Bonnie was born on March 10, 1992, in Fells Church, Virginia. However, after Bonnie brought him back to life he started seeing and talking to the ghost of his ex-girlfriend, much to Bonnie's displeasure. It's embarrassing, I'm embarrassed for you." As Damon is fighting back taken into the light, Bonnie sacrifices her chance of getting back for him. Later Bonnie sees Jonas enter the Grill and walks over to him to try and convince him that it wasn't their fault and that she wants to help him get his daughter back. Enzo's body has already desiccated as she cradles his head; at a complete loss of words, her future dies right before her. Later, Bonnie makes dinner as Damon comes downstairs. Jeremy races over to Bonnie to check on her. Bonnie is also shown to be a romantic, someone who finds comfort in love and romance, although at first, she is more focused on her identity as a witch and protecting her friends. Bonnie is furious and tells him that she didn't want to lose another friend and wanted him to know that the last thing he'll remember as he desiccates is that he hurt her. He asks her where her secret hideaway is and she tells him it's a surprise. Bonnie and Damon later argue, and Bonnie says, "Is that what you want? She concocts a plan to travel to the Other Side and bring Elena's spirit back. Caroline, with her back to the door, hopes that once the dance gets underway, that she and Bonnie can sneak off and locate the striker. Bonnie is a member and the last surviving witch of the Bennett Family. Bonnie's eventually able to free Elena from her magical coma, sparing both of their lives. He calls out to her and Bonnie is shocked to see him again. Shane mentions Jeremy's death and that he was there when Silas awoke and, to gain the strength he needed to feed on Jeremy. He goes on to tell her that if he had to ever survive her without speaking up he couldn't bear the though. Enzo is avoiding eye contact and being elusive towards Bonnie which visible annoys her. He orders Bonnie to come home for a family meeting. After the events in the eighth season's finale, Caroline decides to stay in Mystic Falls while Bonnie leaves their town to travel the world. Outside the Witch House Jeremy asks how much power Bonnie can channel. Bonnie questions what's the striker and Seline explains. Im not okay with you choosing yourself. I know you want your drinking buddy back. In Into the Wild, Bonnie arrives at the island where Shane claims that the cure is along with Stefan, Elena, Damon, Jeremy, and Rebekah. Bonnie agrees evening going so far to bring out her phone saying there was a place about an hour away. That his death was needless. Damon tells Bonnie that he's sorry and kisses her on the forehead, and then gets up and walks away. She mocks Enzo and also tells her it's "A mere symbol of an eternity." Abby tells her that it was the spell she used to bind Mikael into the coffin. She also reveals that a witch cannot make a true immortal creature and that he has to have a weakness. Back inside the B&B, Enzo questions why Elena was moved from Brooklyn. When Kai is about to grab her, Damon attacks him. She also reassured Bonnie that she would see her again. And I would rather have these memories than a future where I destroy them. In Never Let Me Go, Alaric approaches her with The Phoenix Stone after a class session where he teaches about death and warns the students to stay away from Mystic Falls, telling Bonnie that he got it from a contact in Duke, asking her if its magic is legit. Originally, Enzo and Bonnie met and became frenemies. Bonnie initially refuses Nora's help can calls her an Evil Heretic, though Nora wants to let go of old news and not let it get in the way of charity and retorts Bonnie's comment about being evil. Bonnie has a heart-shaped face, with full cheeks and a pointed chin. Matt reconnects with his body and Jeremy sees Bonnie. Let Her Go/Transcript | The Vampire Diaries Wiki | Fandom They were in the living room trying to call Bonnie when she finally arrived. Bonnie is then seen crying with the rest of the group as Alaric decides not to complete his transition into a vampire. Elena steps up and says that she thinks she can get him to. In Season Eight, Bonnie is helped by Caroline in her quest to find Enzo and Damon. She is also shown trying to convince Katherine to come to the Salvatore House so they can kill her with the knife. Sign up with Email. She has candles spread out all around her as she holds Enzo's necklace between her hands and calls out to him again, having learned how to contact him from Arcadius. They confront Oscar a second time and Bonnie successfully subdues Oscar with a powerful pain infliction spell with Alaric shooting him with a vervain dart. Bonnie regularly changes her hairstyle, in the early seasons, she had her hair regularly styled in very tight curls and sometimes soft waves, however in the later seasons, her hair is much straighter and the length is somewhat shorter. I'd be honored to be your maid of honorand not just because my main competition is in a coma until I die. When they say their goodbyes, Bonnie tells Elena that she's sorry. Though Damon retained his vampiric abilities, Bonnie was unable to perform magic. She is sitting with her mother while she goes through the transformation. Complying with Bonnie's wish, she performs a ritual, a sance. She questions what kept him going, unlike Damon who gave up and gave into Sybil's control so easily. Caroline tells her they are going to Miss Mystic Falls. [walking toward him] Would you, Damon? Elena and Bonnie follow who they think is Alaric to help him. Bonnie is shocked by her mother's arrival and Abby asks Bonnie who is Professor Shane and what has he been teaching her. Calling Bonnie, Elena tells her what almost happened to Jeremy. Throughout the many seasons, Caroline and Bonnie have continually been there for one another despite their disagreements. Stupid, delusional, exasperating little children. She writes in her journal to Elena Gilbert that she's there to make sure that Alaric does not die of over drinking. Bonnie later goes to see Jeremy at the Lockwood mansion, only to get turned down by him when he tells her he has everything in control and wants her to trust him. Bonnie screams in anguish when Silas slits her father's throat. Bonnie has a Scottish grandmother from Edinburgh, Scotland, who is a psychic witch (like herself) and to whom she was very close. In Somebody That I Used to Know, In 2013 Bonnie is packing up her things from her Whitmore dorm room; seemingly with Caroline off with Ric and the newborns and Elena in a magical coma, she had no reason to stay in the dorm. Vicki appears and she begs Matt to stop Bonnie. She tells him she isn't going anywhere and takes the flame of imprisonment and sets the cabin ablaze. Sheila warns her, "There is no magic in this world strong enough to challenge it." I wasn't me for a long time", in reference to (expression) having an effect on her mind. Damon's question if he's not running it then who is. However, despite having to deal with that and Damon's sarcastic quips, she continues to stand tall in the face of adversity, managing to regain her magic at the possibility of the one companion or friend she had with her. In After School Special, Bonnie is first seen at the Mystic Falls High School where a gathering is being held in honor of Carol Lockwood, who had been killed. He calls Liv to use her magic on Elena and Stefan, and Bonnie tries to stop her and then finds out Enzo is using Luke to threaten Liv. In season 3, Matt mentioned he and Bonnie were lifeguards last summer. Jeremy shows up and gives her a hand. Eventually, though she agrees to let him help them and in turn, she needs to bring him back too. When Kai awakens tied up, he says he is on the same side as them, but Bonnie says that is doubtful as allies don't kill each other. Her spell-casting abilities most definitely came in handy when the Originals came to Mystic Falls. Greta heads over towards them, but Damon breaks her neck. In the end,Grams said she'll stay on the other side,claiming she found her peace by making sure Bonnie finds hers. As she leaves she encounters Matt, who tries to talk her out of murdering their friends. Bonnie is emotionally devastated at the news of his death and was angry at Shane. However, the candles go out. She tells him that he is the last person she wants to see. Enzo believes they are siphoning directly from her, from her magic. She tells Bonnie that she had to face her biggest fear and then live up to it. Damon brokers a deal that Rayna needs more time to accept. Bonnie unaware of Ezno's presence remembers and gathers her passport from her night stand. Elena is one of Bonnie's best friend since childhood. But please don't ask me to have hope. Bonnie comments that she just wanted to be sure and, reconciled, they decide they want to fight for their home back and will not let the Heretics win. Bonnie is furious and full of tears and Abby tells her that she had to destroy him to break the connection. As she's reliving Enzo's death, magically the ceiling fans rapidly speed up, tea kettles begin to blow stems, napkins blow from an unknown wind and glasses shake on a table next to them. Bonnie Sheila Bennett was born on February 5, 1993, to Rudy Hopkins and Abigail "Abby" Bennett in Mystic Falls, Virginia. Im overlooking the fact that you nearly killed me the last time we hung out. Damon tells Bonnie that the next time she sees Emily, to tell her "a deals a deal". Rayna forcible makes Bonnie remove her bindings, though Enzo bursts in Killing her by throwing a knife in her neck. Though controlled by Sybil, Enzo tells her "Hello, Luv" and reveals he is helping Sarah. She looks into his eyes and brings him into a moving kiss and he embraces her into a hug. Once alone, Bonnie calls Elena and verifies that Elena is not yet arrived. By Bonnie becoming a relentless huntress, this influences Bonnie to hate Damon once again, only worse than ever. Though Bonnie tells him that she would rather have the memories of loving him than having memories where she destroyed them. A moment later, the necklace is nowhere to be found. They finally arrive at their destination, Enzo comments on making good time given that they stopped to drag race and skydive, which the latter resulted in his phone being destroyed. Caroline: You snuck into my house and found my old wedding book?Bonnie: How else was I going to out-Caroline Forbes Caroline Forbes? She holds Enzo's necklace that contains his blood, the last of his physical remains, in her hands as she attempts to reach him, though she still does not have her magic. She hugs Caroline as she comes too and tells her and Stefan that she saw Elena. Once they arrive at the Armory Bonnie and Alaric talk. They plead with Bonnie to just jet them pass, she replies its not that simple and that she can't. The Toyota Prius that Bonnie drives is also. However at the end of Season 5, they get stuck on The Other Side together, and hold hands as they get sucked into a white light. He stays over and the two of them share a bed when Bonnie has a dream where Esther tells her that the witches need her to finish what she started. Kat Graham Enzo calls her to him and takes her in his arm. In Day One of Twenty-Two Thousand, Give or Take, Bonnie is seen in Amsterdam with Damon and Alaric, who're both drunk on "a funky tasting whiskey" which Bonnie soon figures out to be tea. Spell books lay open on the table beside her as she's lighting many candles that span a couple tables. But Bonnie worked her magic, bringing wind and smashing some lights. That night, Bonnie and Enzo arrive at the estate, Enzo confirming that this is the one they are searching for as out of the four with pools, this was the only one with a light on. She refuses. Bonnie tells her mother that they will be safest in the basement. Bonnie is having a hard time reintegrating herself into life on the mortal plane, as she was very uncomfortable being in crowded places and scorched a man's skin because he was getting too close to her. They are very close and would do anything for each other. Katherine then tells Bonnie that she can hear someone coming and that Bonnie needs to unlink her while she stalls then, Bonnie says no so but Katherine asks for some slack which Bonnie gives. She then asks Bonnie if it is she who did the spell because she is a witch. Cause of death What're you gonna do? Stefan though eye-contacts Bonnie and she under his request grabs Elena and brings her back to life,much to her dismay. Bonnie tries to speak with Oscar but he seems confused as if they have never meet before. Bonnie is running through resurrection spells using the Phoenix Stone as the binding agent; she briefly brings back "Oscar", though her quickly dies once more. Not understanding what he's talking about, Luka shows her a little trick he can do with the salt. Before Bonnie can get an answer, she enveloped in while light. Bonnie: I can't lose you again.Enzo: You never lost me, Bonnie Bennett. He address her as she approaches, that she was just in time. Through Jeremy's timely intervention, she was able to get back up again and she found the atlas where Damon left notes about Nova Scotia, giving Bonnie the idea of going there to access the power of Qetsiyah's blood in Silas' headstone to bring herself back. Bonnie gets up to hug Shelia and says "I was so worried about you" Shelia replies by saying "I know, but I'm ok, I've been watching over you". However, Damon mysteriously hears Elena's voice in the Armory's vault and is easily drawn to it despite Enzo and Bonnie's protests over the phone to try and stop Damon from following the voice. Bonnie was about to crush her skull but stopped when other students walked in the hallway and Katherine bolted. Enzo tells her that they need to get the cure and go. Bonnie explains that psychic dimensions are tied to great emtional trauma; Cade when he was burned at the stake and Bonnie when she saw Enzo murdered. In Handle with Care, she is seen with Jeremy trying to find the Anchor. Enzo tells her it's just a symbol, nothing more. As she leaves, Bonnie follows her. She though says Bonnie won't be able to survive all of those people passing through her. When she goes to see what's wrong, she sees the necklace undamaged. It appears one of Klaus's hybrids compelled Jamie to kill himself if they don't tell the location of the coffins. She tells him that she's fine and, with prodding from him, tells her the grave new; Stefan murdered Enzo. Jeremy wants to accompany them, but Bonnie kisses him and casts a spell to make him pass out. In The Next Time I Hurt Somebody, It Could Be You, Bonnie and Enzo are together once again after the latter was saved from Sybil's grasp a second time. Bonnie is then seen with Rayna. Their spell tracks her to Cincinnati, Ohio, where they find an aged women. That they both helped her realize that she had all the magic she ever needed inside her and asks them to give her a little luck. Her maternal grandmother Sheila Bennett at one point tried to explain to Bonnie about her witch heritage, although Bonnie dismissed this because she thought that her grandmother was drunk. Then she buried Silas with a cure for immortality, which she had hoped he would take and die. Enzo reveals the mark to Damon and tell him that she is fighting the life, and that she would rather slip away. She has witch ancestry and she possesses psychic powers, which developed and became immensely powerful and strong over a period of time throughout the course of the series. As she holds it back, she can feel that she's losing it and continues to fight saying: "No, no I can do this. He asks her to leave or that he'll make her. When Bonnie is reunited with Damon on the island, they both return to Mystic Falls where Bonnie explains Silas' plan. Shane then admits to Bonnie to orchestrating the explosion at the Young residence. Reminded by her friends, she travels to Novia Scotia and retrieves Qetsiyah's calcified blood and reclaimed her own magic, freeing herself from the prison world. She'd disfigured him. Bonnie's drive to hunt vampires is too strong and she is forced to leave him, injured, bleeding and alone in the cruiser. Knowing that her father doesn't like her to be gone for long. They both fall to the ground and pass out. Later, Bonnie and Liv are seen in the bar as they joke about Liv probably getting fired to the mess caused by the fight in the bar. Bonnie hands over the moonstone. That is when he tells Bonnie that his wife was a witch, who died trying to use Expression. Bonnie attempts another spell, that results in setting Oscar's body on fire. She tells him short of nuking Mystic Falls with the Maxwell Bell, she's not a practicing witch. Bonnie told her she needed her help by giving her Silas' tombstone. When they find and confront Oscar, they find that is different than the Heretics they've confronted before; Oscar knows and remembers Damon from another lifetime (when her was in the war at Gettysburg, July of 1863). She says that she didn't do it for him and walks away. Elena explains to Bonnie that Anna wants Bonnie to use her powers to unlock the spell on the tomb. Keeping her promise, she takes Enzo to a motor speedway and cheers him on as she watches him drive a race car around a track. Questioning her, he finds out that she saw Mason kissing Elena. Seconds later, he sits up straight and grabs her head between his hands. They have left a message on Kai's pager, thinking that he has Bonnie with him somewhere. Returning home to Whitmore, Bonnie calls Alaric, asking him if drowning the stone in acid worked and he confirms that it has been destroyed. As they search, she discovers two new reports; two women in two different towns who suffered fatal wounds to the neck (a vampire bite) in North Caroline. Afterward Bonnie attends The Sexy Suds Car Wash. A man arrives with his car, hoping it will get washed, and Tiki comments that they can wash the car, but it will always be a "POS". The fire stops and Damon is okay. She relents and cuts him loose of his vervain ropes to which he replies that she is his saving grace only to vamp towards the door. They struggle and attack each other, Enzo barely fending her off. Caroline then asks what is she doing down here Bonnie then tells Caroline that she is waiting for Qetsiyah. However, Bonnie begins to suffer immense grief, loss, pain and tragedy as well as the losses of people close to her, most notably, her Grams and Jeremy. He then says that he'll either kill them both or that they can all go back as friends. Damon approaches her and asks her where Caroline is. He denies it and counters that if someone was with him, it would be better if she didn't know as there was a mind-reading devil on the loose for escaped souls. When Carol Lockwood complains about the unlit candles in the uncrowded room and the waiter goes to get the matches from the kitchen, Bonnie amazes herself by lighting one and the one lite candle lighting the unlit candles and the lights with her powers. Bonnie tells her that she was unsuccessful about rescuing Enzo and had to let him return to Sybil. Sometime later, Stefan successfully frees Damon and, that night, he comes to speak to Bonnie. Suddenly, Sheila Bennett appears and tells her granddaughter that they have to raise Silas and feed him so that she can be brought back. Fearing for Bonnie, Elena yells for Bonnie not to leave. Damon and Elena reveal that they're here to bring her back to present time if she can make it back to Mystic Falls from Muncie, Indiana in seven hours. Elena caught Jeremy kissing Anna, she then informed Caroline who in turn relayed this information to Bonnie. Sheila tells her that she may not be strong enough but with Bonnie's help, maybe it will work. Of course. When night comes, Abby is very upset and says to Bonnie she should leave before somebody gets hurt. As he answers, Bonnie watches as Enzo collapses in pain to the floor, as a siren's song can be heard through the phone. Eventually Bonnie catches up to Enzo at his safe house. He tells her that he'll treat her to Paris and that she'll fix everything that is wrong with him, only if she will set him free. She explains that the Witch'es don't want her there as she is abusing their power. Moment later, Bonnie takes Josie and Lizzie to the bathroom in the Founder's hall, unaware of Kelly Donovan's plan to blow the place up. He proclaims that Bonnie is his whole world. Bonnie exclaims "I did it!" Virginia regards her suspiciously as she accuses Bonnie of being one of the members of The Armory. Stefan and Damon realize that Bonnie is their new secret weapon because neither Isobel nor Katherine knew that Bonnie had her powers back and the power of the massacred witches. Discovering that there is another Witch, Bonnie has Jeremy watch over Elena while she runs off to discover who it is. She throws the necklace into the fire. They both proceed to chant the spell. Bonnie and Jeremy are seen talking in private again. Bonnie questions Vicki if the bandage was because of "Damon Salvatore" though Vicki dismisses her. At first the news was encouraging, giving them all hope, though the body count continued to rise. Caroline attempts to make sure Bonnie is doing well and eating, by offering her muffins, but she tell her that she in not hungry and refocuses her efforts. #alaricsaltzman Suddenly Anna appears and warns Jeremy that the darkness was there. She has clear and soft light brown skin or complexion with long, luxurious dark brown or soft black wavy hair. Things go down hill after Nora finds out that they've taken Mary Louise hostage. Despite the injuries she sustained in acquiring the headstone, she nevertheless pushed through the pain and accomplished her objective. Bonnie tells him that she has found her 'Hope' and she convinces him to find his. Bonnie interjects, telling him it's impossible as Arcadius is dead and hell along with it. Shortly after that, Bonnie and Enzo joke around with Damon on the phone and they confirm that Bonnie has forgiven him and that they are best friends once again. Because of this, she had great resentment towards him for three years, which appears to be amplified as the huntress, and with the combined strength and hatred for Damon, she was unstoppable and clearly wanted him dead. Damon tries to persuade her from not killing him, that he forgives her, though she continues to shove a stake into his chest. Caroline arrives and Alaric takes the girls to the car. Stefan realizes that it was Katherine and not Elena Bonnie saw. Alaric attacks her, strangling her, asking her what she would do when a vampire attacks. Seeing this, Elena asks Bonnie if they could talk for a minute privately. However long it ta About Us | Copyright Inquiry | Privacy Policy | Contact Us. After Stefan and Damon take off to find Elena, Bonnie and Jeremy wait together in his room. She emerges from the house with the girls and Caroline embrace them; Bonnie sits on the steps and watches the reunion. [throws the frame down on the floor and the glass cracks] Jenna and-- and John took the last spots." Bonnie dismisses the thought and says she doesn't have any magic and that if she does, she'll lose him. She asks Jeremy to be her date, but Jeremy would like to just skip this event and spend time with her. As it turns out, they have been doing what they were doing for several hours. She puts the candle down and takes The Bennett Talisman and asks what it is. But you fell like if something missing Tyler". She later sees Katherine as a ghost and Katherine tells her what she did to Elena before being killed. She soon is with Liv trying to help Elena, but unfortunately, Elena stabs Liv in the stomach as to get her to break the seal on the building. She gets up and goes to find him. Bonnie, of course, will not listen. He watches her as she her nose begins to bleed as her recent reclamation of magic and the spell performed took its toll on her. He manipulates her into attempting a massacre of 12 witches - the final sacrifice necessary to complete the triangle. They kiss and insists that if she wants more fun, he's going to take the car for another spin. She calls Caroline and asks if they can talk over breakfast, that she needs advice about Enzo. Bonnie, and Katherine talking at the diner. She is the Huntress and attacks Bonnie, whose magic does not work against her. After returning from the prison world, she is struggling to adapt to the real world and hide all the pain and loneliness she felt with angry and hate. She also reveals that Bonnie has to stop a human heart to stop a vampire's heart. After Bonnie learned that she can trust Lucy, she handed over the moonstone. She took him down to her body, and said that's what she wanted, too -- but you can't always get what you want. ENZO: I think they're siphoning directly from you. Knowing that Enzo's words are true in her heart, she teaches Lizzie and Josie the spell needed to save them --Phasmatos motus incendiamos!. Back at the Mental Health Center, Enzo and Bonnie embrace as she is told about the what the pills derived from Rayna's blood is doing to her, which will ultimately kill her. She'd been dreaming and set the room on fire. John's life for Elena. Bonnie later pays her respect to The Gilbert Family by attending John and Jenna's funeral. Bonnie recovers and responds with "the ascendant's this way", and walks off. Stefan goes ahead and Bonnie remains back at the crime scene getting more information from the investigator. Elena fills her in with all that has happened.

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