Ryan co-created the new Alliances universe alongside the legendary late Stan Lee and Luke Lieberman. Jay Bainbridge 86, BA 87, is a contributing author to a new book on the market. Their son Blake married Meredith Machesney in September 2020 on Cape Cod, and their daughter, Samantha 09, married Ryan Sigman in June 2021 in Sonoma, CA. How? Looking back on our successful 55th Reunion year, co-presidents Rolf Frantz, ME 67 (nrfrantz@verizon.net) and John Monroe (monroe.jw@gmail.com) and the 66 class leadership team send their good wishes for wonderful holidays and a healthy, safe, and happy 2022. She began working as a pediatrician in a primary care clinic earlier this fall. He is also enjoying playing tennis and sailing often, and has reconnected with Dave Tepper, co-captain of Cornell tennis in 70. 7 Week 2 Drop/Change Grading Basis Ends . The age of great discovery is not at an end, for nature, he said in his Nobel lecture, must still have some surprises in store for us., Steven Weinberg died on July 23, 2021 in Austin, TX. Jonathan Laurence has a new book, Coping with Defeat: Sunni Islam, Roman Catholicism, and the Modern State, that delves into parallels between the two religious systems. Lets Go Red! Our condolences to his wife and our classmate, Louise (Goldwasser). John recently began working for Boston-based healthcare administration startup Cohere Health as VP of marketing. Box Score PHILADELPHIA - The University of Pennsylvania softball team closes out the season with a three-game series at Cornell. Tweet. He now enjoys food prep, friends, waking up with happy legs after another good nights sleep, reading, painting, naps, movies, Facebook, and Super Mario 64 on his Switch. My son Alex, who was recently promoted to the rank of Major with the US Army, and his wife are proud parents of baby Alessandro. She has been able to see her brother one time, yet traveling to the East Coast to see her sister was put on hold until they are both fully vaccinated. Dave and Jody Kraatz Paduch 74 moved to the low country in South Carolina, after residing in Connecticut for 31 years. He now only has to constantly pick up pine cones. I also talk about once a month with Mary Ellen Berger McDougal, who lost her husband, Dick 58, MS 63, in March but keeps busy collecting fabric and making beautiful quilts. Satisfaction comes from remembering all the blessings shes received over the years. We want all of your updatesany exciting plans for the holiday season or upcoming new year? Online news form. Alison Torrillo French, amt7@cornell.edu. I made 300 masks during the pandemic, and it looks like we are going to continue using them. Remembering other classmates, Kathy says, I speak with former roommate Sue Phelps Day, MS 62, and her husband, Bill 59, regularly but do not get to see them very often since they moved to California. Dorothy Taylor Prey, 1 Baldwin Ave., #501, San Mateo, CA, 94401; tel., (650) 342-1196; email, dmprey@aol.com. One of the happiest memories I have of those days is the heavy summer downpours while listening to Heitor Villa-Loboss Bachianas Brasileirasthe Little Train of Caipira transporting my imagination to the Amazon jungle. Jeffrey wrote in July that hed been working from home since March 2020 and was using the time he used to spend commuting to sleep more (Im imagining a few others can relate!). We heard from a number of classmates who slowed down a bit during this time, although they continued to be active and enjoying life. Online news form. Online news form. She says she is getting olderand feeling it. She finds satisfaction in being more open, although remotely, with family and friends. Her biggest takeaway from the pandemic: We are all interdependentmore than we ever realized. Jim Ling (Fort Collins, CO) sent in a brief note to say that he was unable to travel because of the pandemic. Jim is president of the local sanitation district and still volunteering with the program honoring veterans in hospice. Also, we acquired a Labrador retriever a year ago and the dog is a great joyand it connected us to all the other dogs and their humans in the neighborhood!. is located across Campus Road from Barton Hall and east of Phillips Hall, across Hoy Road, on the site of a parking lot for Hoy Field and . Steven once said, I felt that if I could understand theoretical physics, I could understand anything. He certainly showed that he understood a lot! Phillips is a horizontal block with a flat roof. Sudip and Joan Button Thakor (Annual Fund) are residing in Connecticut, where they have raised many Cornellians. . I volunteered, before COVID, at the Maine Maritime Museum Boatshop and with veterans. Share it with us through the Class Notes. Ken wrote, The pandemic has put a damper on our usual international travel fetish, but we still managed to get to Kenya for five weeks this winter to see our daughter, and weve done a lot of road tripping in the US. Liebes family adopted a rescue cat and a Cavalier King Charles spaniel during the pandemic. But I know weve faced a lot of challenges too, and Im sending love and support, especially to those of you for whom things have been hard. We were in Turks and Caicos in March 2020 for a six-week stay. Online news form. Dont miss her views of the gorge from the suspension bridge, the perspective looking down Libe Slope to West Campus, and pictures of buildings new (i.e., after our time) and old. Adil and Zarina have three amazing kids: two boys, age 6 and 3, and a girl, 1. That farm boy went on to the U. of Nebraska, then to Michigan Law School for a JD and Harvard Law School for an SJD. We are all vaccinated now, so I can visit with my daughters and their families. Adele adds that being able to go outside and being able to Zoom with friends that I no longer see gives her the most satisfaction these days. He is a veteran and current artillery officer in the US Marine Corps Reserve. Humberto Cordero Jr., ME 63 (humbertojrfl@cs.com) relates being prevented from traveling and having to stay in Puerto Rico to avoid COVID. If you havent yet, now is your chance. Smith '30,E.M. Strong, andJ.G. Phillips Hall frames Cornell Universitys Engineering quad on the north side and houses the School of Electrical Engineering. Some of us have started families and are raising children. Another professor actually remembered me, even though I would never (ever!) The book traces the origins of human rights beyond the Enlightenment to the evolution of humane discourse and empathetic thought in Ancient Greece. Learn more here. Susan Shapiro Prohofsky, who lives in Sarasota, FL, sent the sad news that her husband, Earl, PhD 63, who was a professor of physics at Purdue U. and to whom she had been married for 59 years, died in late 2019. The year 1984 was the launchpad of our personal and professional growth as proud 84 graduates from Cornell. The upper stories are framed in limestone panels. As Im writing this in August, I know many of us have been lucky to fit in some summer getaways, celebrate milestones like graduations, and certainly plan for brighter times ahead. Please let us know how youre doing. Joan Hens Johnson, joanipat@gmail.com; and Steve Appell, bigred1965@aol.com. The Lakewood, Ca., native started all 31 games played during his time in Salt Lake City. Some of the pressure for additional space was relieved by transfer of faculty office space to the Upson Hall extension, and again in 1991 when the third floor of the new Engineering and Theory Center Building was made available to the EE School. Rachels on the classics faculty at Case Western in Cleveland. My womens club transferred its meetings and talks to Zoom but had a year of fundraising events canceled; we put together a group to sew face masks and, in a few months, made 5,000! Lou Heimbach, MBA 58 (LHeimbach@silolane.com) continues as chairman of the board of Orange Bank and Trust in Middletown, NY. To date, Mission Oxygens crowdsourcing platform has raised over $4 million and pre-paid an advance for another 5,000 oxygen concentrators.. John Maltby (Monmouth Junction, NJ) retired as a pastor in 2008. Electrical and Computer Engineering . Joyce Zelkowitz Cornett, cornett0667@comcast.net. Reaching out during these isolating times definitely resonated, and I highly recommend it. (The book can be found on Amazon.) Enjoying autos and audio as hobbies, time with his wife, and extended family Zooms for the past year, Howard says that most of his joy comes from walks and playing with best buddy Bosco. Certain imperfections have been corrected, internal architectural improvements have reduced the former barren institutional appearance, and partial air conditioning has made the building more comfortable. The Power Network Calculator was abandoned in favor of the digital computer, and its former location in the building eventually became a laser and optics laboratory. We hope that the Cornell Big Red spirit continues to endure during the pandemic, that you continue to enjoy virtual activities and connections, and that you and your families stay healthy and safe. Class of 2000, your fellow Cornellians want to hear from you! Together they bring an array of government, nonprofit, and academic perspectives to offer a truly global perspective. Also graduating from Cornell in 2021: Jacob Arnold 21, son of Mark 88 and Marci Braunstein Arnold. Want to show your best work to the 2023 Endeavor Business Media, All Rights Reserved Eat more hummus! He enjoys visits by a great-grandchild who lives 15 minutes away and expects the arrival of more great-grandchildren. The new building was to be a modern edifice, complete with state-of-the-art laboratories and facilities, that would offer relief from the existing cramped quarters, encourage pedagogical benefits from the presence of most of the School divisions under one roof, and provide adequate space for future expansion. Happy holidays, 09ers! Bryan Walley (bwalley@astound.net) wrote that he has been retired for 16 years and is really enjoying it. Interestingly, on the back was a form to contribute. During the past year, due to the pandemic, spay and neuter clinics were closed. Pat Relf Hanavan and I, Lisa Diamant, will be happy to include your news in a future column. After he earned his PhD from Cornell in Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering, Dave worked for Bell Labs for 11 years before deciding to work full time on medical devices. I spent my summers in Ithaca, taking courses and working in the Physics library. New office furniture and laboratory benches had been back-ordered and were in place, and the new laboratory power supply was energized and ready for use. Aaron was one of the running coaches, and it turned out every running coach had a Cornell connection: Cornell Triathlon Team coach Tom Giannettino, and Triathlon Team members Avery Voehl 21 and Warren Blood 21. Cornell University is a private research university that provides an exceptional education for undergraduates and graduate and professional students. Nadine Salley, MS 79 (nadine.salley@gmail.com) lives in Kingston, RI, where she and her spouse live in an active 55-plus community, only three miles from the ocean. Continue to send notes and updates to me at the address below, or submit an online news form. She used the word when he accidently got a squirt of juice from his orange. Additionally, he got to tune in remotely to Cornell events that brought back memories. Suzanne and Neals pandemic takeaways: Maintain relationships with family and friends, and get outside regularly to breathe the air and enjoy nature! They would love to hear from classmates. Thanks for sending news! She has three grandchildren who love Cornell Lab of Os Merlin Bird ID: Noah, Amalia, and Zoe. Having been hard at work in early 2020 with preparations for our big six-decade gathering, class council members Alan and Ellie Ross Garfinkel now say with regret, We very much missed our in-person 60th Reunion, as well as our annual fall gathering in New York City at Sardis restaurant. How are you planning to spend the holidays? To that end, our leadership team (listed below) is focused on connecting via communications and (both virtual and in-person) events, but with personality and flair befitting Cornell and the Class of 2011. He did attend a number of virtual meetings but comments that retaining his knowledge of biochemistry and clinical medicine has proved to be a hopeless task. Mong Family Foundation Director of Cornell Neurotech - Engineering, Director of Cornell NeuroNex Hub cx10@cornell.edu. During our visit to campus, we also enjoyed a leisurely stroll in the Botanic Gardens (forever known to most of us as the Plantations) and popped into the Cornell Store (still expensive LOL) and the Statleralthough, sadly, we couldnt get into Sage Chapel, which I was hoping to (re)show my kids, given how much time I spent there as an undergrad and how gorgeous it is inside. We were now 500 miles apart after 70 years totally out of touch. 400, Ithaca, NY 14850. Heres to renewed travel in 2022, including to our 45th Reunion. She started on a whole new path learning about 19th-century local history as a part-time museum educator at the Bartow-Pell Mansion Museum in Pelham Bay Park in the Bronx. Among those NYC recipients who chose Cornell were Neil Janovic, Ellie Applewhaite, Fred Brustman, Peter Yarrow, Phil Yarnell, Ron Demer, Carl Leubsdorf, Benson Simon, BA 61, MBA 62, and Marian Fay Levitt (marianfl1@verizon.net). Eve is the founder of Delphi Opera, producing operas, concerts, and educational outreach programs, and providing enrichment for future generations of arts lovers and participants. Seven-plus years ago, our daughter, son-in-law, and two (now three) granddaughters left Ithaca and moved in with us. Online news form. We hope you are all having a happy holiday season! As always, let me know if you or any of your classmates have any exciting life updates youd like to share, and follow us at the Class of 2018 Instagram (@cornell_2018) for more news. His biggest takeaway from the pandemic is the realization that human contact is critical to our lives; no man is an island. Linda Meyers Geyer (lindageyer20@gmail.com) was living in California when her husband, Gary, died of a sudden heart attack. Our alternative text listings page presents our map data in tables. Jeff CJ Biederman (class council) has meandered West since graduation. Jeff continues to volunteer for Cornell (including for our class, the Johnson School, and eCornell), for his golf club on Cape Cod, for his HOA/club in Arizona, and as chair of the endowed committee at his synagogue in Connecticut. Jon Moeller has climbed the ranks from his early days as a food analyst to become the public face of Procter & Gamble in recent years. Dianne Rosborne Meranus (diannemeranus@msn.com) and husband Philip, JD 66, anticipate the arrival of their first great-grandchild! Her biggest takeaway from the pandemic is that friendships are important to nurture, regardless of physical distance, and that we should live each day with gratitude and never forget those who are without resources. New on the menu: fresh baked muffins! Lodging units diminished in availability. Andrew hopes that he will be a proud member of the Class of 2043! She has been battling bone marrow cancer for four years and is on chemotherapy. The sentiment from John Gerich (john.gerich@aol.com) is most expressive, as his pandemic takeaway uses strong language about how Trump handled the situation. In lieu of flowers, her family asked that donations be made to Memorial Sloan Kettering in her honor. After living in Toronto for 15 years, John Carnella (class council) and Mimi Joh-Carnella relocated to East Hampton at the end of last year. Thats all for now. For those categories, please talk with your professor/advisor/team leads or visit the Rapid Prototyping Lab located in Upson Hall. It would be quicker to relate what Tom didnt do to earn this award than to quote all the endeavors involved. We are all eager to hear from each of you! ProfessorSam Linke, who had joined the Building Committee when professor Tarboux left Cornell to go to the University of Michigan, and lecturerLawrence B. Spencer 34planned the installation of a Power Network Calculator for the second-floor south wing. We hope that you are doing well, and are well, in this time. As was my sudden, unexpected promotion from zilch to class officer. It was such a gorgeous location that we cant wait to return. In September of that year, the architects sent Dean Hollister a large oil painting of an external view of their projected design for the new building. Speaking of daughters, Pat Reillys daughter, Erin Goers 13, married Patrick Chamberlain 13 on July 30 in a beautiful ceremony and reception attended by many of their fellow alums, including numerous members of the Chorus and Glee Club! She and her husband, John, are still living in their own home and being cared for by their four children and five grandchildren. Stanley Bryer 1946 Professor of Biomedical Engineering . If you didnt, please take a moment to submit an online news form or send a message or holiday letter directly to: Jason Georges, jag243@cornell.edu. Dave is a part-time practitioner of ophthalmologywith a subspecialty of uveitiswhile his wife just published her first novel, At the Edge of the Haight. Open hours are for current members to get help with using lab tooling by CMC officers.

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