Global warming potential (GWP) is a factor describing the radiative forcing impact (degree of harm to the atmosphere) of one unit of a given GHG, relative to one unit of CO 2 over a 100-year time horizon. Water data for the nation 2015. (U.S. Geological Survey, 2018). However, annual tables are also published at a more aggregated level of detail and with less reported data but with only a ~12 year time lag to help address the time lag limitations12. 36 are used to create the satellite matrix of environmental flow coefficients, B, in a physical unit per dollar output for a commodity in the model that can be used with the economic data for industries from another year. EPA Center for Corporate Climate Leadership, Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard, The Global GHG Accounting and Reporting Standard for the Financial Industry, Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials, Conversion factors 2022: full set (for advanced users), Greenhouse Gas Inventory Guidance: Indirect Emissions from Events and Conferences, ENERGY STAR Scope 3 Use of Sold Products Analysis Tool V1.2, Renewable Electricity Procurement on Behalf of Others: A Corporate Reporting Guide, Center for Corporate Climate Leadership Home, GHG Inventory Development Process & Guidance, Corporate GHG Inventorying and Target Setting Self-Assessment, Reporting Corporate Climate Risks and Opportunities, 4 (upstream transportation and distribution), 9 (downstream transportation and distribution), 12 (end-of-life treatment of sold products), The UK Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs provides well-to-tank (i.e., upstream) emission factors for fuel in the ". Planting, M. & Guo, J. Water withdrawal impact intensity differences are attributed to allocation methodology changes for the irrigation, mining, and industrial USGS water use categories. Report out, Q&A and closing. 23 is used for y. For the Scrap (S00401) commodity, the entirety of the production value is assigned to the Material separation/recovery facilities (562920) industry, under the assumption that these facilities are the ones responsible for recovering scrap during waste management. It is further assumed that the Hazardous waste collection, treatment, and disposal sector (562HAZ) collects all hazardous waste using specialized equipment. The Waste management and remediation services industry itself produces most of this commodity (83%). If heat content is available from the fuel supplier, it is preferable to use that value. Monthly Energy Review - 2014. (U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2016). The state data are summed to calculate national land use by animal type for pasture and grazed land. The same indicators used in v1.113 along with the three indicators (CNHW, CNHWC, CRHW) for waste generation8 are used in v2.0 (Table3). Emissions are assigned to industries based on the NAICS reported by each facility. Birney, C., Conner, M., Specht, J. 18. In contrast, in USEEIO v1.2, the comparable value added coefficients varied from ~0.51.5, because of a method to approximate 2016 value added from summary level data to pair with the 2007 Use table6 that led to a departure from this identity. Land use now differentiates urban and rural residential housing land by incorporating values from the Major Uses of Land report36. Commercial buildings energy consumption survey 2012. (U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2016). Article Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) Pollutant Loading Tool. U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development (ORD) (2021). An official website of the United States government. W.I. A similar effect can be seen in the increase in ETOX for Fresh vegetables, melons, and potatoes which is also driven by pesticides, where.lambda.-Cyhalothrin, Chlorothalonil, and Cyfluthrin contribute 27%, 22%, and 19%, respectively, to this impact. Edelen, A., Hottle, T., Cashman, S. & Ingwersen, W. The federal LCA commons elementary flow list: Background, approach, description and recommendations for use. Birney, C., Conner, M. & Ingwersen, W. National water withdrawal totals by industry 2015 v1.1. This paper presents a summary of the complete v2.0 model attributes and model creation with a focus on describing methodological updates since the publication of the original USEEIO methodology. (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2018). The consumption vector is defined in Eq. To view a copy of this license, visit Additionally, there are changes to methods of allocation. Impact of locational choices and consumer behaviors on personal land footprints: An exploration across the urban-rural continuum in USA. The three zeroes at the end of the BEA code for Waste management and remediation services indicate that it is at the 3-digit NAICS level. Ingwersen, W. & Yang, Y. USEEIO v1.1 - Matrices. PubMed These values can be found in the WasteDisaggaregation_Use sheet of the primary data record (in the rows labeled Use column sum). ISSN 2052-4463 (online). The environmental data inputs for an EEIO model are national totals of flows (physical movements of specific resources, emissions or employment) by industries. The model indicators quantitatively relate the environmental and economic flow data to an aggregate impact through the use of characterization factors. National emissions inventory 2017. (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2019). A rough estimate will suffice, but if that is not possible, then proceed to step 2 to estimate emissions. Results for these commodities should not be used for analytical purposes. The largest visible change in GHG intensity was seen in the electricity sector, with a nearly 2kg CO2e/$ decrease. Inventory of u.s. Greenhouse gas emissions and sinks: 19902016. All flows in these published datasets, except those from the commercial waste datasets which are waste flows and not elementary flows, were mapped to the FEDEFLv1.0.7. Water flows are equally allocated to all related 6-digit NAICS. EPA's GHG Emission Factors Hub provides factors for most scope 3 categories. We examine these differences by indicator in a series of grouped charts comparing v2.0 and v1.2 impact coefficients (N matrix) by sector and indicator67. Young, B. et al. The decrease is more notable in electricity and transportation sectors. Thank you for visiting In v2.0, Scrap is left in the model to simplify the accounting procedures, but we do not recommend use of multipliers generated from Scrap because of the lack of a clear material or functional characterization of this commodity. 157, 104795, (2020). Step 3: Improve and expand emissions estimate over time. JavaScript appears to be disabled on this computer. The approach used to disaggregate this sector provides 6-digit NAICS granularity, which is the most detailed NAICS designation given in the official classification. The organization may also be able to influence its suppliers or choose which vendors to contract with based on their practices. If fuel activity data are available, the fuel-based method should be used, so the factors presented in Tables 2 and 3 would be applicable. 2-6 digit 2012 NAICS Code File. In v1, the Scrap commodity was removed from the model following a methodology presented by BEA for deriving a total requirements matrix11. 44, 21262130, (2010). Emissions (carbon intensity) associated with fuel combustion. A series of coefficient matrices are provided that are products of combining more than one of the economic, physical flow, and indicator components. As described above, direct SMOG impacts have decreased substantially in these two sectors specifically. International Actions - The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. Ingwersen, W. AND M. Li. In v2.0, one of the BEA commodities is split into 7 further resolved (more specific) commodities (404+7=411). Many environmental and employment data sources are available to characterize US industries at the needed level of detail for more recent years. Environ. The Make table columns represent which commodities are produced by different industries. Use the Previous and Next buttons to navigate the slides or the slide controller buttons at the end to navigate through each slide. Licensing. The B or D matrices may be used for similar purposes but only include the direct impact or flow per USD. Overview of Access Formats/Outlets. Two such tools have been developed thus far: (1) A National Tool appropriate for federal agencies, trade associations, and non-governmental organizations needing an overall, big picture view of U.S. sustainability; and (2) an Organizational Tool that provides sustainability and procurement professionals with a the ability to produce targeted sustainability snapshots in support of their enterprises and organizations. For the Waste management and remediation services sector, additional data for the specific flows in the GHG satellite table was assigned using an input file, as specified in the WasteDisaggregation_Env sheet of the primary data record. The construction sectors, Single family homes, Other residential structures, and Housing, have all dropped significantly in the ranking, the latter two no longer appearing in the top 20. These footprints can be calculated by performing a model calculation as in Eqs. EEIO can be a powerful tool for analysing the relation between economic and environmental flows. 1. After waste management itself, the next 31 input sectors (out of 177) comprise 70% of intermediate inputs. However, revisions to mappings between SCC codes and sectors, and updates in data collection lead to some notable differences in sector emissions including: Increase in emissions for construction sectors. The national release estimates for pesticides were not updated in v2.0, where data on application for these chemicals to vegetables was from 2010. for industry i is prepared using Eq. 58% of the value of the original waste sector is allocated to the intersection of Hazardous waste treatment and disposal with itself, while the Hazardous waste treatment and disposal column contains 89% of the total value of the intersection disaggregation. Resour. Article Fedelemflowlist v1.0.8. They have been updated for 201756. Introduction [ edit] An official website of the United States government. Each demand vector was derived from the BEA Detail 2012 Use table. & A., P. M. Concepts and Methods of the U.S. Input-Output Accounts. (U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, 2009). 12, which is the weighted average of price adjustments in commodities that make up m (e.g. For the Oil and gas extraction (211000) commodity, the entirety of the production value is assigned to the Solid waste landfill (562212) industry, as it is assumed that this represents landfill gas production. National biennial hazardous waste report 2017. (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2018). L, the Leontief inverse, or the total requirements matrix, is obtained from A, using Eq. In some cases, an emissions estimate may be necessary to determine if the category is relevant based on size. EPA Home Science Inventory Supply Chain Greenhouse Gas Emission Factors for US Industries and Commodities. 1. 14. A model configuration file was first created to define all the model input data and characteristics. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Public Land Statistics 2007. The technical model name for the model described here is USEEIO v2.0.1411 following the USEEIO versioning scheme as of model finalization9, but it is referred to throughout simply as v2.0. Waste commodity consumption is concentrated within a few sectors, with 55% of the commodity consumed by the top five sectors. Nonpoint criteria and toxic air emissions are sourced from the 2017 Nonpoint, Nonroad, and Onroad NEI datasets28.

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