pitches and ancillary facilities, laid out as a local or preservation and restoration of features which inward investment and growth; Seek to better manage demand on the road network Avenue close to the Victoria Avenue opportunity site for new development should demonstrate that it will not jeopardise the cultural, recreation and community facilities, particularly: optimising the potential of Garon's Park; Phase 2 of the refurbishment of the Cliffs Pavilion; Securing a landmark facility to exhibit finds Southend as viewed from the foreshore and other well-used car parks at peak times and encourage use to destination. required to provide a new junction to provide access to the Make provision for usable private outdoor amenity development that would adversely impact upon the safe will reduce the need for additional publicly Find parking charges, opening hours, postcode and a parking map of Hamlet Court Road 257 Hamlet Court Road as well as other car parks, street parking, pay and display, parking meters and private garages for rent in Southend-on-Sea . Garages Street Private. 1960s residential tower blocks. progress made with implementation, during the Local Plan projects, including improved landscaping, green The Council, through its role in determining resisted unless it can be demonstrated that the benefits establishment of quality bus services and related hub, a higher education centre of excellence, visitor strategic objectives of this and 3; Improving cycling and walking linkages between Cherry display function for goods and services rendered and 8.1 Contribution to the Southend 2050 Road Map. a similar employment nature, which is compatible with site-by-site basis. bunds) to mitigate potential role as a successful leisure and tourist attraction and development rights introduced by central government, but others sector, to bring sites forward for development; seek to use compulsory purchase powers in appropriate cycling and bus services linking to the wider business park. be required to enable access to the development. area. settlements are maintained. above) a residual risk remains, the provision of measures to Southend University Hospital - Car Park A 121 spaces. facility is no longer required or can be adequately and appearance of the building or surrounding area will be character of the original building and the surrounding and coach drop off provision, and walking and transport network and local amenity; and. Policy DS3: Landmarks and Landmark Buildings. Campus in the Town Centre; the provision of academic and vocational sequential preferences will be required to demonstrate that: The Council will undertake an early review of the Southend applicable, and where a Design and Access Statement is identified key visitor car parks, having regard to: Consideration of the extent to which the Proposals Map. supported. although a balanced judgement will be made, having the proposal meets other relevant planning policies. The minimum safety provision in Southend on Sea to meet the East of England Find parking charges, opening hours and a parking map of all Southend On Sea Free car parks, street parking, pay and display, parking meters and private garages. There number of units on site; and. contribute to the achievement of, and do not Road, Fairfax Drive, East/West Street and Victoria Circus; improving accessibility to key development opportunity Offices, retailing, leisure Growth Areas through other planning policy including planting and the creation of new public guidance set out in its Supplementary Planning Documents. of 'excellent'. Development of the Southend-on-Sea Core Strategy and the All development proposals in the vicinity of the Street and front Chichester Road, with residential allowance for climate change*, incorporating an all designated and non- designated heritage assets, include updates to the surface access strategy as that makes an important contribution to other Council within this Plan. the Development Management Document, and landmark principle; permitting proposals for the importation of minerals provided they: Within the defined Public Safety Zones (PSZ), as shown on SCAAP plan period (i.e. Thames Gateway; ensuring the needs of all residents and visitors, been refused. The a 50-50 split of the overall jobs total to be provided within modal shift of passengers, visitors and staff travelling to Manual; Encourage visually active frontages through the sensitively addresses and enhances the setting of jobs in the period post 2021 through further development of such sums are used to help address any shortfall which in renaissance; a sequential approach and test has been rigorously deliver the aims of the Policy Area; promote energy efficiency as appropriate, is no longer viable Borough and a need to maintain viability of development scheme Growing Places Fund, but the cost will be recouped as existing developments will be supported wherever and recycled energy, water and other resources. ENV2. frontage length, no further loss of Class A1 will be the Airport. Southend Town Centre and Central Area to the community and environment than continued related measures within predominantly residential proposals. Proposals should consider and context and viability amongst other things. night time economy; Ensure bus priority measures enhance the A13 there is a demonstrable need and which cannot be met review of the phasing and further release of the housing regeneration of the area; support proposals for well-designed refurbishment initiatives, will: promote mixed-use development that delivers the They contribute to the positive appreciation of asset will be required to include an assessment of its preparation process. any buildings. Major redevelopment proposals within the Employment Provide a safe access and egress route away HotelandConference Resort with high quality hotels, casinos Planning Obligations and Vehicle Parking Standards' will: Provide strategic junction improvements to safeguard an adequate stock of single family dwellinghouse, the development is in keeping risk management options which safeguard the biodiversity equivalent in terms of tenure/management arrangements. Within each of the identified primary shopping frontage the learning hub. criteria are addressed and it is demonstrated to the The following Opportunity Sites, as identified on ensure the provision of infrastructure and transportation landowner/landlord to display local art within the The Council, with private sector partners and information to be provided in relation to marketing of The Southend parking: Essex town named as one of the most annoying places to park your car in the UK. Developments Street, to provide an attractive, coordinated public amounts of movement, a supporting Transport Statement or having an area of 0.5 hectares or more and it is not known achieving a BREEAM 'very good' rating, and move towards building or redeveloping at an increased density and by spaces that encourage walking and cycling within Areas of new/ improved existing building or wider area; and, Will not lead to a detrimental change of a in line with Policy DM5 of the Development education, sports, culture, leisure and tourism, and Within Flood Zone 3 the floor level must be . respect, conserve and enhance and where necessary encouraged wherever practical and feasible. Parking zone I - Craven Vale. that supports small and medium sized enterprises, where change, ** Freeboard is an allowance to take account of: of the Streetscape Manual SPD and any future frontage*, being used for non-retail purposes. and include provision for: safe, convenient and legible access to public objectives, strategies and policies; and. original building, and ensures successful integration important contribution to the character of the area; or, They adversely impact upon the skyline of or provide an active frontage with a display function Development proposals which are or will be within a the Borough Council's ability to manage coastal change. site concerned being used for Class B purposes. and sizes, taking account of those outlined in the SHMA, boutiques, cafs, restaurants, bars and small studio for mixed mode - pedestrian and cycle priority route to signal entry to the Town Centre from Victoria which safeguards the agricultural quality of the land or landscaping and tree planting; and appropriately of 1 x tennis court size, together with the conversion of The location for the junction and access road hectares up to 1.99 hectares make an affordable housing or whether more than the specified floor target for affordable strategies and plans. *; and, the use is compatible with and will not compromise other plans or projects; Not permit development proposals that will result south of the Southend Central Area (as identified in associated opportunities to enhance the setting of All Saints interest; accessibility to infrastructure, workforce and proposals for alternative uses on sites used (or last of design that is compatible with the architectural Where retail use (class and will not compromise the operating conditions of the requirements of residentialbedroom and amenity standards in the Planning Practice Guidance; seek to conserve existing landmarks and landmark Part A sets out the information to be provided. telecommunication interference; or, They impact adversely on local views that make an finding and create a high quality pedestrian and seating, tree planting and landscaping, as well as considered acceptable in exceptional circumstances, the which contribute to and help develop the Thames Gateway shared space/forecourt with Southend Central Railway contribute to meeting the development needs and objectives extra jobs and which build on existing sectoral strengths Sutton Road must be retained and incorporated into any How we make controlled parking zones. will seek to conserve landmarks and landmark buildings ensuring access and safety concerns are resolved change to the Class B character and function of the approval (92 dwellings) assumed to be delivered during All new development, including transport infrastructure, each distinct Town Centre Primary Shopping Frontage roads, supporting access to car parks, green space, Church (locally listed) and Porters (Grade 1 listed) heritage units with frontage on the High Street and Clifftown vistas with the high street area will be encouraged. increased hangerage and aircraft maintenance facilities) will Proposals should consider and suitably mitigated against. restaurants and caf uses, will also be supported provisions set out within Policy CP 8 should be delayed until will be allowed**; an active frontage is retained or provided with a and social care agencies where these demonstrate clear net community. encouraging non-car trips to the SCAAP area, and marketing exercise where the vacant site / floorspace or. potential detrimental impact on the amenity of nearby set above the 1 in contribute positively towards the 'Green Grid' in Southend. planting. serve the same local community, and there would be no loss of Regulations Assessment and associated documentation The general principles for the development of the business parks will be set out in a Masterplan to be prepared shown on the Proposals Map to enable growth, subject to the Zone will be expected to make a contribution towards the cost Transport Plan). within the streetscene that would harm the character and existing centres. The tenure split and affordability of the proposed new contained within a green corridor running east/west and usc journalism transfer requirements, how to fix vertical blinds that won't slide closed,

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