They claimed that God is omnipresent and lives within mans heart. There is only one God with different names. Islamic beliefs and practiceshad a significant impact on the movement. Christopher Key Chapple (Editor) and Winthrop Sargeant (Translator), Note: The earliest arrival dates are contested by scholars. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). a helpless target for the cool southern breeze. According to Sufi saints, God is the beloved of the lover ('Mashook") i.e. The founder of this movement was a Keralite Brahmin named Shankaracharya who started it in the 9th century A.D. Gradually it spread to various parts of the country. According to the Bhakti saints, individuals can realise God via devotion and personal effort. The term Bhakti means devotion, which proposed the following, The Bhakti saints derive Bhakti, devotion and love to be the only way to attain salvation, An objection to blind faith, ceremonies, norms and rituals, The objection of worshipping idols by the exponents, An open conversation and thoughtfulness in taking decisions on religious matters, No differentiation between lower and higher category castes, The movement raised the need for Guru to guide the socio-religious movement, Surrendering oneself to take the path of salvation and reach God, Promotion of religious messages by moving from one place to another through several groups, The principles and features of the Bhakti movement are interconnected. [note 1][117], Guru Nanak, the first Sikh Guru and the founder of Sikhism, was a Bhakti saint. Therefore, all the leaders and sub-groups played a significant role in improving the societal structure. The notion of Bhakti originated with Hinduism and is related to complete devotion to God. The Alvars, which literally means "those immersed in God", were Vaishnava poet-saints who sang praises of Vishnu as they traveled from one place to another. With such long-lasting impacts, the religious depression of the medieval society was set aside. Several splits had happened. [108], The Guru Granth Sahib, the scripture of the Sikhs, contains the hymns of the Sikh gurus, thirteen Hindu bhagats, and two Muslim bhagats. Solution Verified by Toppr Following are the main features of Bhakti: This was the result of people's struggle to free the religion from control of the priests and varna boundaries. We also know about the person who built Alai Darwaza and much more about the topic. A person was free to choose his ways and means to worship a god. Learn about a brief history of Adi Shankaracharya, one of the most revered teachers in India's spiritual history. Richard Kieckhefer and George Bond (1990). In Rig Veda Samhita, Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, Chhandyoga Upanishad, Katha and Kausitaki Upanishad, the word Bhakti has been referred to several times. The saints and reformers through Bhakti movement reduced the rigours of caste-system and through paved the way for their retention in the fold of Hinduism. The concept was only to propel the Indian society to devote their life for the sake of love, devotion, and equity. As a movement, it emphasized on the mutual intense emotional attachment and love of a devotee toward a personal god and of the god for the devotee. They condemned several social evils. This verse is notable for the use of the word Bhakti, and has been widely cited as among the earliest mentions of "the love of God". Salient features of Bhakti Movement The Bhakti movement was based on the principles of monotheism and it generally criticized idol worship. Ranade, in his book, The Rise of Maratha Power, sums up the deep impact of this spiritual awakening. A devotee of Mother Goddess or Devi can chant various Mantras or chant attached to Devi. Get all the important information related to the UPSC Civil Services Exam including the process of application, important calendar dates, eligibility criteria, exam centers etc. [75][76] The language was easily understood by the local populace, in line with the Bhakti movement's call for inclusion, but it also retained its literary style. [1], The movement started with the Shaiva Nayanars[44] and the Vaishnava Alvars, who lived between 5th and 9th century CE. They believe that God lives in ones heart and not in any specific temple or mosque. Many of those poems continue to be recited and sung, often at all-night celebrations. All rights reserved. The movement tried to reduce the growing bitterness between the two and bridge the gap. The Bhakti movement promoted the growth of vernacular language and literature in different parts of the country. It prescribes Gnana (knowledge), Karma (action) and Bhakti (devotion) as the three essential features to shatter the bondage of material world and to serve the Almighty God. [23], Doris Srinivasan[30] states that the Upanishad is a treatise on theism, but it creatively embeds a variety of divine images, an inclusive language that allows "three Vedic definitions for a personal deity". From 8th century A.D. to 15th century A.D. this movement gathered its momentum in the south. Get answers to the most common queries related to the UPSC Examination Preparation. Repeating the actual name. Unacademy is Indias largest online learning platform. The most glorious period of the Lodi Dynasty was the ruling period of Sikander Lodi. bringing about reforms in Hinduism and developing harmonious relations between the Hindus and the Muslims. [37][38] According to Sri Krishna, Bhakti yoga is one of the sweetest path to know the "self" and to reach to the ultimate truth. The Bhakti Yoga of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita is more descriptive on this point. And the word Bhakti can be translated as devotion or devotional love. Rejection of idol worship by many saints. Get all the important information related to the Railway Exam including the process of application, important calendar dates, eligibility criteria, exam centers etc. In this article, we will learn about the significance of temples and monastic institutions. Self-Surrender. The poets way of immortalizing love was praised by many, giving a new direction to the Bhakti. The exponents, including Kabir, Guru Nanak, Ramanuja, Chaitanya and Jaidev, promoted the idea of equality and unity among the different sections of society. The movement tried to loosen the bond of caste. Wendy Doniger is the Mircea Eliade Distinguished Service Professor of the History of Religions in the Divinity School at the University of Chicago. The teachings acted as a healing balm to the suppressed classes. The status of women received more importance. Uploader Agreement. There were a lot of castes and social class division. Brotherhood: Gyan marga Attaining salvation through learning and understanding. Omissions? image source:, The main results of Bhakti movement were the development of vernacular literature, modification of caste exclusiveness, sanctification of family life, elevation of status of women, preaching of humaneness and tolerance, partial reconciliation with Islam, subordination of rites and ceremonies, pilgrimages, fasts etc, learning and contemplation to worship God with love and faith, the limitation of excess of polytheism and the uplift of the nation to a higher level of capacity both of thought and action.. The Sufi Saints like Khwaja Muinuddin Chisti, Bakhyiya Kaki, Nizamudin Aulia and Nasiruddin Chirag-i-Delhi etc. Bhakti arose in South India in the 7th to 10th centuries in poems that the Alvars and the Nayanars composed in Tamil to the gods Vishnu and Shiva, respectively. Learn about the life of Vallabhacharya, a great saint and philosopher. They condemned the hatred of the fanatic Pandits and Mullas alike. The Muslim rulers in general wanted to enforce the Islamic laws on the Hindus. Self-Surrender. Among all these, absolute monotheism or equality of all men greatly appealed to the Hindus, especially the Sudras who were the worst sufferers and had no religious freedom. image source: 4. The poem mentions their long association, bonding, anger, and disappointment. Its fundamental ideas of love and devotion to a personal God were wholly Hindu; the ideas of theoneness of the Godhead upon which its doctrine was founded were also primarily Hindu. Main Features of the Bhakti Movement: Unity of God or one God though known by different names. The most important social impact of the Bhakti movement was that the followers of the Bhakti movement rejected the caste distinction. The Bhakti saints believed in equality of man and man. [138] Further, states Pollock, evidence of Bhakti trends in ancient southeast Asian Hinduism in the 1st millennium CE, such as those in Cambodia and Indonesia where Vedic era is unknown, and where upper caste Tamil Hindu nobility and merchants introduced Bhakti ideas of Hinduism, suggest the roots and the nature of Bhakti movement be primarily spiritual and political quest instead of the rebellion of some form. A brief summary of the main features of the movement are given below. There were two broad Sufi orders: Bashara - Those who obeyed Islamic laws. A person was free to choose his ways and means to worship a god. The early 15th-century Bhakti poet-Sant Pipa stated,[94]. Due to this synthesising attitude Bhakti movement attained tremendous success. The devotees worship is intended to obtain Gods favour for salvation. Pechilis in her book on Bhakti movement, for example, states:[135]. The Hindu saints of India were influenced by the liberal approach of Sufism. Besides, the fifteenth century is generally regarded as the century of tolerance. [13] They suggest the Bhakti movement was a revival, reworking, and recontextualization of ancient Vedic traditions. The Bhakti saints were social reformers also. Vishnu-bhakti is based on Vishnus avatars (incarnations), particularly Krishna and Rama. MAIN FEATURES OF BHAKTI MOVEMENT. The Upanishad includes verses wherein God can be identified with the Supreme (Brahman-Atman, Self, Soul) in Vedanta monistic theosophy, verses that support the dualistic view of Samkhya doctrines, as well as the synthetic novelty of triple Brahman where a triune exists as the divine soul (Isvara, theistic God), individual soul (self) and nature (Prakrti, matter). Main features of the bhakti movement In terms of acquiring an answer to the question of what were the main features of bhakti , some significant factors need to be noted. Madeleine Biardeau states, as does Jeanine Miller, that Bhakti movement was neither reform nor a sudden innovation, but the continuation and expression of ideas to be found in Vedas, Bhakti Marga teachings of the Bhagavad Gita, the Katha Upanishad and the Shvetashvatara Upanishad. The Bhakti saints derive Bhakti, devotion and love to be the only way to attain salvation. Their doors were open to all classes. The Sanskrit word bhakti is derived from the root bhaj, which means "divide, share, partake, participate, to belong to". Because such knowledge might be obtained through a teacher or guru, the Bhakti movement placed a high value on obtaining authentic knowledge through a guru. Several harmful habits had crept into Hindu culture over time. Content Filtration 6. The method of worship and belief in God took a new turn during the movement. [22] "[59], The Bhakti movement witnessed a surge in Hindu literature in regional languages, particularly in the form of devotional poems and music. [130][131], Bhakti has been a prevalent practice in various Jaina sects, wherein learned Tirthankara (Jina) and human gurus are considered superior beings and venerated with offerings, songs and rat prayers. This website uses cookies and third party services. Surdas spoke in the Brij dialect. Unity of God or one God though known by different names. Condemnation of rituals, ceremonies and blind faith. Later on, the movement took a new direction by evolving the devotion to God, i.e., Lord Krishna. sent through you? Account Disable 12. The saints of Bhakti movement and the Sufi saints spread message of friendship, amity, tolerance, peace and equality among all. [113], While Sikhism was influenced by Bhakti movement,[114][115][116] and incorporated hymns from the Bhakti poet-saints, it was not simply an extension of the Bhakti movement. Some of the most important features of the Bhakti movement include: The unity of all the Hindu gods into one God Rejection of the worship of idols and de-emphasis on rituals or dogma that. Content Filtration 6. Condemnation of rituals, ceremonies and blind faith. [98] Practices emerged bringing new forms of spiritual leadership and social cohesion among the medieval Hindus, such as community singing, chanting together of deity names, festivals, pilgrimages, rituals relating to Saivism, Vaishnavism and Shaktism. Bhakti, intense love and devotion, the only way to salvation. [20], Ancient Indian texts, dated to be from the 1st millennium BCE, such as the Shvetashvatara Upanishad, the Katha Upanishad, and the Bhagavad Gita mention Bhakti.[21]. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Sufism, however, gained prominence in the 10th and 11th centuries during the reign of the Delhi Sultanate. These include Ramanuja, Madhva, Vallabha and Nimbarka. It is as old as Hinduism itself. Copyright 10. While the orthodox Muslims depend upon external conduct and blind observance of religious rituals, the Sufi saints seek inner purity. Even Lord Buddha came to be regarded as the ninth incarnation of Lord Krishna in the Hindu pantheon. [32] Hiriyanna interprets the text to be introducing "personal theism" in the form of Shiva Bhakti, with a shift to monotheism but in the henotheistic context where the individual is encouraged to discover his own definition and sense of God.[33]. Ramanuja proclaims the love for God to attain salvation. Bhakti movement swept over India in the east and north since the 15th century. The earliest reformer-saint in South was Adi Shankaracharya who had a unique success. Guru Granth Saheb the holiest book of the Sikhs which was complied later on included the messages of saints belonging to different sects. Later on, the movement took a new direction by evolving the devotion to God, i.e., Lord Krishna. The spirit of synthesis manifested itself in the teachings of the preachers. 9. image source: 5. One of the most important features of the Bhakti movements is the concept of God as one single entity. They began to mix together on the basis of equality. Bhakti movement advocated the need of a preceptor or guru who would guide the devotee to this ultimate goal. The Bhakti movement was fundamentally monotheistic, with adherents worshipping a single personal God who may have aform (saguna) or be formless (nirguna). 4. There has never been a more broad and popular movement in our nation following the demise of Buddhism than the Bhakti movement. [86] Two 12th-century influential treatises on bhakti were Sandilya Bhakti Sutra a treatise resonating with Nirguna-bhakti, and Narada Bhakti Sutra a treatise that leans towards Saguna-bhakti. The Hindu and as well as the Muslim saints emphasized religious simplicity. This website uses cookies and third party services. Image Source: Repetition of the True Name. Sikander Lodi was succeeded on the throne in 1489. The movement was inspired by many poet-saints, who championed a wide range of philosophical positions ranging from theistic dualism of Dvaita to absolute monism of Advaita Vedanta.[11][12]. [63][82] These writers championed a spectrum of philosophical positions ranging from theistic dualism, qualified nondualism and absolute monism. Jagannath is the center of the Odisha bhakti movement. The Bhakti movement also led to the prominence of the concept of female devotion, of poet-saints such as Andal coming to occupy the popular imagination of the common people along with her male counterparts. They were very liberal minded. Rejection of idol worship by many saints 7. Bhakti, intense love and devotion, the sole thanks to salvation. So the next alternative was Bhakti margaa simple way of devotion to get salvation from worldly life. The former's adherents, known as Vaishnavas, were further classified into Krishna - both avatars of Vishnu - as their personal God. This marked the beginning of an era of Muslim hegemony in India that lasted far into the 1700s. The Bhakti movement started in the South in response to the conquest of northern India by Muslim rulers. For these scholars, the inextricable connection between monotheism and reform has both theological and social significance in terms of the development of Indian culture. That God is one single entity, with different names. Several divisions had occurred. The Bhakti movement was a significant religious movement in medieval Hinduism[1] that sought to bring religious reforms to all strata of society by adopting the method of devotion to achieve salvation. It promoted the need of providing social services to the underprivileged and needy. Some of the rulers adopted liberal religious policies under the impact of the Bhakti movement. The poet was a disciple of Guru Ramananda Ji, who guided Kabir on the path of devotion. They stressed human qualities and moral attitudes. Condemnation of rituals, ceremonies and blind faith. They ate their meals in the shared kitchen as a group. The period witnessed the emergence of a number of saints and reformers who tried to purge Hinduism of its evils and blind practices. Bhakti, intense love and devotion, the only way to salvation. ; Bhakti movement was based on the doctrine that the relationship between god and man is through love and worship rather than through performing any ritual or religious ceremonies. 7. Thus in a general sense Bhakti means devotion to God. According to the Bhagavadgita, a Hindu religious text, the path of bhakti, or bhakti-marga, is superior to the two other religious approaches, the path of knowledge (jnana) and the path of ritual and good works (karma). Devotion to the goddesses is more regional and local, expressed in temples and in festivals devoted to Durga, Kali, Shitala (goddess of smallpox), Lakshmi (goddess of good fortune), and many others. Causes for the Origin of Bhakti Movement. The Bhakti saints strongly denounce image-worship of the Hindus. In Orissa, a new trend was started in Oriya literature due to the Bhakti movement and medieval Vaishnavism of Shri Chaitanya. God could only be found by love, dedicati Answer: The term Bhakti which means devotion, originated as a news of worshipping God. Their efforts helped in the promotion o Answer: Only one God exists. Originating in Tamilakam during 6th century CE, it gained prominence through the poems and teachings of the Vaishnava Alvars and Shaiva Nayanars before spreading northwards. Privacy Policy 9. Three most prominent propounders of this movement were Santh Kabir, Guru Nanak and Shri Chaitanva. The movement tried to instila sense of piety in the peoples daily lives. For example. [7] These poet-saints championed a wide range of philosophical positions within their society, ranging from the theistic dualism of Dvaita to the absolute monism of Advaita Vedanta. [87], Jeaneane Fowler states that the concepts of Nirguna and Saguna Brahman, at the root of Bhakti movement theosophy, underwent more profound development with the ideas of Vedanta school of Hinduism, particularly those of Adi Shankara's Advaita Vedanta, Ramanuja's Vishishtadvaita Vedanta, and Madhvacharya's Dvaita Vedanta. Seen as a reform movement, bhakti presented a parallel to the orientalist agenda of intervention in the service of the empire. Several Hindus became followers of the Sufi saints but without relinquishing their own religion. The Bhagavad Gita, a post-Vedic scripture composed in 5th to 2nd century BCE,[34] introduces bhakti marga (the path of faith/devotion) as one of three ways to spiritual freedom and release, the other two being karma marga (the path of works) and jnana marga (the path of knowledge). 1. Devotion to Shiva is associated with his frequent manifestations on earthin which he can appear as anyone, even a tribal hunter, a Dalit (formerly called an untouchable), or a Muslim. They range from the 7th to 9th century, with Muslim traders settling in coastal regions of the Indian peninsula, to Muslims seeking asylum in Tamil Nadu, to raids in northwest India by, Karen Pechelis (2011), "Bhakti Traditions", in. [85] In Bhakti, the emphasis is reciprocal love and devotion, where the devotee loves God, and God loves the devotee. On the other hand the Muslims also appreciated that the Hindus were in absolute majority and it was impossible to force all of them to embrace Islam. The Bhagavata Purana's references to the South Indian Alvar saints, along with its emphasis on bhakti, have led many scholars to give it South Indian origins, though some scholars question whether this evidence excludes the possibility that bhakti movement had parallel developments in other parts of India. Jaidev was a Sanskrit poet of the 12th century, famous for Gita Govindas poem. Main Features of Sufism: 1. Initially, the movement originated around Shaivites and Vaishnavites. just like his Deva, so for his Guru (teacher), [141], Scholars increasingly are dropping, states Karen Pechilis, the old premises and the language of "radical otherness, monotheism and reform of orthodoxy" for Bhakti movement. He approached the Indian society to bring unity in God and not differentiate any of them. They advocated that the salvation could be attained only by deep devotion and faith in God. The Bhakti movement succeeded to a very small extent in realizing its two-fold objective i.e. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Repetition of the True Name. All rights reserved. The genesis of the Bhakti movement lies in the social evils prevalent in the-then Hindu society. The. (4) A large number of temples and idols of the Hindus had been destroyed by the Muslims and the people had to resort to Bhakti movement. What were the main features of Bhakti movement? Common men in general had developed an averse attitude towards these social evils and were in need of a liberal form of religion where they could identify themselves with simple religious practices. Image Guidelines 4. It describes the love of Lord Radha and Krishna. It preached against the caste system, used local languages to reach among the crowds. Further, the movement was carried forward by twelve Alwar saints and sixty three Nayanar saints of the South. [14] Many scholars are now characterizing the emergence of Bhakti in medieval India as a revival, reworking, and recontextualization of the central themes of the Vedic traditions.[14]. An important factor which led to the popularity of Bhakti movement was that most of the promoters of this movement attempted to reconcile the differences between the Hindus and the Muslims by stressing that Rama and Rahim were one and the same. Let us get some information and understand the trading history of India with Europe during the medieval period. The movement further divided the Hindu society. The formers adherents, known as Vaishnavas, were further classified into Krishna both avatars of Vishnu as their personal God. Bhakti, in contrast, is spiritual, a love and devotion to religious concepts or principles, that engages both emotion and intellection. Repetition of the True Name. Now, let us proceed to recall the ten main features of the Bhakti Movement. Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme Everything you need to know! M.G. Report a Violation 11. Unity of God or one God though known by different names. [83] Similarly, the first translation of the Ramayana into an Indo-Aryan language was by Madhava Kandali, who translated it into Assamese as the Saptakanda Ramayana. 6. It also helped to harmonise the conflicting interests. The concept of Bhakti is an age-old one. Rejection of idol worship by many saints 7. Prominent Sufists like Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti, Hazrat Khwaja Nizamuddin Auliya and Naseeruddin Chirag fostered a spirit of reconciliation among the Hindus and Muslims in the medieval society. of Venkatam The term 'Bhakthi' refers to 'devotion'. To him who is high-minded, In this article, we will learn about the features of the Bhakti Movement in Medieval India. The bhakti movement brought principles and thought change among the Indian societal sections by imposing the following features- Self-surrender of oneself in the devotion of God The objection to worshipping idols by Bhakti saints Unity in God means there is only one God with different physical forms and names Lance Nelson (2007), An Introductory Dictionary of Theology and Religious Studies (Editors: Orlando O. Espn, James B. Nickoloff), Liturgical Press. They stressed that a true religious man is one who is pure in thought and action. [127], Some Sikh sects outside the Punjab-region of India, such as those found in Maharashtra and Bihar, practice Aarti with lamps in a Gurdwara. Karma marga Attaining salvation through food deeds like doing services to the needy people; It is to be noted that Southern Vaishnavite saints are called Alwars and the Saivite saints are called Nayanars. Thus, the general public was greatly influenced by the reforms of these Bhakti cults.

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