power bi filter visual based on selectiongeelong cats coaching staff 2022

When I select Belgium in the MAP, I want to see everything of RequestID=2 in the TABLE. The key to this solution is the expression based formatting of colours using DAX. You might find the reply to Rajib above has the answer you seek. Either follow a similar approach as that suggested with the Map, or it will be necessary to turn off the title from the X axis and turn off the Y axis entirely in order to have the visual appear blank when empty. Then provides the table name & click on Load button. But if only one value is selected in the slicer then it should show Current year & previous year Line for the selected value. I have a scenario when I have three constant lines (they do not come from Analytics) but rather a data columns (temperatures like extreme heat, comfortable low, comfortable high). If so, this will count as True for the [Check Filtered]. Sometimes however, it will be necessary to reveal the visual only if a specific selection has been made. The terms cross-filter and cross-highlight distinguish the behavior described here from what happens when you use the Filters pane to filter visualizations. Thanks for getting back in touch that didnt work however I have worked out the solution. If this answered your question, please mark it as the Solution. The visual is a line and clustered column chart with 2 categories (Country & City) in the shared axis (theyre linked by a drilldown, Country > City ), So i created these 2 measures : Hi Matt, This is great! I think the cleanest way of achieving your goal would be using Bookmarks. Thank you for the reply. Rows = Parts[Part Name] As the Message/Transparent card is in front of the original visual, it disable interacting with the original visual like showing Tooltip, clicking on the original visual etc. I have a Matrix that filters on the state selected on a visual map. In the Check Filtered measure, I had to test different columns of the master table ISFILTERED(MasterTable[FindTheRightColumnHere]) and all of a sudden it worked. As you say, this isnt necessary for the invisible card to work. Next, determine what impact you'd like the selected visualization to have on the others. This however comes at the cost of losing the ability to select data on the map, as card will always be covering the entire map, it will just be transparent when data is visible. This solution worked great for me. Hi Matt, This has worked brilliantly for my adapted need. Of course if you have many visuals dependent on the next visual status, then it starts to get more complex. Then, I created a many-to-many relationship like this: Now I created a MAP visual based on Table_Orig and a TABLE visual based on Table_Copy. I am sure this will be one option in the future. Are you referring to the new Search Bar in the Ribbon, or the search that can be added to a slicer? Text Filter is still a slicer, so the approach is the same. I am not sure if you have found the solution, but I had similar situation until I covered up the intended visual with the card having the option of transparent background. so when I select the value in the slicer, the message is gone and matrix is displayed but the header (which were hidden behind the card when value was not selected) part is still hidden. APPLIES TO: Maybe even an option saying do X before selecting from this slicer. appended Sales line 1 and sales line 2 I came across your question last week and thought about it a bit back then but couldn't think of an approriate answer for you. does the same work for a table visualisation ?I am using the text filter from the app store -and the check fiklter does not seem to work for this . Hi Jason, Thanks for the tutorial, it was really helpful! The largest, in-person gathering of Microsoft engineers and community in the world is happening April 30-May 5. However, SELECTEDVALUE() is only appropriate if the specific selection is a single valid value. Yes, thats right. I have followed the process but not getting the end result what is expected. Can you check to see if a specific value is selected and return 1, else 0? I adapted this to work with Cross Filtering (using a scatter plot as the source), so the user can click a data point and the underlying data is displayed in a matrix below. Sales 1 joined with Sales lines 1 and Item 1 table. The SELECTEDVALUE function simplifies the syntax required when you use a numeric column of an entity as a parameter in a calculation. Hi John, My question is, can we hide the Card browser visual after its click (like I want to hide the drop down visual after selecting one option from it and just see the table). CheckMeasure = IF([SelectedName] = "Jason", 1, 0) // checks if Jason is selected Sorry, I should add that they are available for selection if I choose Format style Gradient or Rules, but not Field Value. You could also look at fields that can be conditionally formatted, and set their font colour to black or white depending on the show hide. 3. 3 gear, 6 gear) 1. Power BI reports are highly interactive, If you select a column in a column chart other charts will be highlighted. And is there a way to clear out all filters so that if you have multiple drill downs to the same page, it clears out all the filters by default first? Thats a nice little workaround. All I can think of is to add a bookmark and button that hides the overlay. Just click on one of the other rows of your matrix before trying to click on row 2. I have tried this in my report and I downloaded your sample work book as well but noticed that your sample work book has same issue what I am facing. Glad this post has been valuable. Could you please let me know how to use with Matrix row selection (SelectedValue) instead of a Slicer? Check filtered onto matrix, filters on this visual. Select the masking Card made earlier. If I understand your scenario correctly, then you will need to make separate measures for the separate show/hide conditions. Ive managed all the steps however when I make my selection and the table is populated Im still seeing the Please make a selection message showing over the table? I want the buttons to be hidden until the user selects a category. Hi Abu, For a scenario where it is necessary to have a specific combination of values from the one slicer selected before the visual can be revealed, ISFILTERED() is to broad and SELECTEDVALUE() is to narrow. Do you have the same column of data being used on the Bar chart? The tree map is also cross-highlighting the column chart. In this situation we need to take advantage of CONCATENATEX() to return the selected values as a text string, and then test that string for a specific combination. If the button is to be used to navigate between pages, then it is possible to use Expression Based Formatting to yield an effect very similar to hiding. I will try to make another report using buttons (which are now primary slicers value) and bookmarks (and will select the one based on UAT). Dharanidhar. Microsoft is working on making every part of Power BI controllable using expression based formatting. Is this possible to hide/show Map visual. Im waiting for expression based formatting to come to the visibility of a visual. Even if you can't edit a report, you can select a visual and filter it. Write a measure that returns either the background colour or transparent based on the user selection (type Text), and set that to conditionally format the background colour of the card. Basically Im doing similar things as you : when I select a country the message disappears and graphs are visible. The desired outcome is to show the matrix when the user has selected an item in the Product[Category] slicer and hide the matrix otherwise. I am not sure I fully understand, do you have a single column of data Item[Category] and that contains 2 categories (Pump & Reactor)? APPLIES TO: Power BI service for business users Power BI service for designers & developers Power BI Desktop Requires Pro or Premium license One of the great features of Power BI is the way all visuals on a report page are interconnected. if possible can you mention required changes . Solution work great, but there is one issue: if i want to hide matrix table, and show only if filterred, matrix table is not clickable (stepped layuot) or cant export to excel. Write a measure to display a user message on the card based on the user selection (type Text). the user has to see picture with message in the card and when he selects the filter it has to show the result, Currently you cannot control the visibility state of a picture. My requirement is similar to this but I am unable to achieve the end result. Thanks to your article. Thanks. Check Filtered = CONCATENATEX(VALUES(Products[Category]),Products[Category], ) = Clothing Bikes Returns True only when both Bikes and Clothing are selected. Alternately, given that the visual you wish to hide is a Matrix, you could set up the matrix something like this: Hi Jason, I was able to replicate that in the secondary slicers as you shown. Otherwise the visual is self fulfilling the show/hide requirement. Select your card, then go to the Visualizations Pane, and select the Formatting Paintbrush. You need to make sure it is something that can be sliced by a column of data. Since that time, the article has become the most in-demand solution encountered on our website, and hence deserved a redeux. Current v Prior Month = SELECTEDVALUE('Date'[Month Name Short])& " " &SELECTEDVALUE('Date'[Year])&" versus Prior Month". You should use the order by parameter for concatenatex to ensure the values in the returned string are in the same order as the string youre testing it against. The only issue you have to manage here is that you cant put Matrix 1 over the top of Matrix 2, as the visual never really hides, it just becomes empty, so Matrix 1 will always be on top. This conditional formatting they are starting to roll out makes me feel like they are starting to get it and PBI is getting more and more Qlik like with every release. Thank you for the prompt reply. It depends what youre actually trying to achieve. Yes, that is a problem. Can this possible if my visual is Hierarchy slicer . Thats just one thought. Check Filtered = OR( ISFILTERED(Register[ Grade / Job Title]), ISFILTERED(Register[Region])) Yes, its not perfect by any means. Hopefully, one day, there is a simple show/hide conditional option in visuals in the future; or better still a conditional switch to display two alternate visuals. Hi Matt, Thank you for the suggestion. With regards to using it in RLS, please see my reply to Raj below. Another good idea would be to share a small example final. Thanks in advance. Lets say we have Visual A that shows a top 10 client number based on the amount spent over the last month. I wish to all a merry Christmas (a little late) and a happy and prosper new year. Message) This is very ingenious. Like Qlik has had for 12+ years. Give me nothing when Check Filtered returns False table visual- very clear and good article easy to understand. Thanks for the response and options here! The tree map is cross-filtering the line chart and the map. Both of these default behaviors can be overridden, and interactions can be set, on a per-visualization basis. Now when I select button2table , the chart visual should change to table Write an additional Message measure, that renders a blank card. Click on Conditional formatting, Select Format by as field value and then Based on field and select the [Make Transparent] measure. This will need to include a list of all the users that should have access to the visibility of the visual At first it didnt work properly, becouse the based on field didnt accept my make transparant measure. So ISFILTERED is always going to be TRUE thus my slicer-selection card based on your article always shows "Multiple Selections". A great tip, thanks for it!! It is very helpful for my project but when the mask card becomes transparent and matrix shows up, the 2nd row(field value) is not able to be clicked as it is covered by the card. In my case I have a bar chart that I just want to show if a particular element of a dropdown is selected. Hello, 2. I wanted to control both items. Solved: Dynamic Title to show Prior Month from Selected Va Some reason the check filter is not working on the filter for the matrix, I am unable to put condition = 1 for check filter, powerbi is not responding on the filter pane. If the behavior you see isn't what you want, you can change the interactions, as described previously. Show or Hide a Power BI Visual Based on Selection it shows level as nil , but when i choose pump I want the card to hide. It took me some time to discover that you need to set the data type of the measure to text, but now it works perfecty. using standard table visual and sometimes my users may want to see all the options and filter separately by eg region. how to hide/unhide visuals based on selection (i need to put all visual names in slicer ,then user can select and see visuals which ever he wants , unchecked visual names will be hide), how to hide/unhide visuals based on selection (i need to out all visual names in slicer ,then user can select and see visuals which ever he wants , unchecked visual names will be hide). Under Home tab > Click on Table icon > table dialogue box opens. This was really helpful! This worked for me. Now the trick is to use conditional formatting for the Cards background colour using rule based expressions. The interaction between [Hide Visual] and [CheckFiltered] can be tricky. In my table data I have a column called Category where there is two items 1) Pump and 2) Reactor. Yes. Yep, seems like this no longer works for the current version cards no longer allow a measure in the filters for the visual. LOOKUPVALUE(Security[User],Security[See Chart],TRUE()) Thank you! One other thing I am trying to achieve is combining RLS with this functionality, does RLS filter work here? This measure is also pretty easy. Creative ways to show filter selections on your Power BI reports 2nd Slicer Title = Check that your Check Filtered measure is returning an integer not a boolean. Check Filtered = IF(ISFILTERED(Products[Category]),1,0). 3 graphs are present in same page When certain conditions are met, you could display the appropriate instruction by changing the transparency. This is supporting hide unhide Gauge and drill through feature. Drillthrough filter With drillthrough in the Power BI service and Power BI Desktop, you create a destination report page that focuses on a specific entity, such as a . I have one gauge which supports to filter. two tables)? Our COO will be very happy. I also found just now the solution in the comments below. I cannot perform the interactions after this as the card acts as a barrier to the page, How can i make show the error message when no value is selected and the make the card disappear once a value is selected, This is covered in the article. Sales 2 joined with Sales lines 2 and Item 2 table. In the sample report below, I want the matrix on the left to appear if the user selects an item in the category slicer on the right.

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