife. Waters spoke with members of the Winyah Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution about his famous grandfather. Was he any relation to you by any chance and, if so, what ever happened to him? Patton made a respectable showing, coming in fifth out of 42 contestants. Eisenhauers job was both military and political. Get this son-of-a-bitch out of here! Who Is George S. Patton's Wife? But over the years, certain circumstantial evidence has come forward from multiple sources that put that theory in a new light. It is to be found on battlefields from Morocco to Bad Tlz. They did, however, discuss Ikes successor. Patton, on the other hand, although conscious, was bleeding profusely from head wounds received when he was thrown forward against the steel frame of the glass partition separating the front and rear seats and then backward again into his seat. He toured France collecting, according to his aide, enough certificates of honorary citizenship from cities like Avranches, Rennes, and Chartres to paper the walls of a room, and he had lunch with the unanimously elected president of the provisional French government, Charles De Gaulle, and dinner with the chief of staff of the French Army. The real hero is the man who fights even though he is scared." 7. His beloved dog, Willie, was to follow later. But like he said and probably thought deep in his heart, he was here to do what God wanted him to do, no more, no less! Patton was a "true leader in every sense of the . The former supreme commander was due to return home in November to take over as Army chief of staff at the end of the year. And now, with the war over and her famous husband buried, Beatrice wanted to see Gordon.

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